I didn't see this one listed, and it is something that most Basics do support, but not PicBasic.

It is rather annoying having to do stuff like this:
For x = 0 to 12
LookUp x,["Hello World!"],y
Buffer[x] = y
Next x
When if you had String variables, you could accomplish the same thing like this:
Buffer = "Hello World!"
Now which would you rather do

Of course this is just getting started down that long and "stringy" road (wasn't that a Beatles song?) .

And hey! What about some of these other nice string functions (as he drools):

<div align="center"><table width="575" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bgcolor="#FFF8C7"><thead><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#004BB0"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Function</b></font></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#004BB0"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Description</b></font></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr> <td><tt>Chr(int)</tt></td><td>Returns the ASCII character of the argument.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>InStr([start,] str1, str2)</tt></td><td>Returns the starting position of <tt>str2</tt> within <tt>str1</tt>, beginning at <tt>start</tt> if specified.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>InstrRev(str1, str2 [,start])</tt></td><td>Returns the starting position of <tt>str2</tt> within <tt>str1</tt> from the end of the string, beginning with <tt>start</tt> if specified.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Join(list [,delimeter])</tt></td><td>Merges strings in the list, each separated by one space unless you specify a <tt>delimeter</tt> character.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>LCase(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the argument in all lowercase letters.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Left(str, int)</tt></td><td>Returns the far-left <tt>int</tt> characters from the argument.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Len(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the number of characters in the string. (Notice that <tt>Len()</tt> works on numeric arguments as well.)</td></tr><tr><td><tt>LTrim(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the string argument, without leading spaces.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Mid(str, intStart [, intLen])</tt></td><td>Returns a substring of the argument, starting with the character at <tt>intStart</tt> and continuing until the entire the string is extracted or until the optional <tt>intLen</tt> characters have been extracted. <tt>Mid()</tt> is called the midstring function because it can return the middle portion of a string.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Right(str, int)</tt></td><td>Returns the far-right <tt>int</tt> characters from the argument.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>RTrim(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the string argument, without trailing spaces.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Str()</tt></td><td>Converts its numeric argument to a string with the numeric digits in the string.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>StrReverse(string)</tt></td><td>Returns the string argument that is completely reversed.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>UCase(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the argument in all uppercase letters.</td></tr></tbody></table></div>

Now before someone jumps down my throat, and says something like "well this and that really isn't needed" or "you know you can write some code to simulate that". Remember this is a WISH LIST, and I like to make BIG wishes