
I have a 4x 7 segment display, with each segments displaying what I need.
BUT.... yes.. but. When I have a 1 second pause between the display of each unit , I have full brightness of the led module (LDS-AD16RI) but I of course I can see the number going off and on, Reducing the pause time does eliminate a lot of that roughness, but I can hardly see the numbers, they hardly light at all.
Anybody had this issue ?
Here is the code, I could also post a video if needed.

            I2CRead SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[RTCSec,RTCMin,RTCHour,RTCWDay,RTCDay,RTCMonth,RTCYear,RTCCtrl]  
            Pause 20
        TempVal=RTCSec                    'Seconds  , with temp1 on the left and temp 2 on the right
        gosub bcd_to_bin                    
        temp1_sec = temp1  
        n = temp1_sec
        PortA.0 =1
        gosub display 
        PortA.0 =0
        temp2_sec = temp2  
        n = temp2_sec
        PortA.1 =1
        gosub display 
        'PortA.1 =0
        PortA.2 =0
        PortA.4 =0
        PortC.0 =0
        PortC.1 =0

    goto Mainloop

     temp2 = $0F & TempVal                     ' Clear off the top four bits
     temp1= TempVal >> 4                       ' Shift down four to read 2 BCD value


            Lookup n, [$3F, $06, $5B, $4F, $66, $6D, $7D, $07, $7F, $67], Segments
            PORTB = Segments
            pauseus 10