Old Chestnut ? - 128 x 64 GLCD

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Old Chestnut ? - 128 x 64 GLCD

    I'm still evaluating options to display info for a revamp of my old Vivarium Controller project, and whilst the tests with an I2C module that piggybacked on the back of a KS0108 GLCD have proved difficult, the other option is to use traditional wiring to the 20 pin header, and with a bit of juggling around I might just be able to free up the extra pins required.

    Anyway, I have a MicroElektronica EasyPIC5 board and their 128 x 64 mono (Blue/white) GLCD. Using a 16F877A, 20mhz crystal and their own example HEX program the file loaded and ran through the demo just fine, so I know the hardware works. Now I only have the demo version of Mikro Basic and I can't re-compile the example code for my target PIC and desired OSC speed as it exceeds the limit, so I went hunting for some examples for PBP and came across this - courtesy of Ranjit Diol - (I've changed the LCD pins to match the pinouts of the LCD I have as the original use different ports)

      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    DEFINE  OSC 20
    ADCON1 = $0F
    'This application assumes you have a 64KBit external eeprom connected
    'via I2C. Without that you will only be able to send images directly
    'to the LCD display and not be able to store them -- See the readme.txt
    'for the Windows GLiPIC interface.
    'Adjust the PIN assignments as neccessary for your prototype
    'This was tested using a 20MHz xtal if you use a different OSC speed
    'you may have to make some adjustement in the 'strobe' subroutine.
    				'routine's e_pause constant for other speeds
    ADCON1	= 7			'Make all pins digital, you may adjust as needed
    lcd_dat	 VAR 	PORTD		'LCD bus Pins 7-14 LSB-MSB
    scl	 VAR 	PORTC.3		'I2C SCL  for ext eeprom 
    sda	 VAR	PORTC.4		'I2C SDA for ext eeprom
    in_pin   VAR    PORTC.7         'Serial input pin
    out_pin  VAR    PORTC.6         'Serial output pin
    lcd_e	 VAR 	PORTB.4		'Enable pin on LCD
    lcd_cd	 VAR	PORTB.2		'Data/Command  R/S on LCD
    lcd_rw	 VAR 	PORTB.3		'Read/Write on LCD
    lcd_cs1	 VAR 	PORTB.0		'ChipSelect1  on LCD
    lcd_cs2	 VAR	PORTB.1		'ChipSelect2  on LCD
    lcd_rst	 VAR	PORTB.5		'Reset Pin on LCD
    'Set pins for output
    TRISB.0  = 0
    TRISB.1  = 0
    TRISB.2  = 0
    TRISD	 = 0
    TRISb.0	 = 0
    TRISb.1	 = 0
    TRISb.2	 = 0
    TRISC.3	 = 0
    TRISC.4	 = 0
    TRISb.5	 = 0
    'Constants used
    ser_baud  CON    84             '9600 baud serout/serin
    ctl       CON    $A0		'EEprom control code
    row 	  CON	 $b8		'LCD page 0
    last_row  CON    $bf		'LCD page 7
    col	  CON    $40	        'Line byte position 0
    last_col  CON    63             'Last column (1-64)
    first_col CON    0		'First column
    max_col   CON    128            'Last column (1-127)
    max_line  CON    8		'Line 8 (based on 1-8)
    max_pos   CON    64             'Column 64 positon per side (1-64)
    cr        CON    13		'CR for serout
    lf        CON    10		'LF for serout
    disp_on   CON    $3f		'LCD Display ON
    disp_off  CON    $3e            'LCD Display OFF
