Can It Be this SIMPLE? (the Off-Topic continuation)

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  1. #1
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    Default Can It Be this SIMPLE? (the Off-Topic continuation)

    OK I have a Childs Electric Powered GO KART, ( Peg-Perego / Power Wheels type thing ) that I'm doing a
    REBUILD / HOP-UP on for my 3 year old nephew. The thing came with a single 6 Volt battery and runs
    forward by pressing a button on the steering wheel. I'm adding NOS / Turbo by installing a second
    6 Volt battery in series. ( Insane I know but see this site ).
    Also Wired in a switch for a powered reverse.
    ( see MY circuit and explanation at )

    Anyway I'm posting here with a question about some code I just hacked out to controle a
    6 Volt ONLY "Soft Start" so the little one can't hold down the "NOS / Tutbo" button and step
    on the "GAS Pedal" & end up launching form a dead stop to 12 Volts in an instant.
    On the matter of 12 Volts burning up the motor, word is that most of these motors are 18 Volts.

    My thought is to use a PIC12F675 to check voltage at the motor & if it's 6 or 12 volts
    then it's OK for the "Go Faster" button to be pressed, the PIC needs to do nothing
    except loop back to check again. BUT, if the motor voltage is 0 (zero) then the thing
    is standing at a stop and if the Go Fast button is pressed when the gas pedal is pressed
    I want to use a relay to disable the 12 Volts for some period of time, and allow the thing to
    start at 6 Volts then release the relay and apply the full 12 Volts

    Now ASSUMING that I have all my registers set properly and constants and variables
    declaired, is the CODE as SIMPLE as this or have I COMPLEATLY missed it?
    	ADCIN 0, Motor_Volts
    	If Motor_Volts > 0 THEN start 	' do nothing as SOME voltage exist at the motor
    					' and we really don't care if the voltage goes from 
    					' 6V+ to 12V+, that is what it is intended to do
    		IF Motor_Volts = 0 THEN Delay_12V
    	GOTO start			' do we NEED this statement?
    	Motor_V2 = Motor_Volts
    	WHILE Motor_V2 = 0		' as long as the motor voltage is at zero volts
    					' we want to engage the RELAY which disables
    	HIGH 12Volt_Cancel_Relay_OutPin	' 12 Volts from getting to the motor so we do not
    					' have a HARD start from zero directly to 12 Volts
    	ADCIN 0, Motor_V2
            PAUSE 3000
    	LOW 12Volt_Cancel_Relay_OutPin
    	GOTO start

  2. #2
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    First of all others,

    It is very difficult to get 0 volt on the motor.

    It might be done by short-circuit on the motor terminals but it is not safe for the motor. The motor life will be shorther then the life of a butterfly.

    A powerfull resistor on terminals could be useful but again you will not get zero volt.

    You may want to adjust that part a little by experimenting.

    Word History: Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was thought to steal butter? It is hard to imagine that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement or believed the insect capable of such theft. The first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly was boterschijte. The second is based on an old belief that the butterfly was really a larcenous witch in disguise.
    How about that?
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

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    Wear a safety helmet!

    With a full-face helmet or an helmet + protective chin cup
    you will also provide protection to teeth.

    Be careful!

    Here the button "Go Faster" under the table was pressed!

    * * *
    What about using the PWM of the PIC?

    Versatile DC Motor PWM Speed Controller:
    (This example does not use a PIC to generate the PWM).

    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    By using the PWM of the PIC you can set the right speed for the
    child using the toy. (Next year you can set an higher speed).

    This is done by changing the PWM duty cycle. By changing PWM duty
    cycle you can set the motor to any speed and therefore create any
    personalized acceleration curve.

    (You will need a PIC with hardware PWM).

    Best regards,


  4. #4
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    If I was a three-year-old, I'd want to experience the joys of burning rubber from a standing start... pass the 24v truck batteries... (then they can grow up and build drag-racers)...

