Just got Tiny Bootloader to work with my X-bee network. Changed the .asm file to look like this so it runs at 9600 baud @4MHz

	radix DEC
	LIST      P=18F1320	; change also: Configure->SelectDevice from Mplab 
xtal EQU 8000000		; you may want to change:
	;oscil:	_HS_OSC_1H	HS extern
	;	_INTIO1_OSC_1H  Internal RC, OSC1 as RA7, OSC2 as Fosc/4
	;	_INTIO2_OSC_1H	Internal RC, OSC1 as RA7, OSC2 as RA6
baud EQU 9600			; standard TinyBld baud rates: 115200 or 19200
	; The above 3 lines can be changed and buid a bootloader for the desired frequency and PIC type
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 ;//set your xtal frequency here
#define _UART_BAUD 9600  ;//set your baud rate here
#define _UART_BRG ((_XTAL_FREQ / _UART_BAUD) / 64) - 1  ;//variable for setting SPBRG	
;SPBRG = _UART_BRG   ;//set baud rate
     ; TXSTA = 0b00100000;   ; //tx enable, low speed baud rate generator
     ;RCSTA = 0b10010000;    //serial port enable, continuous rx enable

	;	Tiny Bootloader		for 18F series		Size=100words
	;	[email protected]
	;	http://www.ac.ugal.ro/staff/ckiku/software/picbootloader.htm

	#include "../icdpictypes.inc"	;takes care of: #include "p18fxxx.inc",  max_flash, IdTypePIC
	#include "../spbrgselect.inc"	; RoundResult and baud_rate