    disp_ram  CON    $c0            'Ram Display 0 (Page 0 at top of display) 
    blank     CON    $00		'Blank character
    e_pause	  CON    6		'Pauseus 6 for Strobe routine
    'Word variables used
    eepaddr  VAR    WORD
    addr     VAR    WORD
    'Arrays used
    in_array VAR    byte[32]
    in_ctl   VAR    byte[8]
    'Byte Variables used
    buff_count VAR  BYTE	'buffer count
    hex_nibble VAR  BYTE	'hex nibble from serin
    in_ascii   VAR  BYTE	'ASCII char from serin
    buf_cnt    VAR  BYTE	'buffer counter
    byte_pos   VAR  BYTE	'To keep track of a byte's position
    in_byte    VAR  BYTE	'The incoming byte
    tmp	   VAR	BYTE	'Temporary var
    index	   VAR	BYTE	'Index for arrays
    j	   VAR  BYTE	'General counter
    k	   VAR  BYTE	'General counter
    line	   VAR  BYTE	'An LCD row
    delay      VAR  BYTE	'Execution delay, used with 'pause'
    'Initialize variables
    hex_nibble = 0
    byte_pos   = 0
    delay      = 10
    in_byte    = 0
    tmp        = 0
    index      = 0
    'Reset LCD
    lcd_dat = 0	' Clear PORTD
    lcd_cd =  0
    lcd_rw =  0
    lcd_e =   0
    lcd_cs1 = 1
    lcd_cs2 = 0
    lcd_rst = 1
    pause 100	'Let things  stabilize
    lcd_rst = 0
    pause 10	' Reset LCD
    lcd_rst = 1
    pause  500
    'Jump over subroutines to main program
    goto main
    ' **** (GO)SUB ROUTINES ****
    	lcd_e = 1
    	pauseus e_pause
    	lcd_e = 0
    	lcd_cd = 0		' Command mode
    	lcd_dat = disp_off	' Display Off
    	gosub strobe
    	for index = 1 to 2
              for j = row to last_row
    	        lcd_cd = 0	        'Command mode
     	        gosub strobe	' Write the data
    	        lcd_dat = col	' Column address = 0
    	        gosub strobe
    	        lcd_dat = j
    	        gosub strobe	
    	        lcd_cd = 1		' Write mode
    	          for k = first_col to last_col
    	             lcd_dat = blank
    	             gosub strobe
    	  swap lcd_cs1,lcd_cs2
    	gosub strobe
    	lcd_dat = disp_ram	' Ram Line 0
    	gosub strobe
    	gosub strobe
    	gosub strobe
    	lcd_dat = disp_ram	' Ram Line 0
    	gosub strobe
    	gosub strobe
    	lcd_dat = disp_on	'display on
    	gosub strobe
    	lcd_cd = 1		' Set Data command
    	lcd_cs1 = 1		' Left side active
    	lcd_cs2 = 0
    init:			'Initialization
    	lcd_cd = 0			' Set command mode
    	lcd_cs1 = 1			' Left Side on
    	lcd_cs2 = 0			' Right Side off	
             for index = 1 to 2
    	   lcd_dat = disp_off	' Display Off
    	   lcd_dat = disp_ram	' Ram Line 0
    	   gosub strobe		' Write the data
    	   lcd_dat = col		' Y address = 0
    	   gosub strobe
    	   lcd_dat = row		' Page = 0
    	   gosub strobe
    	   lcd_dat = disp_on	' Display On
    	   gosub strobe
    	   swap lcd_cs1,lcd_cs2
    '****Place char on LCD Routine *****
    'Place byte of data on lcd assumes in_byte, byte_pos and line (line)
    'Char position on LCD byte_pos = 0-127 (Horiz), ROW 0-7 (vert)
    	lcd_dat = in_byte		'Display the byte
    	gosub strobe   
    	byte_pos=byte_pos+1	'Increment position
    	'Now do some LCD house cleaning and adjust counters
    	if byte_pos=max_pos then
    	   lcd_cd = 0
    	   lcd_dat = col