    Why bother with a PIC with the associated problems of Power Supply and Motor noise etc etc? Just a time-delay relay that enables operation of the turbo button a few seconds after power has been applied.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    ..... experience the joys of burning rubber from a standing start...
    I am not sure she would agree with you....


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    ... (then they can grow up and build drag-racers)....
    Why wait to grow up?

    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  7. #7
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    Default Long Reply

    First, do I even want to know what someone was doing “Going Faster under the Table” ?
    Secondly, thanks for those links, I wonder If I could getaway with placing TWO
    Variable Resistors in the circuit and using a relay triggered by the “Turbo” button to
    switch between them? I’ll have to look into that as a possible solution.

    “Next year you can set an higher speed.”
    Good Idea if I could expect this thing to last a year. See the section of my reply to Melanie regarding PLASTIC.
    While I was out earlier today I stoped at a GoodWill Store and found the kids NEXT ride “Barbie” QuadRider,
    ( Almost Brand NEW, No battery charger, no big deal. ) $10.00 (USD) amazing what people here “throw out”.
    YEA “Barbie”(purple, pink & white) a few cans of spray paint will take care of THAT foolishness. 8-)
    TWO 12 Volt motors on this thing, one on each rear wheel.
    Compared to the GO Kart it’s a MONSTROUSLY large thing.
    Neighborhood kids on foot and small animals will need to LOOK OUT ! ! !

    “If I was a three-year-old, I'd want to experience the joys of burning rubber from a standing start...”
    Yea me too, but that’s real BAD on the PLASTIC Gearbox, as a matter of fact except for the motor, batteries,
    axels and a few bits for steering linkage, the WHOLE DARN THING is plastic, Even the hollow wheels.
    I’m glad I’m NOT the one who paid close to $200.00 USD retail for it. Someone lost the original battery
    charger and chucked it into the Salvation Army donation box. I paid $8.00 for the thing.

    If he were MY kid instead of my Sister’s he would have been real bored with this thing by three years
    old because I would have started him on it at 6 months, 8 months at the outside.
    He would be racing GAS (Petrol) powered Go-Carts by NOW.

    “Why bother with a PIC with the associated problems of Power Supply and Motor noise etc etc?”
    Why bother with a PIC? I’ve got them in the parts bin collecting dust. I guess the REAL answer to that
    one is my personal PicBasic experience / educ-tainment, (education + entrtainment) something I want to
    have the experience of “under my belt / in my bag of tricks”.

    “Just a time-delay relay that enables operation of the turbo button a few seconds after power has been applied.”
    The kid needs to learn the difference in speeds first hand, I believe he already has some concept of the fact that he
    can’t drive “Flat Out / Wide Open” all the time from he and his Dad playing with slotcars & NASCAR Videogames.

    Although I have NO doubt that this thing will spend 90% or more of it’s running time in 12 volt
    “Turbo Mode” If a time delay relay is used then there is no driver control over which speed he is going.
    Also if you look at the schematic notes I posted the circuit as it stands right now has a “Parental Override”,
    a 12 Volt lockout, probably nothing more than a key switch scavenged from an OLD PC Case, wired in series
    with the “Turbo” button in the event his parents feel the 12 Volts is too fast for the kid to have access to from the beginning.

    I hope you were thinking something along the lines of a NE555 as a timer for that Time Delay Relay,
    I haven’t looked HARD, but when I look at Digikey those things are in the $100.00 and up range

    This is a LOW BUDGET project,
    ( Prices listed in USD)
    Vehicle = $08.00 Salavtion Army Store
    Batteries = $05.00 (each) 2 x 12 Volt 12 Ah local Electronics Surplus Store
    PIC = $02.00 Had on hand in the parts bins
    Relays = $??.?? Had on hand from YEARS ago when local parts retailer closed
    Car Wash = $01.75 DIY Carwash High Pressure stuff, had to blast off the cobwebs & crud
    Battery Charger = $??.?? Had a box of power supplies & high current wall warts on hand.
    Wire & Switches = $??.?? Had on hand 10 & 12 AWG wire and switches left over from another project

    Look on the kids face when he’s ripping down the driveway and finds the Turbo, = PRICELESS ! ! !

