Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

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  1. #1

    Default Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    I'm trying to port over code from a PIC12F683 to a PIC12F1840 as I need the USART Rx/Tx. I thought I had all the config changes right, but the button connected to MCLR doesn't work (well, at least the display doesn't change so I'm assuming the interrupt isn't being fired) and the LED just stays on - no blinking. Can someone please point me to where I'm going wrong? The code lists the pin connections (the clock is provided from the CLCKOUT/OSC2 pin on a PIC16F690).

    PIC12F683 [working]
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' GP0                      -> LED output
    ' GP2                      -> Mode Btn input
    ' GP5                      -> CLCKIN (CLCKOUT from PIC16F690)
    DEFINE OSC 20            ' Set oscillator 20Mhz
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' PIC chip data sheets can be found here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
           __config _FOSC_EC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _BOD_ON & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    GPIO     = 0               ' Set initial value of port to 0
    CMCON0   = %0000111	       ' Turn off comparators
    ANSEL.0  = 0               ' Digital only on LED pin
    ANSEL.2  = 0               ' Digital only on button pin
    ADCON0.0 = 0               ' ADC is disabled
    TRISIO   = %00100100	   ' Make GPIO.2 input for mode button;
                               ' GPIO.5 input for CLCKIN
    ' The INTEDG bit of the OPTION_REG register determines on which edge the 
    ' interrupt will occur. When the INTEDG bit is set, the rising edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. When the INTEDG bit is clear, the falling edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. 
    OPTION_REG.6 = 1           ' 1=Rising edge (default) or button "PRESS";
                               ' 0=Falling edge or button "RELEASE"
    FlashMode_Default CON  0
    EE_FlashMode      DATA FlashMode_Default
    FlashMode         VAR  BYTE
    READ EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
    LED_0          VAR GPIO.0         ' Alias GPIO.0 as "LED_0"
    DUTY           VAR BYTE
    CYCLE          VAR BYTE
    Old_Flash_Mode VAR BYTE
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts
                                ' --> copy both files to PBP main folder 
                                ' (i.e. c:\pbp3)
    ;-- Place a copy of these variables in your Main program -------------------
    ;--   The compiler will tell you which lines to un-comment                --
    ;--   Do Not un-comment these lines                                       --
    wsave   VAR BYTE    $20     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank0
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM      ' alternate save location for W 
                                             ' if using $70, comment wsave1-3
    ' --- IF any of these three lines cause an error ?? ------------------------
    '       Comment them out to fix the problem ----
    ' -- Which variables are needed, depends on the Chip you are using -- 
    wsave1  VAR BYTE    $A0     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank1
    ;wsave2  VAR BYTE    $120    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank2
    ;wsave3  VAR BYTE    $1A0    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank3
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' ASM Interrupt Definitions
    ' ***************************************************************
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,           Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT_INT, _Flash_Mode_Btn,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    Cycle = 1
    STEP_CNTR = 2
    ' Set defaults
    Old_Flash_Mode = FlashMode
    GOSUB SetFlashRates
    ' Enable interrupt
    INTCON    = %10010000       ' Global int enabled (GIE), INTE enabled, INTF flag bit 0 clr
    @ INT_ENABLE   INT_INT      ; GP Port Change Interrupt
        ' Check if flash mode has changed
        IF FlashMode <> Old_Flash_Mode Then
            Old_Flash_Mode = FlashMode
            GOSUB SetFlashRates
    	' Fade in
    	For Duty = 0 TO 255 step STEP_CNTR
    		PWM LED_0, Duty, Cycle
        ' Stay on LGHTS_ON_MS
        HIGH LED_0
    	Pause LGHTS_ON_MS
        ' Fade out
    	For Duty = 255 TO 0 STEP -STEP_CNTR
    		PWM LED_0, Duty, Cycle
    	' Stay off for LGHTS_OFF_MS
        Pause LGHTS_OFF_MS
    	GOTO Main
        If FlashMode = 0 Then
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 1500
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 500    
        ElseIf FlashMode = 1 Then
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 500
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 1500        
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 750
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 833        
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [INT - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        ' Toggle flash mode between the 3 values (0, 1 or 2)
        FlashMode = FlashMode + 1
        If FlashMode > 2 Then FlashMode = 0
        ' Save selected running light flash mode
        WRITE EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
        PAUSE 100
        INTCON.1  = 0    ' Clear GP2/INT External Interrupt Flag
    PIC12F1840 [not working]
    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG     ; comment out for non-debug use
