I had been programming PBP pro for months, programming the MCU and testing it and my programming using a ME-Labs LabX1 development system. Today after months of neglect, I got back to it, finished a program that compiles okay, but I get the error "Target Device does not match selected device" when I hit the program button. Both the target device in MC Studio and the MEProg popup box indicates the MCU is a PIC 16F887.
The ONLY thing I can think of that changed is my O/S from Vista x64 to Win7 x64.
Any ideas?
I've done the reset thing, power down, shut down MicroCode Studio, etc, to no avail. My comm is fine on Comm3, says it's connected. I can't even run old programs that I had verified okay months ago.

Oh...I'm a newbie...go easy.