Multi timer interrupt question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Multi timer interrupt question

    I'm going to use Darrel Taylor's interrupt program and want to run 2 separate timers. So when input 1 is on the timer starts and runs and can be reset. While it's timing I want to turn different lights on/off depending on how long the input has been on.

    I then want to do the same with a second input.

    I'm looking through all the paperwork (trying to RTFM) and I see the Gosub ResetTime and Gosub StartTimer commands. This is from the "Timers, Clocks, RTC's: Elapsed Timer Demo"

    And I also see from Darrel's page that there are up to 4 timers in the Elapsed.bas.

    What are the commands to start and reset the individual timers?

    I've been searching the forum and Darrel's site and haven't seen or have overlooked this information.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

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    Default Re: Multi timer interrupt question

    I'm trying to start with just getting one timer to work and do the usual "Flash an LED", or actually toggle between 2 LED's so I can tell where in the timing sequence it is. With what I have below, LED2 is on at startup and then it switches to LED1 and never toggles again. I think I have something wrong in my setup but don't know what. Once I get this working I would like to add the TMR1 (TimerB).

    Any help is appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Here's the code:
    '*  Name    : TimerTest.BAS                                      *
    '*  Author  : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS]                    *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2012 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 12/9/2012                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
     __CONFIG _CONFIG2L, _BOR_ON_2L & _BORV_27_2L & _PWRT_ON_2L
     __CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H
    'Interrupt code added 12-9-12
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"     ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT-18.bas"  ; Elapsed Timer Routines
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            ;INT_Handler    RX_INT,    _serialin,   PBP,  no        
            ;INT_Handler    INT_INT,  _ToggleLED1,   PBP,  yes
            INT_Handler   TMR0_INT,  _TimerA,   PBP,  yes
            ;INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _TimerB,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE                ; Creates the interrupt processor
    T0CON  = %10010010             ; T0 = 16-bit, Prescaler 8
    ;@   INT_ENABLE   RX_INT     ; enable external (INT) interrupts  
    ;@    INT_ENABLE   INT_INT     ; enable external (INT) interrupts
    @    INT_ENABLE  TMR0_INT     ; enable Timer 0 interrupts
    ;@    INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT     ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts  
    CLEAR   ' Clear all variables to 0
    LED1        VAR PortC.5     ' Output 1 
    LED2        VAR PortC.4      
    IN1         VAR PortE.0     ' Input 1 
    Counter     var byte        ' Keeps count of seconds 
    PortA   =   %00100000       ' PortA All Off 
    PortB   =   %00000000       ' PortB All Off
    PortC   =   %00000000       ' PortC All Off
    PortD   =   %00000000       ' PortD All Off
    PortE   =   %00000000       ' PortE All Off
    PortF   =   %00000000       ' PortF All Off
    PortG   =   %00000000       ' PortG All Off
    TRISA   =   %00011001       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0 RA(7-6) NA
    TRISB   =   %11111111       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
    TRISC   =   %10000010       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
    TRISD   =   %11111111       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
    TRISE   =   %11111111       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
    TRISF   =   %11111111       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
    TRISG   =   %00000000       ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0 RG(7-5) NA
    ADCON0  =   %00000001       ' A/D Enabled, Channel 0 (AN0)
    ADCON1  =   %00001110       ' AN0 Analog Input (Rest Digital I/O)
    ADCON2.7 = 1                ' Right Justify 10 Bit Word
    CMCON   =   %00000111       ' Both Comparators Disabled
    INTCON2.7 = 0               ' Turn ON PortB Pull-Ups
    T1CON   =   %00110100       ' 1:8 Prescale, T1OSCEN Off (524.288mS)
    GOSUB ResetTime               ; Reset Time to  0d-00:00:00.00    
    GOSUB StartTimer              ; Start the Elapsed Timer
    pause 200
    if (Counter > 0) and (Counter < 10) then
    LED1 = 1
    LED2 = 0
    LED1 = 0
    LED2 = 1
    goto Main
    if SecondsChanged = 1 then
        SecondsChanged = 0
        Counter = Counter + 1
            If Counter = 20 then
            Counter = 0
    Last edited by Hylan; - 9th December 2012 at 19:42. Reason: changed code post

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs

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    Default Re: Multi timer interrupt question


    The Elapsed Timer only works with Timer1.
    And there is only one Elapsed Timer.
    That's not to say you couldn't write a program to do multiple Elapsed Timers.

    The INT_HANDLER for TMR1_INT has to point to the _ClockCount routine in the include file.

            INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _ClockCount,   PBP,  yes

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