I have been using the PBP 2.33 compiler to program a 16f628A chip without any issues. I wanted to try something with a 16f88 and so I downloaded the pbp demo version of PBP (which I believe is version 2.46 but the program doesn't seem to list its version)... the same program that works fine compiled, programmed and ran fine with 2.33 compiles, programs but doesn't run with 2.46 demo version.

I finally had time today to reinstall the pbp demo and take everything back to basics for a simple example of my problem using the blinky LED.

I used the blink.bas sample provided in the demo version without altering the code:

' Example program from manual to blink an LED connected to PORTB.0 about once a second

LED1     VAR PORTB.0 ' Alias PORTD.0 to LED
loop:   High LED1          ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
        Pause 500       ' Delay for .5 seconds

        Low LED1           ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
        Pause 500       ' Delay for .5 seconds

        GoTo loop       ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
I compiled it using pbp 2.33 using the command

pbp -p16f628 BLINK.BAS

I then programmed the pic using the PicKit 2 programmer and I had a blinky LED. Everything is good.

I then compiled the same blink.bas using the demo version which I believe is 2.46. It compiled, I programmed the PIC and nothing appears to happen (no blinky LED).

I compiled using the command:

pbpdemo -p16f628a BLINK.BAS

and also tried:

pbpdemo -p16f628 BLINK.BAS

but both seem to generate code that doesn't seem to run (no blinky LED).

I compared the .HEX files and saw there is a slight difference in the next to the last line:
From 2.33 the .HEX file that works is:

From the demo (2.46) version, the .HEX file that doesn't appear to work is:

A diff of the two shows that the last 3 bytes of the second to last line are different (543F1D vs 6D3F04).

Can anyone point me in the right direction on what might be the reason for the difference. Perhaps I am not installed correctly (uninstalled and reinstalled) or there is an option I need to set in 2.46.

Thanks in advance

Other particulars: I'm using Windows XP Pro and the PicKit 2 programmer. The pic is programmed on my own proto-board using the ICSP lines from the PicKit 2; this setup has been working fine for lots of different programs but with pbp 2.33