Asm sleep - pbp sleep

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Asm sleep - pbp sleep

    My project uses a 16F1936 on both a Master and a Slave board. Durring the program the Master sends a code for the Slave to run a subroutine to SLEEP. I am trying to use ASM SLEEP as to NOT designate a time to wake. twenty two hours after the slave enters sleep it recieves a USART comm which should WAKE the slave from SLEEP. Problem is the slave is not going to sleep, or it wakes right away after the command. So, how to trouble shoot SLEEP? I can't monitor the STATUS, PD bit while in sleep, I can only use an indicator LED when going into the SLEEP instruction and toggle it off when exit the sleep instruction, and it is toggling right away.
    One observation is that PBP asks for a period whenever I type SLEEP in the ASM module. Can PBP tell the difference between ASM SLEEP and PBP SLEEP or are they both seen as a PBP command? Comments please.
      ;Slave Board
        PortA.1=1	Indicator LED
        INTbit=1             'Set Cvar to break out of Start loop                                                                                           
        Com_Enable=0       ' Con_enable not needed to RX
        hserin [Bvar] 
    @ INT_RETURN    ;goes back to INTerrupt locaion. which is Start loop.
        Select Case Bvar
                Case 0 ;No action taken if Not in Sleep Mode, Return only
    @   nop            ;If in Sleep Mode, Wake up, goto Start          
    @   nop
    @   nop
                Case 1
                    gosub Ran_num
                Case 2
                    gosub RappidFireRight
                case 3
                    gosub RappidFireLeft
                case 4
                    gosub Desolve
                case 5
                    gosub FlashFlies
                CASE 6
                    gosub  SleepMode	;subroutine to place Slave in Sleep mode
        end select
        PortA.1=0     ;Indicator LED out on entering SLEEP
        BTFSS   BAUDCON,RCIDL  ;Check for High, no receive in progress
        GOTO $-1                
        BSF BAUDCON,WUE        ;Wake on Rx from Master 
        PortA.1=1                   ;Indicator LED ON  at exit SLEEP
    The Master does not use the comm line for the next 22 hours.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Asm sleep - pbp sleep

    @ SLEEP
    @ NOP
    It often makes a difference adding the NOP right after SLEEP.

  3. #3
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    May 2013

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    Default Re: Asm sleep - pbp sleep

    at a guess is it possible there is still activity on the serial input ie a cr/lf after the command.
    your code might see a RCIDL condition between these chrs and pop into and straight out of sleep
    try a small delay before calling sleepmode a 2chr time delay can't hurt here

    It often makes a difference adding the NOP right after SLEEP.
    which you have already is necessary, the extra two in use may not be adding much value but won't hurt
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Asm sleep - pbp sleep

    PIC16F1936, PBP PRO 2.60, MPASM,
    My Slave Board receives com from the Master Board and runs Subroutines.
    Slave operates in tight loop at Start.
    On EUSART INT Slave receives one command Byte from Master and advances to CaseAction (Multi-IF THENs) which will branch to Sub to take action.
    When Slave receives a code for Sleep Mode (CASE 7) is run.

    Here’s where my problems start!
    It seams that the RCIDL bit is never being set after Rx.
    Will not go into SLEEP mode with or without -
    BTFSS BAUDCON,RCIDL ;Check for High, no receive in progress
    GOTO $-1
    Before WUE bit is set.
    What would prevent RCIDL from being set? Even after a hundred cycles after Comm is complete? Data Sheet says this bit should be set on EUSART Stop bit. At this time no Rx is coming from the Master. Can’t get any SLEEP!


    @   nop
    @   BTFSS _INTbit             ;if set - gosub   CaseAction
    @   goto $-1
        INTbit=0                      ‘My INT flag bit
        gosub CaseAction         
        goto Start
    RXceiveINT:          ‘ISR
        INTbit=1             'Set INTbit to break out of Start loop                                                                                                              
        hserin [Bvar] 
    @ INT_RETURN    ;goes back to INTerrupt locaion. which is Start loop.
    CaseAction:   ‘PBP multi IF THEN’s
    @    MOVF BAUDCON,0     ;What is in the RCIDL bit?                            ;TESTING                         
    @    MOVWF _Avar                                                                        ;TESTING    
            serout2 USB_Tx,84, ["    BAUDCON=",bin8 Avar,13,10]                 ;TESTING
        Bvar=Bvar+1   'On wakeup Slave receives %00000000 from Master,
        Select Case Bvar
                Case 1 ;No action taken if Not in Sleep Mode   
                    gosub Dummy
               CASE  7
                    gosub  SleepMode
        end select
    @  INT_DISABLE RX_INT      ‘ASM- disable EUSART interrupt                              
        PortA.1=1            ‘Flash LED when entering Sleep Mode routine
        pause 100                                              
    @    MOVF BAUDCON,0      ‘Is RCIDL idel?  Set for Idel    	‘For testing               
    @    MOVWF _Avar     	‘For testing                   				
        Avar=Avar dig 6  		‘For testing               
       serout2 USB_Tx,84, ["    RCIDL=",dec Avar,13,10]  ‘display contents of RCIDL  ‘For testing               
        BSF BAUDCON, ABDEN      ;enable Auto Detect in sleep mode - tried with and without
        BTFSS   BAUDCON,RCIDL  ;Check for High, no receive in progress - tried with and without
        GOTO $-1                	     ;return to previous line
        BSF BAUDCON,WUE           ;Set to Wake on Rx from Master 
        nop		‘WAKE from EUSART Rx should occur here
        nop                    ;
        for Avar = 1 to 10         ‘flash LED on wakeup for TESTNG              
        pause 50
        pause 50   
        next Avar
    @ INT_ENABLE   RX_INT     ‘ASM- reenter EUSART interrupt

