I just downloaded MicroCode Studio.
I was wondering if there were any tutorials that walk you through a project for the first time.
I just downloaded MicroCode Studio.
I was wondering if there were any tutorials that walk you through a project for the first time.
try here http://www.rentron.com/PicBasic/MCS_X3.htm
victorf57, this is the tutorial about the MCS ICD.
Tony, i guess you mix few things. There's no tutorial about MicroCode Studio but help file. MicroCode Studio is just the Code editor for Melabs PICBASIC PRO or PICBASIC compilers.
Not much.
It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
There's no problem, only learning opportunities.
Thanks for the link, that is what I was looking for.
It also looks like I need a Compiler, an EEPROM programmer and the rest of the hardware.
I've ordered an APP-III kit and some other stuff, so hopefully that will have what else I might need.
Thanks again.
Any link for this APP-III kit? Just for curiosity.
It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
There's no problem, only learning opportunities.
AWC Electronics sells various PIC kits and parts