    My Brother in Law and I have TALKED about adding RC Controls to one of the full sized
    Power Wheels JEEP and sticking the kid in that so we can steer him where we want him to
    go instead of where he wants to go. Don’t know if that will ever happen but I’m keeping my
    eyes open for a free or cheap JEEP in good condition.

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    When I meant a Time-Delay Relay on the turbo switch, I meant that the Relay contacts were is SERIES with the switch and not in parallel with it. i.e., until the Relay threw, the turbo switch was out of circuit. Only AFTER the Relay closed, only then the turbo switch could be pressed if desired.

    This way, the Time-Delay Relay is simply connected across the Motor, so when power is applied to the motor, the Relay then times and then after a preset time period closes it's contact enabling the turbo button if so desired. If you take power off the motor, the Relay drops out ready for a new timing cycle.

    A couple of transistors, a Capacitor and a splattering of Resistors and you've got your circuit for about $1, no PIC, no software, and pretty much supply voltage independant with no worries about having to generate a clean 5v supply for the PIC.

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    Thanks for explaining what you meant. My first reaction was to ask for a schematic,
    but I want to stir some brain cells and actually THINK about what it is you are describing.
    (Amazingly Sad how rusty I am on this stuff these days, if you don’t use it you LOSE it.)
    I’ll have to sit down with pen & paper to see what I come up with before I come BEGGING
    and have to bother you for a schematic. 8-)


  10. #10
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    Look, behind you.

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    Cool O K Dad

    When my Daughter was about that age I bought her a Suzuki JR50 motorcycle which she rode exactly once. Too much power and she bailed off never to ride again. So here's a suggestion: install a 1/4 inch headphone jack on the rear of this vehicle, break the power connection and wire it through the jack. the plug that mates gets a string attached to Dad or Grandpa. short the inner to the outer conductor of the plug. when it's plugged in he has power, if it gets away from him, the plug pulls out and it stops. You could get creative and use a shorting type jack so instead of stopping it switches to low power. I doubt
    Dale Earnhart JR's. first ride was souped up very much.

    RULE 1, SAFETY FIRST (Especially with kids)
    RULE 2. Go back to rule 1

  11. #11
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    Lightbulb a little idea

    Hi, Joe

    I see something ... a DC motor Torque is a major function of the drawn current ...

    soooo, limiting the Max current is a fair way to achieve your goal.

    Now how ??? ... Mosfets have an internal ON resistance ... so, using PWM, just measure the D to S voltage, during the ON state ( 100% will also work ...), exactly as with a shunt ...
    A simple comparator will short the gate voltage to ground if overcurrent... and allow to easily trim the limit.

    That's what used on Power speed regulators for Electric models ...

    now, you DO NOT have PWM aboard ... so, just sample D/S Voltage , say @ 500 hz to 3 KHz ( match to the motor ). Limitation will then be smooth enough.

    Using a PIC to slowly automatically increase the PWM rate will add the soft start function ... and you've what you want


    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    If I was a three-year-old, I'd want to experience the joys of burning rubber from a standing start... pass the 24v truck batteries... .

    My daughters 3 and a 1/2, her charger recently died, so I just swapped out the 6v batter for a 12v 17amphr one from a portable car starter, she's soon learned best way to set off is to stand up on it and lean forward........

    she be in moto cross in a few years time I'm sure!

  13. #13
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    Default the kid’s NEW ( Next Year's) Ride tested

    Well, I dropped a 12V 12Ah Gel Cell into that “Barbie” QuadRider thing.
    While testing for broken wires, switches or stripped gearboxes I precariously
    balanced about 170 lbs. (ME) on the seat and pressed the switch.
    The thing MOVED, only a couple of feet, didn’t want to over tax things.

