What I'm trying to end up with is a clock displaying seconds, minutes, hours and maybe a few other things.

What I've been experimenting with so far is the seconds and minutes displays. The displays are 5082-7300 are hooked up to portc and there LEDs on portd.0 and portb.1. The LEDs are just so I know the program is running. I thought I had a schematic but I saved it in wrong format so I can update it later if needed.

''*  Notes   :This program will blink a light on portd.1 at      *
'*          :about a 1 hz rate w/ LED on portb.1 set to 100cps  *
'*          :                                                   *
' This program will count from 0 to 59 using porte.0 and porte.1
' without writing a 60.
' Now trying to get the displays to sequence they look like they're 
' always on.
'rearranging port outs to resemble final diagram output on portc
' portc outputs one and tens properly when latched from porte.1

'--------------------------------------------------clock variables

ticks VAR BYTE
seconds VAR BYTE
minutes VAR BYTE
hours VAR BYTE
'-----------------------------------------------my variables
secondschanged VAR BYTE 'seconds
out_tens VAR BYTE
minutes_changed VAR BYTE 'minutes
minutes_count VAR BYTE
tens_minutes VAR BYTE
out_tens_minutes VAR BYTE

'---------------------------------------------------testing variables
led1 VAR portb.1
led2   VAR portd.0 ' blinks at pause rate

trisc = %00000000
trise = %001
portc = 0
porte = 0

cmcon = %00000111 ' comparators off
adcon0 = %00000000 ' adc off
adcon1 = %11000110 ' sets AN ports to digital
ccp1con = %00000000 ' turns comparator module off

latch_enable VAR porte.0' pin 8 on 16f877a
second_latch_enable VAR porte.1 'pin 9 on 16f877a 
tens_seconds VAR BYTE ' something for the tens digit to display

'-------------------------------------------DT interrupt area
wsave   VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM    ' alternate save location for W 
                                      ' if using $70, comment wsave1-3
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"    ' Include if using PBP interrupts


INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _ToggleLED1,   PBP,  yes
    INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor

T1CON = %00000001                ; Prescaler = 1:1, TMR1ON
@ INT_ENABLE  TMR1_INT     ; enable Timer 1 interrupts

preload VAR WORD

preload = 60643 '60643 yeilds exactly 100 Hz w/ 1:1 prescaler 
tmr1l = preload.LowByte
tmr1h = preload.HighByte

seconds = 0
tens_seconds = 0
minutes_count = 0
tens_minutes = 0

'--------------------------------------------increment seconds
IF ticks > 50 THEN 'seconds counting to 59
     ticks = 0
     seconds = seconds + 1
             IF seconds > 9 THEN 
             tens_seconds = tens_seconds + 1
             seconds = 0
      portc = (portc & %11110000) | seconds'tell the port which bits to use
            IF tens_seconds > 5 THEN
            tens_seconds = 0
            minutes_changed = 1
      out_tens = tens_seconds * 16
      trise = %110 ' porte.0
      portc = (portc & %00001111) | out_tens 'tell the port which bits to use
      HIGH latch_enable  ' enable write
      PAUSE 5
      LOW latch_enable 'disable write
      PAUSE 5

'-----------------------------------------------increment minutes
IF minutes_changed = 1 THEN
         minutes_changed = 0
         minutes_count = minutes_count + 1
             IF minutes_count > 9 THEN 
             minutes_count = 0
             tens_minutes = tens_minutes + 1
     portc = (portc & %11110000) | minutes_count'tell the port which bits to use
           IF tens_minutes > 5 THEN tens_minutes = 0
          out_tens_minutes = tens_minutes * 16
          trise = %101 ' porte.1
          portc = (portc & %00001111) | out_tens_minutes 'tell the port which bits to use
          HIGH second_latch_enable 'disable write
          PAUSE 5
          LOW second_latch_enable
          PAUSE 5
porte = 0         


'---[TMR1 - interrupt handler]------------------------------------
           t1con.0 = 0
           tmr1l = preload.LowByte
           tmr1h = preload.HighByte
           t1con.0 = 1
     TOGGLE led1
     ticks = ticks + 1

First, I know it's running fast. I got impatient waiting for the digits to turn over so I sped it up. I'll fix that later.

The problem I'm having is with the ones digit in the minutes display. In my program I initially set all the indicators to zero but the minutes ones digit sets to a 1 immediately. As the program counts the ones and tens seconds display works well. When it comes time to chalk up another minute the ones digit shows the correct count only for a second, or as long as the seconds display is zero, then goes back to being a 1.

Can anybody tell me why or how to fix it so the digit retains the correct number?

Most of the time your thoughts are always welcome.