CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    Need some help here,

    I have an 18F4520 which has the ability for multiple PWM outputs via CCP1 and CCP2 pins. The code I'm using originally came from a friend who had this working on an 18F2550, but for some reason when ported to an 18F4520 the output on PORTC.2 pulses at around twice per second whilst the output is set. The PWM is working as the pulses start very dim and increase in brightness as the value in the variable is increased and decreases as the variable value is reduced, rather than the LED remaining lit through out the settings. The output on PORTC.1 works fine, in that the LED starts off dim, fades up to full brightness and then fades down to zero.

    I've looked at the data sheet (which could be written in Klingon for all I care), and think everything is set right as the LED does increase and decrease in brightness. But I'm at a loss as to what is causing the LED to flash. Here is the bulk of the cod, and would welcome some pointers.

    Firstly the includes

    ' Include files and configure timers
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"                        ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,          Label,  Type, ResetFlag?    
            INT_Handler     TMR1_INT,  _MyTimer,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
    T1CON = %00000001                               ; free-running, 1:1 prescaler
    @   INT_ENABLE   TMR1_INT                       ; enable Timer1 interrupts
    and now the configs

    'Port settings
    CCP1CON = %00001100             ' 
    CCP2CON = %00001100             '     
    TRISA  = %00000111              'set PORTA as all output apart from 0,1,2
    TRISB  = %00000011              'set PORTB as all output apart from 0&1
    TRISC  = %01011111              '
    SCLpin var PORTC.3               ' RTC pin - clk
    SDApin var PORTC.4               ' RTC pin - data
    and now the main part of the code

        LCDOUT $FE,1:FLAGS=0:PAUSE 250:LCDOUT $FE,1:PAUSE 250 ' Initialize LCD
    Blue_Day_Cycle = NIGHT
    White_Day_Cycle = NIGHT
        b_cnt = 0
        w_cnt = 0
    gosub   read_eeprom     'Read in the data needed for the lighting periods  
    gosub  Calc_Fade
    ;************        Main Program Loop              *************
    If SetButton=0 then                                 ; jump to programming
        goto mainmenu
    timeH=(RTCHour>>4)                               'convert the BCD format of the hours register and store in variable timeH
    timeH=(timeH &$03)*10
    timeM=(timeM &$07)*10
    timeM=timeM+(RTCMin&$0F)                         'convert the BCD format of the mins register and store in variable timeM
    'if B_On_Time_H = timeH and B_On_Time_M = timeM then Blue_Day_Cycle = DAWN
    'if W_On_Time_H = timeH and W_On_Time_M = timeM then White_Day_Cycle = DAWN
    'if B_Off_Time_H = timeH and B_Off_Time_M = timeM then Blue_Day_Cycle = DUSK
    'if W_Off_Time_H = timeH and W_Off_Time_M = timeM then Blue_Day_Cycle = DUSK
    'if B_On_Time_H = timeH and B_On_Time_M = timeM then Blue_Day_Cycle = DAWN
    gosub calc_fade
    '*** Do BLUE daily cycle
        select case Blue_Day_Cycle
        case DAWN
        lcdout $FE,$94,"BL: DAWN "
            if b_cnt = B_Fadein_time and B_PWM < B_Max then
                B_PWM = B_PWM + 1
                b_cnt = 0
            if B_PWM = b_max then
                Blue_Day_Cycle = DAY
        case DAY
        lcdout $FE,$94,"BL: DAY  "
            if timeH = B_Off_Time_H and timeM = B_Off_Time_M then
                Blue_Day_Cycle = DUSK
                b_cnt = 0
        CASE DUSK
        lcdout $FE,$94,"BL: DUSK "
            if b_cnt >= B_Fadeout_time and B_PWM > B_Min then
                B_PWM = B_PWM - 1
                b_cnt = 0
            if B_PWM = b_min then 
                Blue_Day_Cycle = NIGHT
        case NIGHT
        lcdout $FE,$94,"BL: NIGHT"
            if timeH = B_On_Time_H and timeM = B_On_Time_M then
                Blue_Day_Cycle = DAWN
                b_cnt = 0
        end select
    '*** Do WHITE daily cycle
        select case White_Day_Cycle
        case DAWN
        lcdout $FE,$94+11,"WT: DAWN "
            if w_cnt = w_Fadein_time and W_PWM < w_max then
                W_PWM = W_PWM + 1
                w_cnt = 0
            if W_PWM = W_max then White_Day_Cycle = DAY
        case DAY
        lcdout $FE,$94+11,"WT: DAY  "
            if timeH = W_Off_Time_H and timeM = W_Off_Time_M then
                White_Day_Cycle = DUSK
                w_cnt = 0
        CASE DUSK
        lcdout $FE,$94+11,"WT: DUSK "
            if w_cnt >= w_Fadeout_time and W_PWM > w_min then
                W_PWM = W_PWM - 1
                w_cnt = 0
            if W_PWM = W_min then White_Day_Cycle = NIGHT
        case NIGHT
        lcdout $FE,$94+11,"WT: NIGHT"
            if timeH = W_On_Time_H and timeM = W_On_Time_M then
                White_Day_Cycle = DAWN
                w_cnt = 0
        end select
        hpwm 1,W_PWM,1500        
        hpwm 2,B_PWM,1500
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BLUES  ",dec3 (B_PWM *100)/255,"%"
    lcdout $FE,$C0,"WHITES ",dec3 (W_PWM *100)/255,"%"
        OWOUT DQ, 1, [$CC, $44]                 ' Start temperature conversion
        OWOUT DQ, 1, [$CC, $BE]                 ' Read the temperature
        OWIN DQ, 0, [temperature.LOWBYTE, temperature.HIGHBYTE]
        temperature = temperature */ 1600
        lcdout $FE,$D4+11,"TEMP ",DEC(temperature / 100)," C"
    I2CRead SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[RTCSec,RTCMin,RTCHour,RTCWDay,RTCDay,RTCMonth,RTCYear,RTCCtrl]  ; read DS1307 chip
    If RTCHour.6=1 then
    CounterA=(RTCHour>>4)&$01                           ' Work-Out 12 or 24 hour Display for Hours
    CounterA=CounterA*10+(RTCHour&$0F)                  ' Display Hours appropriately for 12 or 24 hour Mode 
    If RTCHour.6=1 then			
    LCDOut $FE,$D4,#CounterA
    LCDOut $FE,$D4,#CounterA Dig 1,#CounterA Dig 0
    LCDOut ":",#(RTCMin>>4)&$0F,#RTCMin&$0F
    GOTO Main 
    ;************        Main Program Loop END          *************
    ' Timer used to scale the PWM pulse
        Tick_Tmr = Tick_Tmr + 1
        if Tick_Tmr >149 then     ;179
            Tick_Tmr = 0
            b_cnt = b_cnt + 1
            W_cnt = W_cnt + 1