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' RA0                      -> EUSART Tx
    ' RA1                      -> EUSART Rx
    ' RA2                      -> LED output
    ' RA3                      -> Mode Btn input
    ' RA5                      -> CLCKIN (CLCKOUT from PIC16F690)
    DEFINE OSC 20                ' Set oscillator 20Mhz
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h        ; Set transmit status and control register
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD  2400       ; Set baud rate
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' PIC chip data sheets can be found here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
       __config _CONFIG1, _FOSC_ECH & _WDTE_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF
       __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_OFF
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    pause 100                    ' As advised by Darrel Taylor for EEPROM issue
    APFCON.2 = 0                 ; Tx on RA0 for LCD display
    APFCON.7 = 0                 ; Rx on RA1
    BAUDCON.4 = 1                ; Transmit inverted data to the Tx pin
    FVRCON   = 0
    ANSELA.2 = 0                 ' Digital only on LED pin
    ANSELA.3 = 0                 ' Digital only on button pin
    ADCON0.0 = 0                 ' ADC is disabled
    TRISA    = %00001010	     ' Make RA1 & RA3 input for Rx & mode button
    ' The INTEDG bit of the OPTION_REG register determines on which edge the 
    ' interrupt will occur. When the INTEDG bit is set, the rising edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. When the INTEDG bit is clear, the falling edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. 
    OPTION_REG.6 = 1           ' 1=Rising edge (default) or button "PRESS";
                               ' 0=Falling edge or button "RELEASE"
    FlashMode_Default CON  0
    EE_FlashMode      DATA FlashMode_Default
    FlashMode         VAR  BYTE
    READ EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
    LED_0          VAR PORTA.2   ' Alias PORTA.2 as "LED_0"
    DUTY           VAR BYTE
    CYCLE          VAR BYTE
    Old_Flash_Mode VAR BYTE
        LCD_INST   CON 254       ' Instruction
        LCD_CLR    CON 1         ' Clear screen
        LCD_L1     CON 128       ' LCD line 1
        LCD_L2     CON 192       ' LCD line 2
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts
                                ' --> copy both files to PBP main folder 
                                ' (i.e. c:\pbp3)
    ;-- Place a copy of these variables in your Main program -------------------
    ;--   The compiler will tell you which lines to un-comment                --
    ;--   Do Not un-comment these lines                                       --
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $20     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank0
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM      ' alternate save location for W 
                                             ' if using $70, comment wsave1-3
    ' --- IF any of these three lines cause an error ?? ------------------------
    '       Comment them out to fix the problem ----
    ' -- Which variables are needed, depends on the Chip you are using -- 
    ;wsave1  VAR BYTE    $A0     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank1
    ;wsave2  VAR BYTE    $120    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank2
    ;wsave3  VAR BYTE    $1A0    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank3
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' ASM Interrupt Definitions
    ' ***************************************************************
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,           Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT_INT, _Flash_Mode_Btn,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    Cycle = 1
    STEP_CNTR = 2
    ' Set defaults
    Old_Flash_Mode = FlashMode
    GOSUB SetFlashRates
    ' Enable interrupt
    INTCON    = %10010000       ' Global int enabled (GIE), INTE enabled, INTF flag bit 0 clr
    @ INT_ENABLE   INT_INT      ; GP Port Change Interrupt
        pause 5
        HSEROUT ["FlashMode=", DEC FlashMode, "    ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
        ' Check if flash mode has changed
        IF FlashMode <> Old_Flash_Mode Then
            Old_Flash_Mode = FlashMode
            GOSUB SetFlashRates
    	' Fade in
    	For Duty = 0 TO 255 step STEP_CNTR
    		PWM LED_0, Duty, Cycle
        ' Stay on LGHTS_ON_MS
        HIGH LED_0
    	Pause LGHTS_ON_MS
        ' Fade out
    	For Duty = 255 TO 0 STEP -STEP_CNTR
    		PWM LED_0, Duty, Cycle
    	' Stay off for LGHTS_OFF_MS
        Pause LGHTS_OFF_MS
    	GOTO Main
        If FlashMode = 0 Then
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 1500
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 500    
        ElseIf FlashMode = 1 Then
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 500
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 1500        
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 750
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 833        
            pause 5
            HSEROUT ["FlashMode=", DEC FlashMode, "    ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [INT - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        ' Toggle flash mode between the 3 values (0, 1 or 2)
        FlashMode = FlashMode + 1
        If FlashMode > 2 Then FlashMode = 0
        ' Save selected running light flash mode
        WRITE EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
        PAUSE 100
        INTCON.1  = 0    ' Clear GP2/INT External Interrupt Flag

