Hello, I am new to PIC programming and the forum so please be gentle. I was hoping someone could offer some suggestions on a program. I am using a PIC16f628 to check for a button press (this all works) and I have one pin set for High for a steady LED. I am trying to also have a second LED blink continuously while the main program keeps looping (checking for button presses. I am trying to use the blink LED:

High LED5 ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
Pause 1000 ' Delay for .5 seconds
Low LED5 ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
Pause 1000


Pause 30
Button bt1,0,40,0,B1,0,readbutton2
Toggle LED1 ' Toggle LED if pressed

Button button2,0,40,0,B2,0,readbutton1
Toggle LED2 ' Toggle LED if pressed
goto readbutton1

If I have it return to main, then it blinks but the button checks are erratic. I am trying to get away from having a 555 timer in the circuit just to provide a blinking LED and was hoping something SIMPLE would work.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.