    (So if you are in need of motor / gearbox with a TON of torque, you now know where to look.)

    If Gas (Petrol) prices keep going up (* See note below), I may park the van
    and drive this thing to work. I’ll just have to leave a WHOLE LOT EARLIER ! 8-)

    Gas Prices: Yea I know people in other parts of the world have it a lot worse than
    we do in the states, my Gas costs 2.75 ~ 3.00 a Gallon I just have to complain a little
    because I remember when I started driving (back when you had to wait for a Dinosaur
    to die and decay before you could Fill Up) Gas was 0.57 a Gallon.

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    Stop moaning! I fueled this morning and the UK price works out at about US$7.90 a gallon (based on 94p/litre for unleaded and US$1.85 to the pound Sterling). It's dropped a little, beginning of last week it was closer to $8.40.

    Actually, since we've got an international audience, let's have a little survey, can we get a few folks posting what today's price for unleaded and diesel is in your country?

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    US$7.90 to $8.40a gallon, OUCH !

    But doesn’t YOUR daily driver require HIGH OCTANE AVIATION Fuel ?

    Mel's erand runner, Daily Driver
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    Stop moaning! I fueled this morning and the UK price works out at about US$7.90 a gallon (based on 94p/litre for unleaded and US$1.85 to the pound Sterling). It's dropped a little, beginning of last week it was closer to $8.40.

    Actually, since we've got an international audience, let's have a little survey, can we get a few folks posting what today's price for unleaded and diesel is in your country?

    91 Octane Unleaded : US$2.60/liter (101 Octane US$2.70/liter)
    Diesel : US$1.38/liter

    What about BigMac prices?
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  17. #17
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    Wink Big Mac .... What is Big Mac ??? a new scotch Whisky ???

    In France , these days, 88 unleaded is ~ 1.65 US$ and 98 UL 1.7 US$

    Diesel ??? who's that's for ???

    I thought Big Macs were obtained from raw oil ... as Coca-Cola !!!

    Sure, their prices raise ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  18. #18

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    I've seen these gas price threads before, and while interesting, its useless to compare them like for like on 1 item, so what about a TOTAL in $ for the following....

    I suggest the following items for this comparison and submit my accurate guestimated figures...

    $08.50 1 gallon of gas (100P PER GAL)

    $11.00 1 bigmac meal

    $02.30 3 ltrs of economy store ice cream (walmart asda, 39p per ltr)

    $06.94 1 'nice' 14 inch deep pan (supermarket) (walmart asda 3.68)

    $88.00 200gb HD (7200 8mb samsung or equiv) (svp 47ukp)

    $10.00 A cheap pair of jeans.... (walmart asda, 5)

    Total for this is $126.74

    Now what can I expect for a an average joe job like a bus driver?

    about 200 in your pocket a week or $370

    I dont expect others to be able to guess their housing costs etc, but I spend about $25 a week on fuel costs (ie heating+electricity) and an average rent is about $130 for a small house in the outer green bits, or for a small room in a large city.

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    ... and you expect us to guess where you live?
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

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    Also, if something stupid happens in Middle East, we will see more of these in streets and highways.

    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

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    From "my" Bank:

    Prices and Earnings

    Best regards,


  22. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by sayzer

    ... and you expect us to guess where you live?


  23. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luciano

    From "my" Bank:

    Prices and Earnings

    Best regards,


    Now thats a definitive answer, but I dont know if its right........

    It puts a big circle over all of europe as though its all the same and country to country its a real see saw.

    My house (mine! I rent) is worth about 120,000 but I can buy the same in bulgaria for about 16,000.