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    I thought I had all the config changes right, but the button connected to MCLR doesn't work (well, at least the display doesn't change so I'm assuming the interrupt isn't being fired) and the LED just stays on - no blinking.
    I'm confused....
    Your code sets up DT-Ints to use INT_INT as the interrupt source for your handler but you say that you have the button connected to MCLR (RA3) which is not the INT-pin. RA3 has Interrupt on change capability and the comment at the INT_ENABLE says you're enabling IOC interrupt but you aren't.

    I'm pretty sure that you don't need to (or even should) set the GIE or INTE bits when using DT-INTS, it handles all that for you via the @ INT_ENABLE macro. You also don't need to clear the interrupt flag in the handler since you've asked DT-Ints to do that for you.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    Also your clock is internal or external?


  4. #4

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    Also your clock is internal or external?

    I'm using an external clock configuration (hence FOSC_ECH) - the CLCKOUT/OSC2 pin from a PIC16F690 (which has a 20Mhz crystal connected to OSC1 & OSC2) connects to the PIC12F1840's CLCKIN/OSC1 pin.

  5. #5

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    Quote Originally Posted by HenrikOlsson View Post
    I'm confused....
    Your code sets up DT-Ints to use INT_INT as the interrupt source for your handler but you say that you have the button connected to MCLR (RA3) which is not the INT-pin. RA3 has Interrupt on change capability and the comment at the INT_ENABLE says you're enabling IOC interrupt but you aren't.

    I'm pretty sure that you don't need to (or even should) set the GIE or INTE bits when using DT-INTS, it handles all that for you via the @ INT_ENABLE macro. You also don't need to clear the interrupt flag in the handler since you've asked DT-Ints to do that for you.

    Thanks Henrik. There are only 6 I/O pins on the 12F1840 and in trying to keep the EUSART Rx/Tx pins free I mistakenly connected the button input to RA3/MCLR (I do that for another code project). I do indeed want to use the INT interrupt, regardless of the comment. I've rejigged the code to this (I'm not at home so I haven't tested it yet):

