Need some help with using analog inputs and sending results out serial to a LCD. I am expecting to see Low_Val= 0 to 254 on a LCD screen, What I am see on the LCD is Low_Val= 1 or Low_Val= 0. It is the same on all serial out on the LCD.
Using a 16F688 chip
Programing using PBP V3

Code I wrote so far is this:
************************************************** ************************************



'Initialize Regsters:
CMCON0 = %00000111 'Comparators off CMCON0 = 7
OSCCON = %01100110 'Oscillator Setup
ANSEL = %01110000 'Analog Select) 0 = Digital, 1 = Analog
ADCON0 = %10000010 'ADC in operation,Rightadjust and Vref = VDD
ADCON1 = %00110000 'clock derived from a dedicated internal oscillator
WPUA = %00000000 'WEAK PULL-UP PORTA 0 = Pull-up disabled, 1 = Pull-up enabled
TRISA = %00110000 'Port A 0 = output, 1 = input
TRISC = %00000111 'Port C 0 = output, 1 = input


INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"


DEFINE ADC_BITS 10 ' Set number of bits in result
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (rc = 3)
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in microseconds

I Con 254 ' Control Byte
Clr Con 1 ' Clear the display
Line1 Con 128 ' Point to beginning of line 1
Line2 Con 193 ' Point to beginning of line 2
Line3 Con 148 ' Point to beginning of line 3
Line4 Con 212 ' Point to beginning of line 4
Cgram Con 64 ' Point to Cgram within LCD
Shift_L Con 24 ' Shift display left
Shift_R Con 28 ' Shift display right


Low_Val var word
Mid_Val var word
High_Val var word

'Alias and Modifiers

Alarm var PORTA.2 ' Digital output on pin 2
Pump var PORTA.4 ' Digital output on pin 3
Valve var PORTA.3 ' Digital output on pin 4
Pump_LED var PORTC.4 ' Digital input on pin 6
Pulse_Out var PORTC.3 ' PWM output on pin 7
Low_Level var PORTC.0 ' Analog input on pin 8
Mid_Level var PORTC.1 ' Analog input on pin 9
High_Level var PORTC.2 ' Analog input on pin 10
Serial_Out var PORTA.0 ' Digital output on pin 13

'================================================= ================================================== ============
'Program Code:
'================================================= ================================================== ============

low pump ' Turn filter pump Off
Low Pump_LED ' Turn filter pump LED Off
pause 1000 ' Wait 1 Sec.
High Pump_LED ' Turn filter pump LED On
pause 1000 ' Wait 1 Sec.
Low Pump_LED ' Turn filter pump LED Off
low Valve ' Turn Water valve Off
low Alarm ' Turn Alarm Off


pwm Pulse_Out, 127, 100 ' Output a Pulse width 50% duty cycle for a 100 cycles
adcin Low_Level, Low_Val ' Read Voltage at Low_Level probe and store in Low_Val
adcin Mid_Level, Mid_Val ' Read Voltage at Mid_Level probe and store in Mid_Val
adcin High_Level,High_Val ' Read Voltage at High_Level probe and store in High_Val

SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [I]
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [Clr] ' clear the screen
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [I]
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [Line1]
serout Serial_Out,N2400, ["Low_Val=",#Low_Val] ' Send the ASCII value of Low_Val followed by line Feed
pause 1000 ' Wait 1 Second
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [I]
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [Line2]
serout Serial_Out, N2400, ["Mid_Val=",#Mid_Val] ' Send the ASCII value of Mid_Val
pause 1000 ' Wait 2 Second
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [I]
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [Clr] ' clear the screen
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [I]
SEROUT Serial_Out,N2400, [Line1]
serout Serial_Out,N2400, ["High_Val=",#High_Val]' Send the ASCII value of High_Val
pause 1000 ' Wait 1 Second
goto Main
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