Help with configuring

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  1. #1

    Default Help with configuring

    Hello there. I have written a simple code but it seems not to work properly. I am not sure what I am missing here and any help will be appreciated.

    The code is as follows:
        ifdef PM_USED
            device  pic16F688, intrc_osc_noclkout, wdt_on, mclr_on, protect_off
            __config _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_ON & _CPD_ON & _BOD_ON & _IESO_ON & _FCMEN_ON
    DEFINE OSC 8       ' OSCCON defaults to 8MHz on reset
    Include   "modedefs.bas"
    ' declare the interrupt handler
    define INTHAND _ISR
    goto main
    ; my asm code
            PAUSE 50
    	OSCCON = %01110001 ' Internal Oscillator 8MHz
            TRISA = %000100
            TRISC = %000010
            CMCON0 = 7
            ANSEL = 0               ' NO ANALOGS
            OPTION_REG = %10000011  ' RAPU = off, PS 1:16 to TMR0
            ' setup iZCD to interrupt on change
    '        INTCON= %10110000
            '         |         Global interrupts enabled
            '           |       Timer0 interrupt enabled
            '            |      Zero Crossing interrupt enabled
            '             ----  Flags are cleared
     while 1
    	toggle PortA.4
    	pause 500
    When I comment the INTCON, my led blinks fine @ 500mS. When I uncomment it, the timings go out.
    I want to run my PIC16F688 at internal 8MHz and not sure if I am missing any configuration register.
    Last edited by financecatalyst; - 15th August 2014 at 08:03.
    WHY things get boring when they work just fine?

  2. #2

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    WHY things get boring when they work just fine?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    if you enable interrupts and provide no code to service the interrupt and worse still provide no code to reset the interrupt flag what do you expect to happen ?

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    Here you are:
            movwf   wsave           ; Save WREG
            swapf   STATUS, W
            clrf    STATUS          ; Point to bank 0
            movwf   ssave           ; Save STATUS
            movf    FSR,w
            movwf   fsave          ; save FSR
            movf    PCLATH, W       ; Save PCLATH
            movwf   psave
            ; get ready to jump within the ISR page
            movlw   ((INTHAND) >> 8) ; Set PCLATH for jump
            movwf   PCLATH
            btfsc   INTCON, INTF
            goto    ZeroCrossingInt
            bcf     INTCON, T0IF    ; clear the timer overflow flag
            goto    EndInt
            bcf     INTCON, INTF    ; clear the interrupt
    EndInt  ; restore the machine state and return from interrupts
            movf    fsave,w
            movwf   FSR             ; restore FSR
            movf    psave,w
            movwf   PCLATH          ; restore PCH
            swapf   ssave,w
            movwf   STATUS          ; restore Status
            swapf   wsave,f
            swapf   wsave,w         ; restore WREG
    WHY things get boring when they work just fine?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    I cant see that you have declared wsave ,ssave and psave vars ?

  6. #6

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    I missed that.

    wsave       var byte    $70     SYSTEM          ' safe for W in all banks
    ssave       var byte    BANK0   SYSTEM          ' save STATUS
    psave       var byte    BANK0   SYSTEM          ' save PCLATH
    fsave       var byte    BANK0   SYSTEM          ' save FSR
    WHY things get boring when they work just fine?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    dt ints is easier

  8. #8

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    I know that. But latency causes problem.
    WHY things get boring when they work just fine?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    Quote Originally Posted by financecatalyst View Post
    I know that. But latency causes problem.
    What latency? I have never noticed any with DT's INTS.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  10. #10

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    Default Re: Help with configuring

    Suggestion: Simplify your job by switching to a 16F1823. Same pinout as your present PIC but with automatic context saving.

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