    #DEFINE USE_LCD_FOR_DEBUG     ; comment out for non-debug use
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Pin Connections
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' RA0                      -> EUSART Tx
    ' RA1                      -> EUSART Rx
    ' RA2                      -> Mode Btn input (INT interrupt)
    ' RA4                      -> LED_0
    ' RA5                      -> CLCKIN (CLCKOUT from PIC16F690)
    DEFINE OSC 20                ' Set oscillator 20Mhz
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h        ; Set transmit status and control register
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD  2400       ; Set baud rate
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Device Fuses
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' PIC chip data sheets can be found here: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite
       __config _CONFIG1, _FOSC_ECH & _WDTE_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF
       __config _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_ON & _BORV_LO & _LVP_OFF
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Initialization
    ' ***************************************************************
    pause 100                    ' As advised by Darrel Taylor for EEPROM issue
    APFCON.2 = 0                 ; Tx on RA0 for LCD display
    APFCON.7 = 0                 ; Rx on RA1
    BAUDCON.4 = 1                ; Transmit inverted data to the Tx pin
    FVRCON   = 0
    ANSELA.2 = 0                 ' Digital only on button pin
    ANSELA.4 = 0                 ' Digital only on LED pin
    ADCON0.0 = 0                 ' ADC is disabled
    TRISA    = %00000110	     ' Make RA1 & RA2 input for Rx & mode button
    ' The INTEDG bit of the OPTION_REG register determines on which edge the 
    ' interrupt will occur. When the INTEDG bit is set, the rising edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. When the INTEDG bit is clear, the falling edge will 
    ' cause the interrupt. 
    OPTION_REG.6 = 1           ' 1=Rising edge (default) or button "PRESS";
                               ' 0=Falling edge or button "RELEASE"
    FlashMode_Default CON  0
    EE_FlashMode      DATA FlashMode_Default
    FlashMode         VAR  BYTE
    READ EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
    LED_0          VAR PORTA.4   ' Alias PORTA.4 as "LED_0"
    DUTY           VAR BYTE
    CYCLE          VAR BYTE
    Old_Flash_Mode VAR BYTE
        LCD_INST   CON 254       ' Instruction
        LCD_CLR    CON 1         ' Clear screen
        LCD_L1     CON 128       ' LCD line 1
        LCD_L2     CON 192       ' LCD line 2
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' Includes
    ' ***************************************************************
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts
                                ' --> copy both files to PBP main folder 
                                ' (i.e. c:\pbp3)
    ;-- Place a copy of these variables in your Main program -------------------
    ;--   The compiler will tell you which lines to un-comment                --
    ;--   Do Not un-comment these lines                                       --
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $20     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank0
    ;wsave   VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM      ' alternate save location for W 
                                             ' if using $70, comment wsave1-3
    ' --- IF any of these three lines cause an error ?? ------------------------
    '       Comment them out to fix the problem ----
    ' -- Which variables are needed, depends on the Chip you are using -- 
    ;wsave1  VAR BYTE    $A0     SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank1
    ;wsave2  VAR BYTE    $120    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank2
    ;wsave3  VAR BYTE    $1A0    SYSTEM      ' location for W if in bank3
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' ASM Interrupt Definitions
    ' ***************************************************************
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,           Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT_INT, _Flash_Mode_Btn,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    Cycle = 1
    STEP_CNTR = 2
    ' Set defaults
    Old_Flash_Mode = FlashMode
    GOSUB SetFlashRates
    ; Henrik Olson says I don't need this
    ; -----------------------------------
    ;INTCON    = %10010000       ' Global int enabled (GIE), INTE enabled, INTF flag bit 0 clr
    ; -----------------------------------
    ;INTCON    = %10010000       ' Global int enabled (GIE), INTE enabled, INTF flag bit 0 clr
    ' Enable interrupt
    @ INT_ENABLE   INT_INT      ; GP Port Change Interrupt
        pause 5
        HSEROUT ["FlashMode=", DEC FlashMode, "    ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
        ' Check if flash mode has changed
        IF FlashMode <> Old_Flash_Mode Then
            Old_Flash_Mode = FlashMode
            GOSUB SetFlashRates
    	' Fade in
    	For Duty = 0 TO 255 step STEP_CNTR
    		PWM LED_0, Duty, Cycle
        ' Stay on LGHTS_ON_MS
        HIGH LED_0
    	Pause LGHTS_ON_MS
        ' Fade out
    	For Duty = 255 TO 0 STEP -STEP_CNTR
    		PWM LED_0, Duty, Cycle
    	' Stay off for LGHTS_OFF_MS
        Pause LGHTS_OFF_MS
    	GOTO Main
        If FlashMode = 0 Then
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 1500
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 500    
        ElseIf FlashMode = 1 Then
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 500
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 1500        
            LGHTS_ON_MS = 750
            LGHTS_OFF_MS = 833        
            pause 5
            HSEROUT ["FlashMode=", DEC FlashMode, "    ", 13, 10] ' Send text followed by carriage return and linefeed
    ' ***************************************************************
    ' [INT - interrupt handler]
    ' ***************************************************************
        ' Toggle flash mode between the 3 values (0, 1 or 2)
        FlashMode = FlashMode + 1
        If FlashMode > 2 Then FlashMode = 0
        ' Save selected running light flash mode
        WRITE EE_FlashMode, FlashMode
        PAUSE 100
        INTCON.1  = 0    ' Clear RA2/INT External Interrupt Flag
    I've commented out the line re: set the GIE or INTE bits but left the clearing of the interrupt flag in my handler. Are you sure I don't need that?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    OK, give it a try and see if it springs to life.

    I've commented out the line re: set the GIE or INTE bits but left the clearing of the interrupt flag in my handler. Are you sure I don't need that?
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,           Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT_INT, _Flash_Mode_Btn,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE     ; Creates the interrupt processor
    Since you have the ResetFlag "switch" set to Yes, then no you shouldn't have to reset the flag manually. I don't think there's any harm in doing it though, except wasting execution cycles.


  7. #7

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    Thanks so much, Henrik - I greatly appreciate the help. I'll try it without the clearing the interrupt flag too.

  8. #8

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    Default Re: Problem converting 12F683 code to 12F1840

    It's alive! It's alive!

    Noobie mistakes there, so thanks for being patient.

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