Hey all,
I am having a strange issue that has been driving me crazy for a couple weeks. Today I figured out how to recreate my problem.
I have 1 chip sending a serial signal and one receiving. The sender is a PIC16f684 and the receiver is the PIC16f84. I am using the serin2 and serout2. The serout2 works fine but when i have a timeout in the serin2 that is longer than the delay in the sender program, the program hangs up on the serin2 statement. What I mean by this is i had the sender chip counting and sending the result through serial to the receiver. The sender sends the serial and then i have a pause in an infinite loop. If the timeout length in serin2 is shorter than time between the serout2 commands then the serin2 hangs up.

The end goal is to have a chip refresh servos every 20 ms with angles received through serial. If the sender takes too long i want the sender to wait till the receiver is ready then send but I need the receiver to be able to timeout and refresh the servos.
