Hello there,
Im trying 4-5 days now to understand how to read and write a .txt file from a microSD card with SPI method.
I have read many posts here on melabs forums but i still didn't manage to handle a read/write at the card.

I used PIC18F26K22 with osc 8MHz x4PLL = 32Mhz. I use Hserout for debugging and hardwareSPI for the data communication betwen the MCU and the card, which are
' Alias PIC pins and registers
SDO		Var	PORTC.5	' SPI data out
SDO_TRIS	Var	TRISC.5	' SPI data out direction

SDI		Var	PORTC.4	' SPI data in
SDI_TRIS	Var	TRISC.4	' SPI data in direction

SCL		Var	PORTC.3	' SPI clock
SCL_TRIS	Var	TRISC.3	' SPI clock direction

SD_CS		Var	PORTC.2	' SD card chip select
SD_CS_TRIS	Var	TRISC.2	' SD card chip select direction
I want to work with FAT32 format for my project and just to read for starters a txt file. I used a file i found in a post SDFSHC32D.bas and tried to adjust it with to my MCU. There was 2 pins SD_WE and SD_CD that i changed them into:

'SD_CD		Var	PORTB.4	' SD card detect
'SD_CD_TRIS	Var	TRISB.4	' SD card detect direction

SD_CD       var bit  ' SD card detect Pseudo bit
SD_CD_TRIS  var bit  ' SD card detect direction Pseudo bit
SD_CD_used	Var	Bit	'flag to determine if CD is used or not
SD_CD_used = 0	'SD_CD not used

'SD_WE		Var	PORTA.4	' SD card write protect
'SD_WE_TRIS	Var	TRISA.4	' SD card write protect direction

SD_WE       var bit  ' SD card write protect Pseudo bit
SD_WE_TRIS  var bit  ' SD card write protect direction Pseudo bit
SD_WE_used	var	bit	'flag to determine if WE is used or not
SD_WE_used = 0	'SD_WE not used
Do you think this could cause any problems ?? The thing is that i dont want to use Card Detection or Write Protection... I didn't know any other way to skip them so i did change them into bit variables

My code is this:


include "modedefs.bas"
include "fuses_18f26k22.bas"
include "eusart_defines_ep7.bas"

TRISA= %00000000  
TRISB= %00000011
TRISC= %00010000
'CMCON= 7 'Comparator module OFF
INTCON=  %11000000 'Set Pheripheral Interrupts And INT0IE
INTCON2.7= 1
'INTCON3.3= 1
'PIE1.5= 1 'RC1IE: EUSART1 Receive Interrupt Enable bit

include "SDFSHC32D.bas"

'   Initialization  
  PORTB= 0
  PORTA= 0
  PORTC= 0
  hserout ["Init routine: OK!",13,10]
  PAUSE 100

' Main 
  hserout ["Before FSInit ",dec fat_error]
  Gosub FSInit
  pause 10
  Gosub FSInit
  hserout ["FSInit FAT_error= ",dec fat_error]
	If (FAT_error != 0) Then 
	  hserout ["FSInit FAT_error= ",dec fat_error]
  FAT_FileName[0] = "N" 
  FAT_FileName[1] = "A" 
  FAT_FileName[2] = "M"
	FAT_FileName[3] = "E" 
  FAT_FileName[4] = "S" 
  FAT_FileName[5] = " "
	FAT_FileName[6] = " " 
  FAT_FileName[7] = " "
	FAT_FileName[8] = "T" 
  FAT_FileName[9] = "X" 
  FAT_FileName[10]= "T"    
  FAT_mode = "r"		' Read mode
  Gosub FSfopen
  hserout ["FSOpen FAT_error= ",dec fat_error]
	If (FAT_error != 0) Then
	  hserout ["FSOpen FAT_error= ",dec fat_error]
  FAT_count = 1		' Read 1 byte to buffer at a time
  Gosub FSfread
	While (FAT_error = 0)
		Hserout [FAT_dest[0]]
		FAT_count = 1	' Read 1 byte to buffer at a time
    Gosub FSfread
	pause 500

goto Main                        
I hope someone could drop any ideas because im new with Cards and im stuck !!!