Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Los Angeles, California

    Question Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

    Okay guys here is a "strange one" I do not understand and do not know how to correct! The program runs fine for exactly 3 minutes and then the value of "FromSensor" stays at a 1 and never changes to a 0! I am running the program with PicBasic Pro Version, Complier Version PBPX, MPLAB IDE v8.91, and using the ICD in PBP to watch the program run. I have timed when the program stops running and it is consistently at exactly 3 minutes! Stop and Run again and it is like a 3 minute timer starts again! Any ideas as to what is going on and how to solve the problem? Thanks!

    '************************************************* ***************
    '* Name : Depth.bas *
    '* Author : Ed Cannady (Original written by BrianT) *
    '* Notice : Copyright (c) 2011 *
    '* : All Rights Reserved *
    '* Date : 4/4/2011 *
    '* Version : 1.0 *
    '* Notes : For a 18F1320 and MS-5541 *
    '* *
    '************************************************* ***************

    DEFINE OSC 20 'Define crystal frequency

    DEFINE CCP1_REG PORTB ' Use CCP1 for 32768 master clock PORTB.3
    DEFINE CCP1_BIT 3 ' Use CCP1 for 32768 master clock PORTB.3

    Include "Modedefs.bas"
    include "hpwm10L.pbp"
    Enable Debug


    '********************* Declaired Pins **************************

    FromSensor VAR PortA.0 'data out from the MS5541
    ToSensor var PortA.2 'data in to the MS5541
    Sclk var PortA.3 'MS5541 32.768 khz clock
    Mclk var PortB.3 'MS5541 Master clock for the MS5541
    Reset VAR PortB.0 'Detect when we have surfaced

    ADCON1 = 255 ' Make everything digital (no analog)

    TRISA.0 = 1 ' Make A.0 an input YEL
    TRISA.2 = 0 ' Make A.2 an output GREEN
    TRISA.3 = 0 ' Make A.3 an output (Sclk) BLUE
    TRISB.3 = 0 ' Make B.3 an output (CCP2) VIOLET
    TRISB.0 = 1 ' Make B.0 an input (Reset when we have surfaced)

    '************** Intersema Variables *********************************
    ' C1 to C6 are in EEROM as VAL.byte0, VAL.byte1 from 108 to 159
    C1 var word ' 5540 Pressure sensitivity
    C2 var word ' 5540 Pressure Offset
    C3 var word ' 5540 Temp Coef of pressure sensitivity
    C4 var word ' 5540 Temp Coef of Pressure Offset
    C5 var word ' 5540 Reference temperature
    C6 var word ' 5540 temp coef of Temp reaToSensorg

    D1 VAR word ' raw pressure word from Intersema sensor
    D2 var word ' raw temperature word

    ' W1 to W4 are NOT stored in EEROM - they are not needed again.
    W1 var word 'coefficient from 5540
    W2 var word 'coefficient from 5540
    W3 var word 'coefficient from 5540
    W4 var word 'coefficient from 5540

    Chan VAR BYTE : Chan = 1
    Duty VAR WORD : Duty = 511
    Freq VAR WORD : Freq = 32768

    dT var long ' intermediate calc value
    UT1 var word ' Calibration temperature
    II var byte ' used ONLY within Intersema routines
    IJ var byte
    IK var byte
    IL var byte
    CalFlag var bit ' calibration data read and processed
    RefPress VAR BIT
    temp2 var word
    d var BYTE[18]
    Offset var long
    Senstvty var long
    Pressure var long
    SetPressure VAR long
    Celsius var long 'a LONG allows negative temperatures
    DegreesF VAR LONG ' Our temperature in Fahrenheit
    Depth VAR word ' Our depth in inches

    CalFlag = 0 ' We have not read the calibration data yet
    Refpress = 0 ' We have not set the reference pressure yet
    Reset = 0 ' Start with needing to recalibrate

    goto endofsubroutines ' jump subroutines at startup
    '*************************** Subroutines *****************************

    ' need 32768 @ 50% for Intersema on CCP1.
    LOW PortB.3
    @ HPWM10 _Chan, _Duty, _Freq
    Pause 10
    shiftout ToSensor, Sclk, 0, [85, 85, 0\5] ' Sense of ToSensor is IN to 5541
    pauseus 100

    shiftin FromSensor, Sclk, 2, [ij, ii, ik\1]
    ' IJ is hi byte, II is lo byte, IK is a dummy and discarded
    PAUSE 100 'Wait for data from sensor

    if calflag = 1 then calsensordone
    ' This fetches and unpacks the factory calibration coefficients
    ' from W1 ~ W4. W values need not be stored.
    ' These bitmaps are unpacked into the 6 working coefficients
    ' C1 to C6 which must be stored in EEROM for later use.

    ' W1
    gosub ResetSensor
    shiftout ToSensor, Sclk, 0, [87, 1\5] ' Send W1 pattern to all sensors
    gosub fetchword ' get reply
    W1.byte0 = ii
    W1.byte1 = ij

    ' W2
    gosub ResetSensor
    shiftout ToSensor, sclk, 0, [215, 0\5] ' Send W2 pattern
    gosub fetchword
    W2.byte0 = ii
    W2.byte1 = ij

    ' W3
    gosub ResetSensor
    shiftout ToSensor, sclk, 0, [55, 1\5] ' Send W3 pattern
    gosub fetchword
    W3.byte0 = ii
    W3.byte1 = ij

    ' W4
    gosub ResetSensor
    shiftout ToSensor, sclk, 0, [183, 0\5] ' Send W4 pattern
    gosub fetchword
    W4.byte0 = ii
    W4.byte1 = ij

