Symbol not previously defined - lib file

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Symbol not previously defined - lib file

    I'm in the process of putting together a simple version of a project that has been running fine for years. Both use 18F series chips, the original being a an 18F4580, the new being an 18F2520. I've been cutting and pasting variables etc from one project into the new project, and then modifying it as required, however I've now got a symbol not previously defined error, but it's pointing to the PBPPIC18.LIB file rather then the project file, with the (Regin) and (Bitin) being the offending items.

    Any pointers as to how to resolve this ??

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Symbol not previously defined - lib file

    Are you compiling for the correct device?

  3. #3
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    Yes, correct device selected in MCS. The 2520 is the same family as the 4520, just 28 pins, so no port D etc. I've been compiling as I go and up to now it's been fine. Basically I'm trying to make a single channel thermostat from the 4 channel PID code that you, I and the late DT worked on back in 2009, that uses the DTH11 sensor rather than ds18B20's, as the DTH11 includes a humidity sensor as well. I'll try and compile it for an 18F 4580 which was the original PIC used in the 4 channel version which by the way is still running six years later and maintaining the environment in my snakes enclosures without a hitch.

  4. #4
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    Ok, here is the work in progress - still working through the parts I don't need before I add the code for the DTH11 sensor.

    '*  Name    : single chan version                                                 
    '*  Authors : Malcolm Crabbe (inc files from Darrel Taylor                                   
    '*  Date    : 6/2/15                                                        
    '*  Version : 1.00                                                             
    '*  Target  : 18F2520 running 20 mhz xtal                                      
    '*          : single DTH11 sensor                         
    '  18F2520 config settings - for use with MPSAM
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSC_HS_1H
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    '  Include files
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"                        ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "DT18x20.pbp" 
    INCLUDE "incPID_mc.pbp"                         ' Include the multi-channel PID routine.
    include "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"
    INT_LIST  macro                                 ; IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  HeaterDrive,   ASM,  yes       
        INT_CREATE                                  ; Creates the interrupt processor
    T1CON = %00000001                               ; free-running, 1:1 prescaler
    @   INT_ENABLE   TMR1_INT                       ; enable Timer1 interrupts
    ;----[DS1820 Options]----Value----Default-----------------------------------
    DEFINE  DS1820_DECIMALS    1                    ' 1
    DEFINE  DS1820_VERIFYCRC   YES                  ' NO
    DEFINE  DS18B20_ONLY       YES                  ' NO
                              ' Include DT18x20 module
    ;----[Analog Settings]------------------------------------------------------                                  ' set A/D resolution to 14-bits
    CMCON = 7                                       ' disable Comparators
    ADCON1 = %00001011                              ' sets up Analogue pins
    ADCON2.7 = 1                                    ' ADFM bit isn't in ADCON1 anymore
    ;----[PID multi-channel]--------------------------------------------------------
    PID_Channels CON 1
    ;----[Port settings]----------------------------------------------------
    TRISB = %00000000
    GIE               VAR INTCON.7
    TempWD            VAR WORD                      ' temporary WORD variable
    Bvar              VAR BYTE                      ' temporary BYTE variable
    TempStr           VAR BYTE[8]
    FlashStar         VAR BIT
    EditChannel       VAR BYTE
    viv               var byte
    option            var byte
    Hours             var byte
    Minutes           var byte
    nitetemp          var byte
    fn                var byte
    cn                var byte
    HeaterOut        var PORTA.4
    StartHour	         VAR WORD[1] 
      StartHour1         VAR StartHour[0]
