Dave, I think we've hijacked this thread enough
from Linux and security classes I took, routers, switches, and other devices with various operating systems....can be set up (in configuration files) regarding security to:
block all but.....
allow all but.....
combinations of both depending on which rule is first or last....
and I would say port 80 is for web pages served, and having an odd port for other stuff (pic) would be less a security risk since when hackers scan IP's for vulnerabilities, they would try some or more of the "well known assigned ports" (generally 0 to 1000) for access and less likely to try all 65000 since that kind of scan is more detectable to security software......and when several or many devices are installed in a LAN that you want to access from outside, you would naturally use different ports....(even with IPV6 I believe)
don (2 cents)