
I've been working on a project that looks at an incoming pulse which is a 50% duty cycle and varying between 0 to 400hz.

This project is using the instant interrupts routines to do all its work.

The pic basically needs to invert the incoming pulse and put it back out of a port, however, If theres no incoming pulse for around 1.5 or more seconds, then the pic needs to generate approx 15 Hz on the same output port, until the incoming pulse is restored, then it will output the inverted incoming pulse back on the output.

On the scope it seems to work upto about 2kHz which is more than enough speed for my purpose.

Anyway here is my code, any comments or suggestions are welcome (sorry about the formatting, it did look ok in MPLAB)

'  	Pulse Monitor
'  	PIC16F628A @ 4mhz
'	Input Signal Port B.3
'	Output Signal Port B.5

INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts

CMCON = 7						' set portA to digital
TRISA = %00100000				' Port A all output but MCLR
TRISB = %00001000				' Port B all output but 3 (CCP)
T1CON = %00110000				' Set Timer 1, Off and 1/8 prescale (fire every 520ms)
T2CON = %00000011				' Set Timer 2, Off and 1/16 prescae (fire every 4ms)
Symbol  Capture = PIR1.2 		' CCP1 capture flag
T1count		VAR BYTE			' Timer 1 count (1 count = 0.52 sec)
i			VAR BYTE			' i is the incrementer for the pulse generator

INT_LIST  macro    	 ; IntSource,   Label,  	Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler	   CCP1_INT,  _gotpulse,	PBP, 	yes
		INT_Handler    TMR1_INT,  _nospeed,		PBP,  	yes
		INT_Handler    TMR2_INT,  _generate,   	PBP,  	yes
    INT_CREATE               	; Creates the interrupt processor

    INT_ENABLE   TMR1_INT     	; enable timer1 interrupts (CCP timer)
	INT_ENABLE 	 CCP1_INT	  	; enable CCP port change interrupt
	INT_DISABLE  TMR2_INT     	; enable timer2 interrupts (pulse generator)

	Low portb.5					' start with Portb.5 low
	T1count = 0					' set variable	
	i		= 0					' set variable

    CCP1CON = %00000100  		' Capture mode, capture on falling
    T1CON.0 = 1          		' Turn TMR1 on here

	pauseus 20
    GOTO MainLoop


'---[CCP1 - interrupt handler - We got an input Pulse] ---------------------------------


		If CCP1CON.0 = 0 then			' if we captured a falling edge, switch to rising edge
		CCP1CON.0 = 1
		if CCP1CON.0 = 1 then			' if we captured a rising edge, switch to a falling edge
		CCP1CON.0 = 0

		Portb.5 = Portb.3 ^ $0F			' Output PortB.5 = inverted state of Portb.3

		TMR1H = 0            			' Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
    	TMR1L = 0            			' Clear low byte
		@ INT_DISABLE  TMR2_INT     	' disable timer0 interrupts (pulse generator)
	    T2CON = %00000011				' Set Timer 2 Off prescale 1/16


'---[TMR1 - interrupt handler - Called when CCP Timer Overflows @ 520ms] ---------------

	 T1count = T1count + 1				' increment every 520ms

	 If T1count >= 3 then				' no pulses for 1560ms, start generating them
	 T2CON = %00000111					' Set Timer 2 prescale 1/16 and on
	 Low portb.5						' start with portb.5 low
	 @ INT_ENABLE  TMR2_INT    			' enables timer0 interrupts (TMR0 fires on Overflow)
	 T1count = 0						' reset the TMR1 count
	 TMR1H = 0            				' Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
     TMR1L = 0            				' Clear low byte



'---[TMR2 - interrupt handler - This will fire every 4ms]----------------------------------
' send a 20ms pulse every  (12 *4ms) 48ms, gives a frequency of ~ 15hz

i = i + 1								' increment tmr2 count

if i => 12 then							' equal to or more than 12, send a pulse
pulsout portb.5,2000					' 20ms pulse out
i = 0									' wait another 12+ cycles