    StartMin             VAR WORD[1]  
      StartMin1          VAR StartMin[0]
    StopHour   	         VAR WORD[1]
      StopHour1          VAR StopHour[0]
    StopMin     	     VAR WORD[1]  
      StopMin1           VAR StopMin[0]
    Temperatures      VAR WORD[1]
      Temp1           VAR Temperatures[0]
    spModes           VAR BYTE[1]                   ' controls how set point is adjusted PC or POT
      spMode1         VAR spModes[0]
    SetPoints         VAR WORD[1]                   ' used to store the desired temperature setting
      SetPoint1       VAR SetPoints[0]
    normtemp          VAR WORD[1]                   ' used to store the desired temperature setting
      normtemp1       VAR normtemp[0]
    HeatCycle         VAR BYTE  BANK0 SYSTEM
    HeaterDrives      VAR BYTE[1] BANK0 SYSTEM      ' outputs to SSR's 
      HeatDrive1      VAR HeaterDrives[0]
    SensorActive      VAR BIT[4]
    ChannelPWR        VAR BIT[4]
    Pots              VAR WORD[4]                   ' used to set temp in manual mode
    Result            VAR WORD                      ' used to get AD results
    ADavg             VAR WORD[4]                   ' Averaging accumulators
    Value             VAR WORD
    Sensor	          VAR BYTE
    	CounterA var byte	' General purpose Variable
    	CounterB var byte	' General purpose Variable
    	CounterC var byte	' General purpose Variable
    	CounterD var byte	' General purpose Variable
    	RTCSec var byte		' Seconds
    	RTCMin var byte		' Minutes
    	RTCHour var byte	' Hours
    	RTCWDay var byte	' Weekday
    	RTCDay var byte		' Day
    	RTCMonth var byte	' Months
    	RTCYear var byte	' Year
    	RTCCtrl var byte	' Control 
    	SetTime var byte	' 12/24 Hour Clock
    	SetSec var byte		' Seconds
    	SetMin var byte		' Minutes
    	SetHour var byte	' Hours
    	SetDay var byte		' Day
    	SetMonth var byte	' Months
    	SetYear var byte	' Year
    	TimeOut var word	' Variable for SetUp Menu Time-Out
    	TimeH var byte      ' Variable to store current hour for comparison to drop temp time
    	TimeM var Byte      ' Variable to store current minutes for comparison to drop temp time
    	ButtonRepeat con 200	' Timeperiod (in mS for Edit Buttons auto-repeat
    				            ' should you want to hold them down...
    DecButton          var PORTA.0	        'Press to Decrement Button
    SetButton          var PORTA.1          'Press to Set/memorise Button
    IncButton          var PORTA.2	        'Press to Increment Button	
    OnButton           var PORTA.0	        'Press to Decrement Button
    OffButton          var PORTA.2	        'Press to Increment Button
    H_butt             VAR PORTA.2          'hour increase 
    M_butt             VAR PORTA.0          'minutes increase
    S_butt             VAR PORTA.1          'set / memorise
    SCLpin             var PORTC.3          'RTC pin - clk
    SDApin             var PORTC.4          'RTC pin - data
    DQ                 VAR PORTA.5          'One-wire data pin for Ds18B20			            
    ;----[EEPROM Data]----------------------------------------------------------
    DATA @0,0
    EE_spMode1        DATA 0                        ' 0=Manual mode, temp is set by Pot.
    EE_SetPoint1      DATA WORD 280                 ' 28.0 deg. after programming if not in manual mode
    EE_pid_Kp1        DATA WORD $0700               ' PID constants
    EE_pid_Ki1        DATA WORD $0080
    EE_pid_Kd1        DATA WORD $0200
    EE_pid_Ti1        DATA 8                        ' Update I-term every 8th call to PID
    EE_pid_I_Clamp1   DATA 125                      ' Clamp I-term to max ±100
    EE_pid_Out_Clamp1 DATA WORD 255                 ' Clamp the final output to 255
    EE_CH1PWR         DATA 1                        ' this needs to be set to 1 to enable heater channel
        LCDOUT $FE,1:FLAGS=0:PAUSE 250:LCDOUT $FE,1:PAUSE 250 ' Initialize LCD
        FOR Bvar = 0 to 3                               ; assume all sensors are working
            SensorActive(Bvar) = 1
        NEXT Bvar
        FOR pid_Channel = 0 TO 3                        ; Set # of bits in resolution
            GOSUB SelectSensor                          ; for all sensors
            GIE = 0                                     ; disable interrupts before 1-wire
            @ DS1820_Resolution 12            
            GIE = 1                                     ; enable interrupts after 1-wire
        NEXT pid_Channel
        LOW HeaterOut                                  ; set heater pins to Output
        GOSUB SendPWRstat
    normtemp[0] = SetPoints[0]    
