I came back from a break and saw this on each page:

Inactive username policy?

We encourage users to actively log in and use the forum on a regular basis. To keep your account active, be sure to log in and post within 3 (three) monthd of registration. And to login and browse the forum at least once every three months. Accounts may be permanently removed due to prolonged inactivity. Please use your account once you sign up!

TinkersALotV2, You are member of MEL PICBASIC Forum for 365 day(s) now. Please note our inactive user policy. From time to time we may delete zero-posters and users that don't visit the forum regularly . To avoid account deletion please visit regularly and join in with forum discussions.

Struck me as a bit heavy-handed. So what if I lurk here? Seems like a bit of goofy policy to me, imho...