
I am new to this as I explained in previous thread.

i am creating a tilt sensor as a project.

I have a board that has two accelerometers on it. The accelerometers are fed into my pic18F242 microcontroller. I want the microcontroller to spit out what the accelerometer reading is in digital format so i can read it via hyperterminal on my computer.

If that works i will feed the accelerometer data to an RF device and do it remotely but i have to see if i get data from microcontroller first.

Does this program look like it will work?

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DEFINE ADC_BITS 10 ' Set number of bits in result
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (3=rc)
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 15 ' Set sampling time in uS

tx var portB.0
rx var portA.0
n9600 con 16468

adcVar VAR word[4] ' Create variable to store results
channel var byte
byteVar var byte[4]
inByte var byte

' set Sleep pin high:

' Set PORTA to all input
TRISA = %11111111

' Set up ADCON1:
' All are analog inputs
ADCON1 = %10000000

' read all channels of the accelerometer:
for channel = 0 to 3 ' read the two accelerometers from pin 0 - 3
ADCIN channel, adcVar[channel]
' convert to a byte:
byteVar[channel] = adcVar[channel] /4
pause 1

' send results out the serial port:
serout2 tx, n9600, [byteVar[0],byteVar[1],byteVar[2], byteVar[3]]
GoTo main

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