    ;____[Main Program Loop]____________________________________________________
    If SetButton=0 then
    Gosub SetButtonRelease
    goto mainmenu
    pid_Channel = 0
            GOSUB SelectSensor
            GIE = 0                                     ; disable interrupts before 1-wire
            @  DS1820_Convert                           ; start a temperature conversion
            GIE = 1                                     ; enable interrupts after 1-wire
    pid_Channel = 0                         
            GOSUB SelectSensor
            DS1820_Error = 0                            ; clear any previous errors
            DS1820_Flags = 0                            ; clear status flags
            GIE = 0                                     ; disable interrupts before 1-wire
              @ DS1820_Stat                             ; check the sensors status
            GIE = 1                                     ; enable interrupts after 1-wire
            PAUSEUS 20
            IF !DS1820_Done THEN SensorError            ; if it's not done by now, error
            GIE = 0                                     ; disable interrupts before 1-wire
              @ DS1820_Read                             ; get the temperature result
            GIE = 1                                     ; enable interrupts after 1-wire
            GOSUB Check4Zeros
            DS1820_Flags = 0
            GIE = 0                                     ; disable interrupts before 1-wire
              @ DS1820_Stat
            GIE = 1                                     ; enable interrupts after 1-wire
            IF (DS1820_Error = 0) AND DS1820_Done THEN  ; if there were no errors
                Temperatures(pid_Channel) = TempC
                pid_Error = SetPoints(pid_Channel) - TempC
                GOSUB PID
                IF pid_Out.15 THEN pid_Out = 0          ; only keep positive values
                IF ChannelPWR(pid_Channel) THEN
                    HeaterDrives(pid_Channel) = pid_Out
                    HeaterDrives(pid_Channel) = 0
                GOSUB ShowLCD
               HeaterDrives(pid_Channel) = 0            ; turn off heater if sensor's bad
               SensorActive(pid_Channel) = 0
               GOSUB ShowError                          ; display error message
    ;----[Flash Star on LCD]-------------------------------------------------------              
        LCDOUT $FE,$80 + 18,("*"&FlashStar*$FF)|(" "&~(FlashStar*$FF)) ; flash a star to show sample time
        FlashStar = !FlashStar 
    GOTO Main                                
    AllZeros  VAR Bit
        AllZeros = 1
        FOR Bvar = 0 TO 8
            IF DS1820_Buffer(Bvar) != 0 THEN AllZeros = 0
        NEXT Bvar
        IF AllZeros THEN DS1820_CRCfailed = 1
        LOOKUP pid_Channel,[$80,$C0,$89,$C9],Bvar       ; Find location
        LCDOUT $FE,Bvar,DEC1 pid_Channel+1,"= "         ; print to LCD
        TempWD = TempC : GOSUB TempToLCD                ; display TempC
        LCDOUT $DF                                      ; deg symbol
    LCDOut $FE,$D4+8,#setpoints(0)dig 2,#setpoints(0)dig 1,$FE,$D4+11
        Bvar = 0
        Bvar.0 = ChannelPWR(0) 
      SELECT CASE pid_Channel
        CASE 0 : @ DS1820_Select  _TempSensor1      ; Select the DS18x20 pin
      END SELECT  
    ;----[TMR1 interrupt handler]-----------------------------------------------
          incf    HeatCycle,F                       ; HeatCycle
          movf    _HeatDrive1,W                     ; HeatDrive1
          subwf   HeatCycle,w
          btfsc   STATUS,C
          bcf     _HeaterOut
          btfss   STATUS,C
          bsf     _HeaterOut
    ;----[Display TempWD on LCD]------------------------------------------------
        IF TempWD.15 THEN LCDOUT "-"          ; if negative, display minus sign
        TempWD = ABS(TempWD)                  ; get the positive value
        LCDOUT DEC TempWD/DS1820_DIG          ; Display the Integer portion
    @   if (DS1820_DECIMALS > 0)              ; if using decimals
            LCDOUT "."                        ;   display decimal point
            TempWD = TempWD//DS1820_DIG       ;   get decimal portion
    @       if (DS1820_DECIMALS > 1)          ; with DECIMALS=2, next DIG is 1
                LCDOUT  DEC1 TempWD DIG 1 
    @       endif
    @       if (DS1820_DECIMALS >= 1)         ; with DECIMALS=1, next DIG is 0
                LCDOUT  DEC1 TempWD DIG 0 
    @       endif
    @   endif
    ;----[Display Sensor Error]-------------------------------------------------
        LOOKUP pid_Channel,[$83,$C3,$8B,$CB],Bvar               ; Find location