  2. #2
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    I've been trying to resolve this for days... would welcome some pointers as to what is happening here

  3. #3
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice


    Looked at the original code for the 2550 and the config settings are

    __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L & _BOR_ON_2L  & _BORV_2_2L  & _VREGEN_ON_2L   
    Note the CCP2MX fuse setting. So I added this to the fuse settings for the 4520

      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    But get "symbol not previously defined (CCP2MX_ON_3H)"

    So I checked the INC file to see that everything was commented out, and it was

    ;*  18F4520.INC                                                 *
    ;*                                                              *
    ;*  By        : Leonard Zerman, Jeff Schmoyer                   *
    ;*  Notice    : Copyright (c) 2008 microEngineering Labs, Inc.  *
    ;*              All Rights Reserved                             *
    ;*  Date      : 09/15/08                                        *
    ;*  Version   : 2.60                                            *
    ;*  Notes     :                                                 *
        ifdef PM_USED
            "Error: PM does not support this device.  Use MPASM."
            LIST p = 18F4520, r = dec, w = -311, w = -230, f = inhx32
            INCLUDE "P18F4520.INC"   ; MPASM  Header
            ;__CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSC_HS_1H & _FCMEN_OFF_1H & _IESO_OFF_1H
            ;__CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
            ;__CONFIG    _CONFIG4L,  _STVREN_ON_4L & _LVP_OFF_4L & _XINST_OFF_4L
    But noticed the way the fuse was worded so copied that to the PBP code thus

      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    It compiled fine, but the LED on PORTC.2 (CCP1CON) still flashes whilst the LED fades up and down and the case statement is anything other than NIGHT (off) It's as if something is taking the pin low at regular interval

    I would really appreciate some help here guys

  4. #4
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    LOL - it does the same thing if I comment out the settings

    'Port settings
    'CCP1CON = %00001100             ' 
    'CCP2CON = %00001100             '     
    TRISA  = %00000111              'set PORTA as all output apart from 0,1,2
    TRISB  = %00000011              'set PORTB as all output apart from 0&1
    TRISC  = %01000000              '
    T2CON     = %00000100  ' Timer2 ON + 1:1 prescale
    SCLpin var PORTC.3               ' RTC pin - clk
    SDApin var PORTC.4               ' RTC pin - data
    so it appears to be ignoring the code altogether

  5. #5
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    100 views and not one comment or suggestion... surely someone has some idea as to what's happening ????

  6. #6
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    I think you need to try and recreate the issue with as little code as possible. Start from scratch, can you get a steady duty cycle out of both modules without the aditional on/off toggling or does the toggling happen as soon as you try to get PWM out on PortC.2?


  7. #7
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    This is actually a somewhat tricky problem. Without spending a couple hours going through this for you, I'm going to take a shot in the dark. Your description of the problem suggests the value of CCP1 is getting changed at an inopportune time, or the output is being switched to C2 temporarily or there's a bad TRISC or ADCON statement. The most likely cause is that you have a lot of code in your interrupt routine, and you go to it often. It's possible that CCP1 getting set / reset occasionally at unfortunate times because you are off servicing the interrupt. I'd recommend that the interrupt routine set a flag only, or simply increment Tick_Tmr and do the value comparisons (IF..THEN) as part of your main loop.
    Just a guess, and maybe a new direction for you to poke.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    Henrik, thanks for the reply and suggestion.