    Our wages are higher than poland, hence I live in a city where a year ago I would not have see anyone from poland, now I drive around and pass about 10 polish cars a day full of our countries new labor force (if you want to work for less than the minimum wage...) (Oh and all our taxi's are now becoming turkish driven, but thats because they will pay more to rent the car because they can give up more of their income)


    I'd just like to add I'm not knocking others, its just an economic statement, of a situation created by our loving leaders foreign policy on european freedoms....(but I cant go work in poland, as I could not afford it.(But I know where to go for an holiday if I want to be treat well for a week at the cost of a dayout over here!)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    Stop moaning! I fueled this morning and the UK price works out at about US$7.90 a gallon (based on 94p/litre for unleaded and US$1.85 to the pound Sterling). It's dropped a little, beginning of last week it was closer to $8.40.

    Actually, since we've got an international audience, let's have a little survey, can we get a few folks posting what today's price for unleaded and diesel is in your country?
    Kingston, Ontario

    Regular Gas US$ .85.6 - .90.2 per litre
    Diesel US$ .83.8 - .88.3 per litre

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by f_lez
    ... Our wages are higher than poland, hence I live in a city where a year ago I would not have see anyone from poland, now I drive around and pass about 10 polish cars a day full of our countries new labor force (if you want to work for less than the minimum wage...) (Oh and all our taxi's are now becoming turkish driven, but thats because they will pay more to rent the car because they can give up more of their income)...

    In 1970s, Germany needed cheap labor force due to Dutch people who did not want to do dirty jobs. Thus, doors were wide opened to Turkish workers mostly from east part and mostly from villages in which mostly the people had no education at all.

    Those Turkish workers did do dirty jobs for Dutch people for years, and Dutch people treated them with almost no respect as if Turkish workers were not even human.

    However, as the years passed by, many Turkish workers became business owners in Germany, established successful companies in years, even had brand recognitions, and hired Dutch people to do professional jobs for them as well as dirty jobs.

    Now, in connection with the comment above, I would like to state an old Turkish saying.
    “One experience is more valuable then one thousand advices”.

    So, pls take this old saying into consideration.
    Those Polish people you see around may become your boss in a few years. Keep good relations with them.

    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  26. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by sayzer
    So, pls take this old saying into consideration.
    Those Polish people you see around may become your boss in a few years. Keep good relations with them.

    My sons last boss _was_ polish! (a cardboard factory)

    Well I dont know if thats a real old saying but its makes sense etc, butI do know that amongst the taxi drivers in our city a few eyebrows are being raised because its upsetting the economy of it ('the job')

    Our area has a restriction on the number of taxi's, currently 158(app), if you want one, you have to ask someone who has one to sell you the licence, even though they are not transferable, a workaround for that is you give him the money, he makes you his partner, then he retires, ergo your the only partner the licence is yours.

    If you cant afford to do that, you can 'rent', IE work for the licence owner and pay him out of your takings, current rent about 160ukp p week on earnings of about 500. subtract other expenses you take home about 200-250 ukp per week - so an average wage

    The influx of labor has ment that they want in on this job,and are willingly paying rent of 250ukp per week!

    Maybe they think that was the going rate, but as you can see its caused licence owners to /all/ want 250ukp p week or hit the road!

    Some older drivers just wont pay the newer inflated rate, so are being forced out of a job, most who have done it for the last 20 years, and wont get work anywhere else!

    Another sour point is to be a driver you have to have a police check to say you are not a mass murderer / child molester etc.

    If I was checked tomorrow the check would go back at least 10 years, if I was in this country a year, the check would only go back a year..........

    Makes no difference on nationality, you can kill 5 children in your country, get out of jail, and come to england and work on the school bus.........

    Now can you see its not a race thing that some of us are annoyed at, its the procedures that our leaders put us through but not others.....

    I wont go on about this anymore its got really off topic!

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    Hi f_lez,

    What's that?

    Best regards,


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    Well this thread certainly took a STRANGE turn. It started off with my asking if a piece
    of PBP code I posted was correct / viable, I got a couple of replies that hinted the
    code might be workable with slight modifications. Some people suggested the use
    of other methods to obtain the required results I was looking for, easier, cheaper,
    less complex, all well and good, THANKS.