    	   gosub strobe
    	   lcd_dat = disp_ram
    	   gosub strobe
    	   lcd_dat = row + line
    	   gosub strobe
    	   lcd_cd = 1
         if byte_pos = max_col then	'Check if
    	   line = line + 1		'New Line
                  if line = max_line then
    	        line = 0
        	byte_pos = 0		'Reset byte_pos
    	lcd_cd = 0
    	gosub strobe
    	lcd_dat = row + line
    	gosub strobe
    	lcd_dat = disp_ram
    	gosub strobe
            lcd_cd =1 
    '***** Convert incoming ascii to hex byte Routine *****
    Lookdown in_array[index],["0123456789abcdef"],hex_nibble
    ' **** BEGIN MAIN PROGRAM ******
    	gosub init	' Initialize LCD
    	gosub clearall	' Clear all pages
    goto term
    logo:	gosub init	' Initialize LCD
    	gosub clearall	' Clear all pages
    ' Load opening screen from eeprom assuming a 64KBit eeprom
    	line =0
    	for addr = 0 to 8192		'Eight 1kbyte pages of eeprom
            I2CREAD sda,scl,ctl,addr,[in_byte]
    	gosub putbyte
            if (addr=1024) OR (addr=2048) OR (addr= 3072) OR (addr=4096) OR (addr=5120) OR (addr=6144) OR (addr=7168) OR (addr=8192) then
    	pause 4000
    	gosub init
    	gosub clearall
    	if addr=8192 then
    	addr = 0
    goto logo		'Continue looping inifitum!
    'Terminal Subroutine
    term:		'Assumes Home Position
    'Setup variables
    in_ascii = 0
    buff_count = 32
    delay = 10
    addr = 0
    byte_pos = 0
    'Get the initial parameters
    	serin2 in_pin,ser_baud,[wait ("*"),STR in_ctl\9]
    	for index = 0 to 8
            Lookdown in_ctl[index],["0123456789abcdef"],hex_nibble
    	delay = (in_ctl[7]<<4) | in_ctl[8]
    	buff_count = (in_ctl[1]<<4) | in_ctl[2]
    	addr.byte1 = (in_ctl[3] <<4) | in_ctl[4]
    	addr.byte0 = (in_ctl[5] <<4) | in_ctl[6]
    	buf_cnt = (buff_count - 1)
            eepaddr = addr
    	if j = 0 then lcd_loop 		'Display directly on LCD
    	if j = 1 then eep_loop		'Load ext eeprom
    	if j = 2 then logo		'Display images loop
    	goto get_param     
    	 serin2 in_pin,ser_baud,[wait ("]"),STR in_array\buff_count] 	'Wait for ] and the load in_array
    	 for index = 0 to buf_cnt
                    'Get char and place in array
    	        Lookdown in_array[index],["0123456789abcdef"],hex_nibble
    	for index = 0 to buf_cnt step 2
    		in_byte = (in_array[index]<<4) | (in_array[index+1])	'Form a hex number MSB-LSB
    	        I2CWRITE sda,scl,ctl,eepaddr,[in_byte]
    	        pause 10
    goto eep_loop
    	 serin2 in_pin,ser_baud,[wait ("]"),STR in_array\buff_count] 	'Wait for ] and the load in_array
    	 for index = 0 to (buff_count - 1)
                    gosub find			'Get char and place in array
    	for index = 0 to (buff_count - 1) step 2
    		in_byte = (in_array[index]<<4) | (in_array[index+1])	'Form a hex number MSB-LSB
    	        gosub putbyte 
    goto lcd_loop
    It compiles fine for the 18F4580 I'm using, but I don't get anything on the display... I did notice that some links included a controller board (http://www.piclist.com/techref/io/lcd/ks0108.htm) but then this really is a PIC with MAX232 and EEPROM all on one board so shouldn't really make any difference for the code not to display something ?

