I kinda received a rather sad message from a new user earlier, who said that as an inexperienced beginner they were afraid to post on the forum for fear of being riddiculed or getting abrupt or sarcastic replies from some of our more experienced contributors. I suddenly realised that I've been guilty of being a bit sharp at times, and it also puts into perspective too that some of our visitors don't have English as their primary language and can't get decent SEARCH results because they can't spell accurately in order to bring meaningful results.

So it's really a reminder for everyone to be nice to new posters to the forum, the beginners, the technically inept (even though you secretly know they've chosen the wrong hobby) and especially those that keep picking the soldering iron up by the wrong end. I'll try not to delete the Adverts for Medi-Plasters and Burn-Eze, just the one's for Viagra as I know that it's dangerous to solder with a hard-.... OK you guys know what I mean!