
I want to use the IR remote in my project. I got the 38khz receiver from STB, and it's remote control. The code I'm using is as follows:

mand VAR word
vice VAR word
pice var word
cice var word

 SERIN irPin,N2400,vice,mand,pice,cice
 LCDOUT $FE,$C0,#vice, " ", #mand," ",#pice, "  ", #cice, "  "
 goto main
The problem is, that codes being read, are almost always different, but remain within same range according the distance of remote to receiver. Say, at 5cm, when pressing "1" button, I'll get reading in range of 240-250, but at 50cm, reading with same button will be 40-50. Even more fun is the fact, that when checked with scope, the signal on sensor output is the same. Here I attach the screenshot from scope.

What I'm doing wrong?
