Hi All,

I am experimenting with the PIC18F27J13 and I am having difficulties using the peripheral pin select (PPS) options.
I am trying to set a PWM output function to re-mappable pin RP2 (RA5 - Pin 7)
I am working from datasheet DS3997A which is listed as a "Preliminary" datasheet but I can find no others on the Microchip website.

"Section 18.0" states that the device has "seven CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM) modules designated CCP4 through CCP10."

"Table 10-14: SELECTABLE OUTPUT SOURCES" shows CCP1/P1A (ECCP1 Compare or PWM Output Channel A) is output function 14

My confusion lies in the mis-match between the CCP4 and CCP1 statements listed in the above references.
Can anyone shed some light on how to re-map output function 14 to re-mappable pin 2 (RP2)?