    Then I made the mistake (?) of shooting off my mouth about the price of GAS (Petrol)
    and THAT initiated a survey on “transportation fuel cost” (Gas / Petrol per Gal. / Liter)
    which in turn appears to have sparked a Geo-Political / Economic discussion among some.

    Going back to the TRANSPORTATION issue, SOME peoples perceptions / beliefs in the USA,
    are that the slow progression of alternate fuel vehicles is in most part due to the Oil Companies
    grip on the political infrastructure here. Those companies have a stake in keeping people
    dependent on Crude Oil due to their not having developed much in the way of alternative
    energy sources. I just heard the other day that Brazil had obtained their goal
    of becoming transportation energy self sufficient.
    ( )

    What is the “alternate energy & transportation” status where you are?
    Alternate Fuel, Solar / Solar Electric, Gas (Petrol) / Electric, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, etc, . . .
    Don’t forget to tell where you are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_Lynch
    ...which in turn appears to have sparked a Geo-Political / Economic discussion among some.

    Going back to the TRANSPORTATION issue, SOME peoples perceptions / beliefs in the USA,are that the slow progression of alternate fuel vehicles is....

    Welcome to among "some" Mike_Lynch!
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

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    Sugar Cane in Brazil = Uncontrolled Deforestation

    * * *

    In Italy we just use small cars.


    Best regards,


  31. #31
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    Wink Humour ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Luciano

    In Italy we just use small cars.


    Best regards,

    Hi, Luciano

    For once, I do not agree with you ...

    The real problem is ...

    - must a "Fiat Punto " reach 150 km/h and beat the 1/4 mile record ???

    - must we use use an electric tool instead of a manual one ???

    - must we Posess the last 4Ghz PC to write mails ???

    - must we use a PIC when a couple of transistors are far enough ???

    .... and so on ...

    Back to this Topic ...

    - is it REALLY necessary to have a faster toy than our neighbour ???

    Humour ....

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  32. #32
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    Default Must we have . . .

    Must we have Green & Purple Hair?

    Must we have tongue, lip, eyebrow & assorted other body parts pierced?

    Must we have a Million dollar house in a 250 Thousand dollar neighborhood?

    Must we have 2 BMWs and a Hummer in a Ford, Chrysler / Dodge, GM / Chevrolet,
    Volkswagen, Nissan, Toyota Neighborhood?

    A Riding lawnmower on a ¼ acre lot?

    (Yea, I could go on quite a way too . . . )

    “is it REALLY necessary to have a faster toy than our neighbor ???”

    Obviously, the answer to all the above is NO.

    However I believe it all comes from our desire to stand out from the crowd,
    and announce our individuality. Just remember if you do the same thing as
    so many others, then you don’t really stand out, you become another member
    of that group.

    BTW my fastest PC is a 900 Mhz P3, I still use a P2 as a router / gateway and
    my cell phone is still
    #%^'' %$@# (sorry for the static, I'm breaking up)
    ANALOG . . . They Work.

    THESE are just observations, no harm / no fowl intended or taken.

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    Wink Just a forgotten one ...

    may we call ourselves ... responsible ???

    heuuuuu ....

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  34. #34
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    The answer to all of that Alain is No... but...

    There's only one of me, yet I own two cars, one is a small car, the other a large gas-guzzling 4x4 Diesel. If I could get one for a sensible price (instead of the riddiculous prices dealers charge), I'd probably buy a Hummer just because I'd be the only kid on the block with one (the other problem with the Hummer is that Americans have forgotten how to make cars and their build quality is attrocious - GM take notice if you read this forum!).

    Which car I chose to drive depends on my mood and where I'm going. If around town I might take the small car, or I just might take the 4x4 because manufacturers spend millions on designing fenders which I consider an under-utilised accessory, and I've found they're great for creating gaps in parking where none previously existed provided there's enough horsepower behind them.

