
I'm currently developing a robot powered by two motors. I connect the motors to a driver to pin c1 and c2 (for forward) and c3 and c4 (for reverse) of PIC 16F877A. I try move left and right. When I move left, I need to make left move reverse and right motor forward. How I can do that using HPWM or PWM? I found that HPWM only support forward because it only has 2 channel.

hpwm 1, 100, 1000
hpwm 2, 100, 1000

When I try using PWM, only the last line is executed.
pwm portc.1, 100, 100 'forward right
pwm portc.4, 100, 100 'reverse left

why only last line is executed?
What is the best way to make forward reverse using hpwm or pwm. TQ