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    your code is an uncompilable snippet so its hard to know whats going on

    there are issues here

    @    MOVF BAUDCON,0      ‘Is RCIDL idel?  Set for Idel    	‘For testing               
    @    MOVWF _Avar     	‘For testing                   				
        Avar=Avar dig 6  		‘For testing
    what bank is baudcon in ?
    what bank is Avar in ?
    from the looks of it Avar must be byte , how can it ever have a Dig 6

    whats wrong with one of these ,one of them will produce efficient code i'm sure

    if baudcon & 64 then




    avar=(baudcon&64) >>6
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  6. #6
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    Jan 2006

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    Default Re: Asm sleep - pbp sleep

    Here is something from me:

    1. Leave the RX pin unconnected for testing. Check the pin state. Does it stay low or high? If it is high and you get int at high already, then it never sleeps.
    2. IF all ok, then before sleep instructon, disable GIE and PEIE first. Disable eusart module. Then re-enable it. clear the flags. Then enable GIE, PEIE and lastly usart int bit. Make sure usart flag is cleared, and Usart int bit enabled at the last just before SLEEP command.
    3. There should be at least two NOP() immediately after SLEEP.
    4. If there are some other ints in your code not shown here, than they may be the cause of wake up. Remember, Most of the ext int sources wake the device up eventhough you do not care for them. Make sure you disable all other ext int sources (if you are using any) before SLEEP.
    Last edited by sayzer; - 11th May 2020 at 08:42.
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Asm sleep - pbp sleep

    I read somewhere in microchip datasheets there might be a @NOP just past the @SLEEP ...

    INT1 is the wakeup event.

    here it has been working fine for me ... for about 15 years ! ( Lawn tractor computer ... )

    	LCDOUT $FE,2, "BYE-BYE "
    	For I = 8 to 0	Step -1					'Animation arret
    		LCDOUT 	$FE,$C0,REP "*"\I," "			'	...  4s 			
    		PAUSE 500
    	NEXT I
    	PORTB.4 	= 0					'Ports LCD à 0
    	PORTB.5 	= 0
    	PORTC.7 	= 0					' PortC à 0
    	PORTC.6 	= 0
    	PORTC.5 	= 0
    	PORTC.4 	= 0	
    	AlLCD 		= 1					' Coupure LCD
    	AlRef 		= 0					' Coupure Vref	
    	ADCON0.0	= 0					' Désactivation ADC
    	T3CON.0		= 0				' arret TMR3
    	T1CON.0		= 0				' arret TMR1
    	T0CON.7 	= 0				' arret TMR0
    	INTCON.7 	= 0			' Wakeup sans interruptions
    	INTCON3.0 	= 0						' reset flag INT1
    	INTCON3.3 	= 1			' validation INT1 pour réveil
    	Alim		= 0			'Coupure alimentation
    	Signal 		= 0			'Extinction voyant régime
    @ SLEEP
    @ Nop						' Redémarrage par mise du contact sans coupure générale
    							' Arret par décharge capa alim. 
    	INTCON3.3 	= 0			'Neutralisation INT1
    	INTCON3.0 	= 0			'Reset Flag INT1
    	Alim		= 1			'Remise alimentation si remise contact rapide.
    Wakeup: 'Début du Programme - reveil du PIC / Affichage Memoire
    FLAGS 	= 0					' Validation Reset LCD
    	PORTB.4 = 0					'Ports LCD à 0
    	PORTB.5 = 0
    	PORTC.7 = 0					' PortC.4-7 à 0
    	PORTC.6 = 0
    	PORTC.5 = 0
    	PORTC.4 = 0
    Reveil 	= 1
    LSelect	= 0
    Last edited by Acetronics2; - 12th May 2020 at 16:12.
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

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