    All I'm really after is for the GLCD to behave as if it were an 8 line x 21 character display - nothing fancy, but on an 18F4580 running at 40 Mhz off a 20 Mhz xtal.... if someone could suggest a simple equivalent of the "hello world"LCD code, or correct me if there are any reasons why this seems such a steep hill to climb with PBP I would be most obliged


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Wink Re: Old Chestnut ? - 128 x 64 GLCD

    first up you need to create a font

      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 32
      @ DB 0X08,0X1C,0X1C,0X08,0X08,0X00,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 33
      @ DB 0X36,0X36,0X12,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 34
      @ DB 0X00,0X14,0X3E,0X14,0X14,0X3E,0X14,0                                                ' Code for char num 35
      @ DB 0X04,0X1C,0X02,0X0C,0X10,0X0E,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 36
      @ DB 0X26,0X26,0X10,0X08,0X04,0X32,0X32,0                                                ' Code for char num 37
      @ DB 0X04,0X0A,0X0A,0X04,0X2A,0X12,0X2C,0                                                ' Code for char num 38
      @ DB 0X0C,0X0C,0X04,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 39
      @ DB 0X08,0X04,0X04,0X04,0X04,0X04,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 40
      @ DB 0X04,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X04,0                                                ' Code for char num 41
      @ DB 0X00,0X14,0X1C,0X3E,0X1C,0X14,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 42
      @ DB 0X00,0X08,0X08,0X3E,0X08,0X08,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 43
      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X0C,0X0C,4                                                ' Code for char num 44
      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X00,0X3E,0X00,0X00,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 45
      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X00,0X0C,0X0C,0                                                ' Code for char num 46
      @ DB 0X00,0X20,0X10,0X08,0X04,0X02,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 47
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X32,0X2A,0X26,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 48
      @ DB 0X08,0X0C,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 49
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X20,0X18,0X04,0X02,0X3E,0                                                ' Code for char num 50
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X20,0X1C,0X20,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 51
      @ DB 0X10,0X18,0X14,0X12,0X3E,0X10,0X10,0                                                ' Code for char num 52
      @ DB 0X3E,0X02,0X02,0X1E,0X20,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 53
      @ DB 0X18,0X04,0X02,0X1E,0X22,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 54
      @ DB 0X3E,0X20,0X10,0X08,0X04,0X04,0X04,0                                                ' Code for char num 55
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X22,0X1C,0X22,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 56
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X22,0X3C,0X20,0X10,0X0C,0                                                ' Code for char num 57
      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X0C,0X0C,0X00,0X0C,0X0C,0                                                ' Code for char num 58
      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X0C,0X0C,0X00,0X0C,0X0C,4                                                ' Code for char num 59
      @ DB 0X10,0X08,0X04,0X02,0X04,0X08,0X10,0                                                ' Code for char num 60
      @ DB 0X00,0X00,0X3E,0X00,0X00,0X3E,0X00,0                                                ' Code for char num 61
      @ DB 0X04,0X08,0X10,0X20,0X10,0X08,0X04,0                                                ' Code for char num 62
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X20,0X18,0X08,0X00,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 63
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X3A,0X2A,0X3A,0X02,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 64
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X3E,0X22,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 65
      @ DB 0X1E,0X22,0X22,0X1E,0X22,0X22,0X1E,0                                                ' Code for char num 66
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X02,0X02,0X02,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 67
      @ DB 0X1E,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X1E,0                                                ' Code for char num 68
      @ DB 0X3E,0X02,0X02,0X1E,0X02,0X02,0X3E,0                                                ' Code for char num 69
      @ DB 0X3E,0X02,0X02,0X1E,0X02,0X02,0X02,0                                                ' Code for char num 70
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X02,0X3A,0X22,0X22,0X3C,0                                                ' Code for char num 71
      @ DB 0X22,0X22,0X22,0X3E,0X22,0X22,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 72
      @ DB 0X1C,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 73
      @ DB 0X20,0X20,0X20,0X20,0X22,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 74
      @ DB 0X22,0X12,0X0A,0X06,0X0A,0X12,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 75
      @ DB 0X02,0X02,0X02,0X02,0X02,0X02,0X3E,0                                                ' Code for char num 76
      @ DB 0X22,0X36,0X2A,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 77
      @ DB 0X22,0X26,0X2A,0X32,0X22,0X22,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 78
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 79
      @ DB 0X1E,0X22,0X22,0X1E,0X02,0X02,0X02,0                                                ' Code for char num 80
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X2A,0X12,0X2C,0                                                ' Code for char num 81
      @ DB 0X1E,0X22,0X22,0X1E,0X12,0X22,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 82
      @ DB 0X1C,0X22,0X02,0X1C,0X20,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 83
      @ DB 0X3E,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 84
      @ DB 0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X1C,0                                                ' Code for char num 85
      @ DB 0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X22,0X14,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 86
      @ DB 0X22,0X22,0X2A,0X2A,0X2A,0X2A,0X14,0                                                ' Code for char num 87
      @ DB 0X22,0X22,0X14,0X08,0X14,0X22,0X22,0                                                ' Code for char num 88
      @ DB 0X22,0X22,0X22,0X14,0X08,0X08,0X08,0                                                ' Code for char num 89
      @ DB 0X1E,0X10,0X08,0X04,0X02,0X02,0X1E,0                                                ' Code for char num 90
    then a way to read the font

      @ getaddr _font8x8, _tempPC
       tempoff = (chr-$20)*8   +  tempPC
        for i=0 to 7
            readcode tempoff +i ,cga[I]
    a macro to get the fonts address

    getaddr macro Text, Addr
      movlw low Text
      movwf Addr
      movlw High Text
      movwf Addr + 1
    then put the 8 bytes in array cga[] onto the display

    ps this is for a pic18 its not easy to do it this way with a pic16

    tempPC var word
    tempoff var word
    cga var byte[8]
    I var byte
    chr var byte
    Last edited by richard; - 12th June 2015 at 02:19. Reason: spelling , still can't tyep

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