I think i have 75% of my code working except for the following:

The main purpose of the PIC is to look for button pushes on the PIC inputs and perform a specific task depending on which buttons are pushed. However, when a VB application is loaded, any of the variables which are set in the VB program and sent to the PIC via USB are then used by the PIC for timing functions.

Its basically a programmable timer, where the VB program is being used to set the timing variables.

However, the PIC code at the moment is ignoring the button inputs until you send the data from VB to the PIC.

So, push a button, nothing happens. Keep a button held AND send data from VB to the PIC and it recognises the button push. Push button again on its own and nothing happens, until of course you hold the button down AND send data again.

Can anyone figure out whats going wrong by looking at this code.

DEFINE OSC 20          

' ---------- [ I/O Definition ] ----------
TRISA = %11111111       ' Set PORTA to all input
TRISB = %10000001       ' Set PORTB (0)INPUT (1-5)OUTPUTS
TRISC = %00000111       ' Set PORTC (0-2 input) rest Outputs

' ----- [ Variable Definitions ] ----------
Loop                Var Byte
MaskSwitch          Var Byte
DelayOut            Var Byte
Seconds             Var byte ' 0-59
SecondsDelay        Var byte
Minutes             Var byte ' 0-59
MinutesDelay        Var byte
Hours               Var byte ' 0-23
HoursDelay          Var byte
SecondsDelayOut     Var Byte
MinutesDelayOut     Var Byte
HoursDelayOut       Var Byte

' the USB buffer...
USBBuffer           Var Byte[USBBufferSizeMax] 
USBBufferCount      Var Byte

USBBufferSizeMax    con 32  ' maximum buffer size
USBBufferSizeTX     con 32  ' input 
USBBufferSizeRX     con 32  ' output

' ----- [ Variable Constants ] ----------
HoursDelay = 0
MinutesDelay = 2 '1 To 60
SecondsDelay = 0 '1 To 60

' ---------- [ System Inputs ] ----------
SW1         Var PORTC.0
SW2         Var PORTC.1

' ---------- [ System Outputs ] ----------
Red         VAR PORTB.1     ' All LEDs connected
                            ' between RC pins and
                            ' ground via resistor

' ************************************************************
' *                   Main Program Section                   *
' * main program loop - remember, you must keep the USB      *
' * connection alive with a call to USBService every couple  *
' * of milliseconds or so...                                 *
' ************************************************************

usbinit ' initialise USB...

        Gosub DoUSBIN
        Gosub DoUSBoUT

    MaskSwitch=PORTC & $07
        Select Case MaskSwitch
          Case 1 '%00000001
            If SW1=1 Then Gosub Procedure_SW1
            If SW1=0 THEN

          Case 2 '%00000010
            If SW2=1 Then Gosub Procedure_SW2
            If SW2=0 THEN 

          Case Else
            Goto Main
    End Select
Goto Main

' ************************************************************
' * receive data from the USB bus                            *
' ************************************************************
   USBBufferCount = USBBufferSizeRX              ' RX buffer size
   USBService                                    ' keep connection alive
   USBIn 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBIn   ' read data, if available

' ************************************************************
' * wait for USB interface to attach                         *
' ************************************************************
   USBBufferCount = USBBufferSizeTX              ' TX buffer size
   USBService                                    ' keep connection alive
   USBOut 1, USBBuffer, USBBufferCount, DoUSBOut ' if bus available, transmit data

'Do Something

' Do Something Else
I'm guessing once you Gosub DoUSBIn this keeps looping until some data is received. Is there a way to set it so that if no data is exchanged, it comes out of the loop. ie perform primary function, but always look at USB for any possible data, if none continue with primary function. As the need to send data from VB to the PIC is minimal. ie once the timing variables are sent, the need to change them from time to time is minimal. If i comment out the Gosub DoUSBIn line, the primary function of the PIC works fine.

Many thanks.