        LCDOUT $FE,Bvar-1," N/C    "                                ; print to LCD
    ;----[Set Cursor according to Columns]--------------------------------------
        LCDOUT $FE,1
    '	Subroutine waits until user reseases Set Button
    '	-----------------------------------------------
    	LCDOut $FE,1
    	While SetButton=0:Wend
    	Pause 250	                                     ' Small pause to kill any Key-Bounce
    Pause 200		                                     ' Timeout for LCD to settle
    '	Time & Date Display Loop
    '	========================
    		    LCDOUT $FE,1:FLAGS=0:PAUSE 250:LCDOUT $FE,1:PAUSE 250 ' Initialize LCD
    LCDOUT $FE,2 
    LCDOUT $FE,2,"Night Time Settings"
    lcdout $FE, $C0, "Use + key for Option"
    IF Option = 1 THEN lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Night Temps    "
    if option = 2 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Start Times    "
    if option = 3 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Stop Times     "
    if option = 4 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Return To Menu     "
    pause 150
    IF !H_butt THEN Option = option + 1
    if option >4 then option = 0
    If option = 1 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then
    LCDOUT $FE,1 
    pause 100
    goto nitedrop
    If option = 2 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then 
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    pause 100
    goto starttime
    If option = 3 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then 
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    pause 100
    goto stoptime
    If option = 4 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then
    LCDOUT $FE,1 
    pause 100
    goto mainmenu
    fn = 0
    viv = 1
    nitetemp = 150    
    goto nite
    Lcdout $FE,2
    LCDOUT $FE,$80,"Set Start Time For "
        IF H_butt = 0 THEN GOSUB IncHours
        IF M_butt = 0 THEN GOSUB IncMinutes
        if viv >=4 then viv =4
        LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"Viv ",#viv
        lcdout $FE,$94,#StartHour[fn] DIG 1,#StartHour[fn] DIG 0,":",#StartMin[fn] DIG 1,#StartMin[fn] DIG 0
    pause 200
    If S_butt = 0 then
    pause 250 
    fn = fn +1
    viv = viv+1
    hours = 0
    minutes = 0
    If fn > 3 then 
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    goto nite
    goto starttime
    Lcdout $FE,2
    LCDOUT $FE,$80,"Set Stop Time For "
        IF H_butt = 0 THEN GOSUB IncHours
        IF M_butt = 0 THEN GOSUB IncMinutes
        StopHour[fn] = Hours
        StopMin[fn] = Minutes
        if viv >=4 then viv =4
        LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"Viv ",#viv
        lcdout $FE,$94,#StopHour[fn] DIG 1,#StopHour[fn] DIG 0,":",#StopMin[fn] DIG 1,#StopMin[fn] DIG 0
    pause 200
    If !S_butt then 
    pause 250
    fn = fn +1
    viv = viv +1
    hours = 0
    minutes = 0
    If fn > 3 then 
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    goto nite
    goto stoptime
    nitetemp = nitetemp + 10
        IF nitetemp = 300 THEN nitetemp = 150
        pause 250
        Hours = Hours + 1
        IF Hours = 24 THEN Hours = 0
        pause 250
        Minutes = Minutes + 1
        IF Minutes = 60 THEN Minutes = 0
        pause 250
    LCDOUT $FE,2,"Main Menu"
    lcdout $FE, $C0, "Select Option"
    IF Option = 1 THEN lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Time and Date  "
    if option = 2 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Night Period   "
    if option = 3 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Normal Temps   "
    if option = 4 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Set Lighting Period"
    if option = 5 then lcdout $FE, $D4, "Run                "
    IF !H_butt THEN Option = option + 1
    pause 150
    if option >5 then option = 0
    'If option = 1 Then
    'If S_butt = 0 Then
    'LCDOUT $FE,1 
    'Gosub SetButtonRelease
    'goto  setup
    If option = 2 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then 
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    Gosub SetButtonRelease
    goto nitetime
    If option = 3 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then 
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    Gosub SetButtonRelease
    goto GetSetpoint
    'If option = 4 Then
    'If S_butt = 0 Then
    'LCDOUT $FE,1 
    'Gosub SetButtonRelease
    'goto lighting
    If option = 5 Then
    If S_butt = 0 Then
    LCDOUT $FE,1 
    Gosub SetButtonRelease
    goto main
    fn = 0
    viv = 1
    nitetemp = 150 
    Goto mainmenu

