Hello Guys !

Finally, I got my PbP 3 License last week.

I have just installed it in my notebook and tryed to compile an old source code designed for 16F877A.

My source code is using the Darrell's interrupts, lcdbar and some other resources.

As I define a new @ __CONFIG on my source code, I commented a line on the .INC file on my old 2.46 version to avoid the error : overwriting previous address contents (2007)

Now, I´m trying to compile the same source code on my PbP 3 and MPASMX.

The error showed up again, of course, because I did not edit the new inc file.

Following the advice Henrik Olsson gave on the post bellow :


My original code :

@ ERRORLEVEL -306   ; Retira o erro de crossing page boundary

Include "LCDbar_INC.bas" 
Include "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
Include "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts

define OSC 4
When I compile, I get the overwriting previous address contents (2007) error, because we have two __CONFIG on ASM.

So, I put the #CONFIG / ENDCONFIG in the code , like this :

@ ERRORLEVEL -306   ; Retira o erro de crossing page boundary

Include "LCDbar_INC.bas" 
Include "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
Include "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts

define OSC 4 l
Now, when I compile, I get the errors :

[ASM ERRORS] COMPB.ASM (29) : Illegal label (@)
[ASM ERRORS] COMPB.ASM (30) : Illegal label (@)

I would not like to edit the INC files anymore.

So, could someone, please, help me ?

Is there a specific place where I have to put the #CONFIG... block on the code ?

Thank you very much