    ' Unpack W1 ~ W4 into C1 ~ C6 coefficients

    ' C1
    C1 = W1 >> 3
    write 108, c1.byte0
    write 109, c1.byte1
    ' C2
    C2 = ((W1 & %0000000000000111) << 10) + (W2 >> 6)
    write 110, c2.byte0
    write 111, c2.byte1
    ' C3
    C3 = W3 >> 6
    write 112, c3.byte0
    write 113, c3.byte1
    ' C4
    C4 = W4 >> 7
    write 114, c4.byte0
    write 115, c4.byte1
    ' C5
    C5 = ((W2 & %0000000000111111) << 6) + (W3 & %0000000000111111)
    write 116, c5.byte0
    write 117, c5.byte1
    ' C6
    C6 = W4 & %0000000001111111
    write 118, c6.byte0
    write 119, c6.byte1

    calflag = 1 'We are now Claibrated

    ' D1 is Pressure - D2 is Temperature
    ' Uses LONG datatype to handle negative temperatures
    ' This routine reads the sensor and returns Pressure word
    ' and Celsius long
    ' A, II, IJ, W and X are all destroyed

    gosub ResetSensor

    ' D1
    shiftout ToSensor, Sclk, 0, [47, 0\5] ' Select D1 pattern
    While FromSensor = 1
    wend 'Convert5541Delay:
    gosub fetchword

    ' This returns ii = lobyte, ij = hibyte from the sensor
    D1.byte0 = ii
    D1.byte1 = ij

    ' D2
    shiftout ToSensor, Sclk, 0, [79, 0\5] ' Select D2 pattern
    While FromSensor = 1
    gosub fetchword

    D2.byte0 = ii
    D2.byte1 = ij

    CalcTempPress: ' 32 bit signed arithmetic version. Handles negatives.

    read 108, c1.byte0
    read 109, c1.byte1
    read 110, c2.byte0
    read 111, c2.byte1
    read 112, c3.byte0
    read 113, c3.byte1
    read 114, c4.byte0
    read 115, c4.byte1
    read 116, c5.byte0
    read 117, c5.byte1
    read 118, c6.byte0

    ' formula for DS5541 are NOT the same as for DS5540
    ut1 = 8*c5 + 10000
    dt = d2 - ut1
    Celsius = 200 + dt*(c6 + 100)/2048
    dEGREESf = ((18 * Celsius) + 3200)/10
    offset = c2 + ((c4 - 250)*dt)/4096 +10000
    senstvty = c1/2 + ((c3 + 200)*dt)/8192 + 3000
    pressure = (senstvty * (d1 - offset))/4096 + 1000

    ' if Reset = 0 then RefPress = 0 ' We have surfaced recalibrate
    if Refpress = 1 then CalcDepth
    SetPressure = Pressure
    RefPress = 1

    Depth = ((pressure*10) - (SetPressure*10))/2

    ' NOT applying second order temperature correction in this version.
    ' Note 2nd order correction formula ambiguity in datasheet.

    if celsius < 0 then 'high bit of 32 bit number is set
    temp2 = 1000 - celsius
    temp2 = 1000 + celsius
    d[17] = temp2.byte0
    d[18] = temp2.byte1

    ' *********************** Initialise *****************************

    if calFlag = 0 then
    goto CalSensor
    gosub ReadSensor

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!


    I don't see a "Return" at the end of the subroutines.


  3. #3

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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

    norm, i agree, no return for the gosubs...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

    Hi Guys!
    Thanks and to be honest I am not sure where a "return" or "returns" would or should go! Everything seems to run normally except for the program stopping and waiting for the "FromSensor" to go low so it can continue. The "FromSensor" does toggle from high to low to high to low consistently and the program runs completely for 3 minutes and then for some unknown reason at the D2 section "Wend" stops as "FromSensor" does not appear to go low!? Ed

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!


    A GoSub is a routine which can be reused and should include a "Return" at its end which takes the code point back to the GoSub where it was originally called.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

    if calFlag = 0 then
    goto CalSensor
    gosub ReadSensor
    You could try changing this gosub to a goto ReadSensor.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!


    Without looking at the PIC's datasheet I think that the problem might be with the following line

    ADCON1 = 255 ' Make everything digital (no analog)

    Don't you need to define PORTA.0 as analog?

    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

    Just a thought and question:
    Are you sure that it is the PIC that stops? I've never used the MCS Debugger but is it possible that IT is either stopping itself (so that you THINK the program has stopped) or perhaps IT is actually stopping the PIC? Have you tried running it without the ICD?

    And, what others have said: ALL subroutines to which you jump with a GOSUB must, at some point, end with a RETURN or bad things will happen. I haven't looked that close at your code but perhaps you've just been "lucky" that it works and that after three minutes there's been exactly the amount of GOSUBS without RETURN to make the stack tip over. I don't know, just thinking out loud.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Stopping at 3 minutes!!!

    Hi All!
    Again my sincere thanks to everyone! For Robert, the whole "system" is digital and there is no analog. The sensor only puts out digital information. Yes, it appears that the "Gosub" where Jerson located it was the error! Changed it to a "goto" and now everything runs longer than 3 minutes! FYI, the PIC never stopped running as Mclk would continue to change just the "FromSensor" would stop changing. So Henrik you were right (as usual!) I had just been lucky. By the way, I put everything on a small board, added a bunch of capacitor (probably overkill) so at the input and output of the TXB0101 there are a 470mf, 100mf tantalum, 01 ceramic, and on the bottom of the board, a 1mf tantalum on the input and output of the MCP1700-3002E voltage regulator! Best to all, Ed

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