    And attached the results when complied. - I'm stumped - I've tried this using several chips, all 18F series. The original 4 channel code works fine
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Symbol not previously defined - lib file

    Wish I could help but you're including files I don't have.
    Can you zip up all the reqired files and attach it?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Symbol not previously defined - lib file

    Comment all code, then uncomment few lines, and compile. Go block by block until you get error... This could be done in few minutes.
    First comment all code posted on forum, leave just register settings and variable uncommented, compile... Then add all include files, compile, uncomment DT_Int and subrutines for that, try it, etc...
    When you find first line that cause error, post it here...
    Libs are ok, because you can compile original version.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Symbol not previously defined - lib file

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    Wish I could help but you're including files I don't have.
    Can you zip up all the reqired files and attach it?
    Files attached as requested
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Symbol not previously defined - lib file

    Quote Originally Posted by pedja089 View Post
    Comment all code, then uncomment few lines, and compile. Go block by block until you get error... This could be done in few minutes.
    First comment all code posted on forum, leave just register settings and variable uncommented, compile... Then add all include files, compile, uncomment DT_Int and subrutines for that, try it, etc...
    When you find first line that cause error, post it here...
    Libs are ok, because you can compile original version.
    That's one of the issues with including files, commenting them out can cause it to fail as it can't find variables etc that are declared in said include file -

  9. #9
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    those missing var's belong to the ds18x20 include , if you aren't using one I guess you provided no defines for one , hence missing arguments .
    If you don't intend to us a ds18x20 why include the include file ?

  10. #10
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    Hi Richard,

    At the moment the code has just been edited to remove the sections for the remaining 3 18B20's - Originally Henrik worked with me and Darrell to provide 4 independent PID routines that was then incorporated into my code to give 4 pulse proportional thermostats. My idea was to save the working code, strip out all the parts I don't need for the lighting, clock etc and just have one working PID routine using a DS18b20, and then remove / adapt that part of the code to use a DHT11, so the end result is a single PID pulse proportional thermostat that reads temperature and humidity and displays that on the LCD.

    I've been test compiling as I went along, and up until recently all the errors I had we local to this file and were normaly down to missing variables, or where i had removed a variable that was later required. Why the error is pointing to the lib files in the PBP folder I have no idea

  11. #11
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    hi malcom
    a quick look says

    FOR pid_Channel = 0 TO 3 ; Set # of bits in resolution
    GOSUB SelectSensor ; for all sensors
    GIE = 0 ; disable interrupts before 1-wire
    @ DS1820_Resolution 12
    GIE = 1 ; enable interrupts after 1-wire
    NEXT pid_Channel
    but you have
    PID_Channels CON 1

    its not going to fly
    its expecting 3 more sensors
    Last edited by richard; - 6th February 2015 at 12:08.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scampy View Post
    That's one of the issues with including files, commenting them out can cause it to fail as it can't find variables etc that are declared in said include file -
    That is why I said that you uncomment include first. I just did that, and with all variable definition, and code down to label init: compiles OK.
    I need 2min to locate first error...
    DS1820_Select macro Regin, Bitin <macro from include
    DS1820_Select _TempSensor1 <from your main code subroutine SelectSensor
    You didn't put Bitin...

  13. #13
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    I've come back to this project again and I'm getting the same error in post #4. Since February I re-hashed the 4 channel version to include 4 AM2302 sensors and a 128 x 64 GLCD. The GLCD used a BV4615 serial controller which made sending data to the GLCD as simple as using a normal LCD display. Anyway this code was used as the basis to convert it to a single channel version. It simply changed the values in array variables and removed references to channels 2,3,and 4 throughout the code (and yes I've remove dthe for next loops as Henrik commented on above).

    I've zipped up all the files and attached them to this post. From what I can see the reference to the BITIN and REGIN are part of the 18B20 include file, but I can't remove that from the include files as it's a key element of the code. I must be missing something from the main code that's either been commented out or needs changing, but is not least to me. I would welcome someone more experienced going over the code to check for me. The code is messy as I've removed / commented out all the serial GLCD lines. I'm not worried that the code won't display anything on an LCD yet - I'll tidy that up later - I just want it to compile !
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  14. #14
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    Sorted... I started from scratch... taken a day but most of the code is now working

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