    Why should I, as an individual, be asked to economise on energy and minimise pollution when more than half the world doesn't care?

    I do my bit... I turn the lights off in the Bedroom when I go to bed (saving 200W), but I keep the air-con running (burning 3kW) because I want to be comfortable. I junked the 28" (300W) widescreen, for a 32" (100W) LCD - saving 200W, a good move but offset by the fact that manufacturing the LCD produced three times as much greenhouse gasses than the glass tubed one.

    Do you consciously buy product A because it's 'greener' than product B although it's inferior? Let's get real. I don't want to drive a 'Smart' or today's FIAT 500 or Citroen 2CV equivallent.

    When at the end of my days my Grandchildren ask (no, I'm not married and have no children as yet - this is hypotheical) "Grandma what did you do when you were younger?", I want to tell them that "I drove up down motorways at 140mph, burnt fuel at 11/gallon in sound-proofed air-conditioned comfort whilst listening to my favourite music at 110dB". I want to tell them that I was a CONSUMER, I worked hard and in turn made my life comfortable.

  35. #35
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    Wink Really ???

    Hi, Mel

    " I want to tell them .... I worked hard and in turn made my life comfortable. "

    That's not - exactly - what I understood from two or three years reading carefully your posts on this forum ...

    " bearable " sounds better to me.

    Might I take off a couple of your " memories " as examples ??? ...

    Now, we should redirect this interesting discussion to " off topic " section , ... may be ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  36. #36
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    Out of context quote

    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    . . .When at the end of my days my Grandchildren ask "Grandma what did you do when you were younger?", I want to tell them that "I drove up down motorways . . . . whilst listening to my favourite music at 110dB". . . . .
    Are you sure you won’t be telling them
    “Eeehhh, What did you say? Speak Up I can’t hear you when you mumble ”

    M.L. (Ducking for cover)

  37. #37
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    Off-Topic coninues here...

    The technicalities of Mikes Barbie Dragster continues in Mel PIC Basic Pro section...

    I'm actively looking for one of those Victorian ear trumpets in readiness for the times when I'm old and grey and have even more attitude than today...

    Spooky Alain... you saving up my posts for some kind of future biography? *smiles*

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    I want to tell them that I was a CONSUMER...
    Me too!


  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie
    Spooky Alain... you saving up my posts for some kind of future biography? *smiles*
    Who ??? me ??? you should know there's some kind of gentleman in me ... and, for the little girl inside you, I will never cross the line ... I've never written for the "SUN" and never will .

    Back to cars, I've also a pair ( Thanks ...) one drinks 8 l/100 km and the other ... exactly the same .
    One is an Opel Corsa 1400cc 60 HP, the other is a Honda Accord 2.0 l 155 HP ... don't you feel a waste somewhere ???

    WASTE ... that's the correct word I looked for.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  40. #40
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    Default On Music, Cars and 110dB

    I hope you’re considerate enough of others to do that 110dB thing with the windows up.
    Unlike the “kid *” in the convertible Mustang who pulled up 50 ft. ahead and 3 lanes to the left
    of me the other day. I couldn’t hear my radio over his! ! ! ( * Kid, yea he was younger than me
    probably just over ½ my age, I’m borderline Old Fart I guess, not quite at the “Wrinkler” stage yet)

    Reminds me of what my roommate and I would do in a neighborhood I used to rent in.
    When the nextdoor neighbor kids had visitors and they would turn the Car Stereos up too loud,
    playing “Hip-Hop” & what I guess was early “Gangster-Rap” we would take one of the speakers
    from my stereo in the house, place it in the front window, drop in a CD of I think it was
    “William Tell 1812 Overature” (is that the one with cannon fire?) and crank out around 300 Watts.
    First couple of times we did that the local Police crused the neighbor trying to find out what had “Blown Up”. 8-)
    My old roommate & I, we’re just old Rock & Rollers.

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