    The pulsing only occurs when the conditions are matched for the start of the lighting phase. For example, if the lighting period is set for an hour between 10:00 and 11:00, with a 5 minuet fade up and fade down times, this pulsing happens on C.2 when the time is => 10:00 and <=11:00. But the intensity of the LED fades up correctly between 10:00 and 10:05 and down correctly between 10:55 and 11:00. The thing that really perplexes me is that C.1 works as it should with the LED increasing in brightness, stays lit at full brightness and then fades down until turning off at the set times

  9. #9
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    I seriously believe it's something to do with the port config as Charles has mentioned. It's as if the code is ignoring the configuration of this register.

    I did think that the problem may be due to the fact that the RTC uses C.3 and C.4 for SLC and SDA lines but if I have read the datasheet correctly, If bits 3-0 are set to 1100 and bits 6 & 7 are set to 00 then P1B, P1C and P1D are set to port pins, but then these appear to point to pins D5, D6 and D7 rather than Port C pins - so that would rule that out

    Given the fact that I can comment out the settings for the register and the code behaves exactly the same way does confuse me (easily done) and the fact that channel 2 works ok and it's channel 1 that is screwing up

  10. #10
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    If it IS something with the configuration of the port then you should be able to recreate that with less code than you have now.
    I don't think I have any 4520's to test and even if I did there's no way I (or I believe anyone else) could recreate your full setup without goig thru a lot of effort.

    Have you tried not using the HPWM command and instead setting the dutycycle registers manually?

    I haven't yet been able to tell exactly how things are configured on the 4520 but it looks to me as if there's one CCP module and one ECCP module on the 40-pin devices. If that's the case then there might be some differences between them. However, if both modules are of the ECCP module on the 40-pin devices then of course there should be no difference. Obviously only one of them has the bridge drive mode etc (which you don't use anyway).


  11. #11
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    Default Red Herrings - !!!

    Thanks again for the input.

    I found an example bit of code on the net

      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    DEFINE  OSC 48  ; config settings 18F4520, 20mhz crystal
    ADCON1 = $0F
    duty VAR WORD  ' Duty cycle value (CCPR1L:CCP1CON<5:4>)
       TRISC.2 = 0          ' Set PORTC.2 (CCP1) to output
       CCP1CON = %00001100  ' Set CCP1 to PWM
       T2CON = %00000101    ' Turn on Timer2, Prescale=4
       PR2 = 249      
       duty = 200      
       CCP1CON.4 = duty.0   
       CCP1CON.5 = duty.1   
       CCPR1L = DUTY >> 2
       duty = duty + 10              
       Pause 17             
       IF (duty < 800) Then mainloop  
       duty = 200           
       GoTo mainloop
    The LED on CCP1CON (pin C.2) still flashes at the same rate as my original code whilst it runs through the loop to fade the LED

    So it must be hardware related. I have a port splitter to allow two connections to the header pins on the EasyPIC5 board, with the RTC module attached to one set of pins on the splitter, and the breadboard connector to the other. As this example code didn't need the RTC I removed that and plugged the breadboard directly to the header pins on the EasyPIC5 board - No more pulsing of the LED, it ramped up over and over again...

    So this issue is either hardware related, or the fact the RTC is connected to same port is interfering with the CCP1CON settings...

    I therefore breadboarded the RTC chip and connected the breadboard direct to PORTC - It works.... so that's one addon board that will be confined to the bin !! I can't believe that it was a simple bit of hardware that could cause the issue...

    Feel like a prat now... thanks Henrik for your assistance - I can now get on with the rest of the project !

  12. #12
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    Glad you've narrowed it down.
    What's actually on that splitter board? Is it just passive or are there some buffers or the like on it?
    I don't know if RMW can have an impact on the normal I/O-pins or maby if the normal I/O pins can have an impact on the PWM-outputs. Since getting rid of the splitter seems to solve the issue it does sound like a possible RMW issue or capacitive coupling, reflection or whatever.


  13. #13
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice


    It's just a passive board, with a single female header on one side and two mail headers on top

    Name:  easytest-board_1.jpg
Views: 1122
Size:  27.1 KB

    I think I've discovered what was happening. Looking at the schematic for the RTC2 add-on board there is an SQW pin which outputs a square wave that can be used as an interrupt... when this is plugged into the header on the EasyPIC5 board this SQW pin on the header connects to PORTC.2, hence the regular pulsing.

    I didn't twig that this issue only rose it's head when I chose to use external LEDs to see what was happening as the status display LEDs for C1 and C2 on the EasyPIC5 board are covered by the 4 x 20 LCD. So much wasted time, and my apologies for wasting your time trying to troubleshoot a non-code related issue

  14. #14
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    Default Re: CCP1CON and CCP2CON strange behaviour - need some advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Scampy View Post
    .....So much wasted time, and my apologies for wasting your time trying to troubleshoot a non-code related issue
    Nevertheless, problem solved, right? What does it matter anyway.
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

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