Hi thanks for reading this...

Am attempting to sort out some Ibutton DS1990 security code.... I have this:-

OWOUT iButton,1,[$33]
OWIN iButton,0,[Serial[0],Serial[1],Serial[2],Serial[3],Serial[4],Serial[5],Serial[6],Serial[7]]

IF Serial[1]=$15 AND Serial[2]=$D3 AND Serial[3]=$7D AND Serial[4]=$16 AND Serial[5]=$00 AND Serial[6]=$00THEN correct1
IF Serial[1]=$68 AND Serial[2]=$36 AND Serial[3]=$4F AND Serial[4]=$17 AND Serial[5]=$00 AND Serial[6]=$00THEN correct2
IF Serial[1]=$1E AND Serial[2]=$1A AND Serial[3]=$2C AND Serial[4]=$17 AND Serial[5]=$00 AND Serial[6]=$00THEN correct3
'else gosub wrong
GOTO mainloop

This works fine for the correct1,correct2, and correct3 labels.....

What I am attempting to do is; If the code doesn't see one of the three detailed Ibuttons it runs error label "wrong"

I know it must be easy (should be) but not seeing it !

My Picbasic 2.50C

Help welcome.......Please. !!!