Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306


    Buy this Oled screen of 0.96 ", but so far it works.
    I work connecting to the I2C Bus, the Micro is a 18F4550 to 20MHz.

    Oled Display Image and Data Sheet:

    Pins Board:
    3V3 D0 (SCLK)
    RS D1 (SDIN)
    CS D2
    WR D3
    RD D4
    RES D5
    VIN D6
    GND D7

    Connection ProtoBoard:
    D1 (SDIN) => B0 (SDA)
    D0 (SCLK) => B1 (SCL)
    3V3 => 3V3 (VCC)
    VIN unknow 3V3 (VCC)
    GND => GND
    VBAT => +
    BS0 => 0
    BS1 => 1
    BS2 => 0
    *The other pins are not connected (RS,CS,WR,RD,RES, D02 to D7).

    I have to connect more things!!, Hope for help me with this project!.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

    At the moment the code doesn´t work. HELP!!


    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ' CODE
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Device = 18F4550 'Work PIC
    Declare Xtal 20 'Set 20Mhz

    All_Digital true 'Set All Digital Port

    'Pins, I2C BUS ----------------------------------------------
    Declare I2C_Slow_Bus On 'SLow el bus I2C
    Declare SDA_Pin PORTB.0 'I2C (SDA)
    Declare SCL_Pin PORTB.1 'I2C (SCL)
    Declare Hbus_Bitrate 100 'I2C Bitrate 100Hz

    ' Program
    DelayMS 200 ' Wait for the PIC® micro to stabilise

    'Initialitation of display Commands (data Sheet)
    HBStart 'Send a Start condition to the I2C bus
    HBusOut 0x3C 'Control, (Slave address)
    HBusOut 0 'LowByte R/W#=0
    HBusOut 0xAE 'Display off
    HBusOut 0xD5 'Set Osc Frequency
    HBusOut 0x80
    HBusOut 0xA8 'Set Mux Ratio
    HBusOut 0x3F
    HBusOut 0xD3 'Set Display Offset
    HBusOut 0x00
    HBusOut 0x8D 'Set charge Pump regulator
    HBusOut 0x14 'Or 0x10
    HBusOut 0xA1 'Set Segment re-map or 0xA0
    HBusOut 0xC8 'Set COM Output Scan Direction or 0xC0
    HBusOut 0xDA 'Set COM pins Hardware Configuration
    HBusOut 0x12 'or 0x02
    HBusOut 0x81 'Set Contrast Control
    HBusOut 0x81 'or 0x22, 0xCF
    HBusOut 0xD9 'Set Pre-Charge Period
    HBusOut 0xF1 'or 0xF22
    HBusOut 0xDB 'Set VCOMH Deselect Level (Display Start Line)
    HBusOut 0x40 'Display Start At 0
    HBusOut 0xA5 'Set Disable Entire Display On or 0xA4h
    HBusOut 0xA6 'Set Normal/ A7h Inverse Display
    HBusOut 0xAF 'Set Display ON
    HBStop 'Send a Stop condition to the I2C bus

    DelayMS 1000
    'HBusOut 0x3C 'Control, (Slave address)
    'HBusOut 0 'LowByte R/W#=0
    HBReStart 'Send a Restart condition
    HBusOut $A7 'All Pixels ON
    DelayMS 1000
    HBusOut $A6 'All Pixels OFF
    DelayMS 1000
    HBusOut 0xAE 'Display OFF
    GoTo Ini

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

    AS far as I can see, This isn't PICBASIC code.
    Dave Purola,

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

    Whatever you are doing, I hope you didn't include the forum commands at the bottom of your code.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

    Hey Dave,
    Yes, I'm Sorry is Proton Compiler. But seem more or less.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

    Hello Demon,
    Could you be more explicit, I would appreciate.
    Can you tell me missing or there are extra code, which I do wrong.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Help With OLED Display / 128X64 SSD1306

    Quote Originally Posted by Denner View Post
    Hello Demon,
    Could you be more explicit, I would appreciate.
    Can you tell me missing or there are extra code, which I do wrong.

    I was talking about this stuff:

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