Sed13305f help!

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Thread: Sed13305f help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Sed13305f help!

    Hello! i'm also new here..

    I need to send a bmp image to display(HITACHI 640X24 WITH SED13305F) but i don't know how to ,I have a program to convert bmp to asm or bas .
    So,my question is: how to include generated files to my program?
    DEFINE OSC 10		
    CMCON = 7
    ADCON1= 7			'Make all pins digital
    'Set pins for output
    dat      var PORTB    ;D0=21 TO D7=28      
    a0       var PORTC.0   ;11
    rd       var PORTC.1   ;12      
    wr       var PORTC.2   ;13    
    cs       var PORTC.3   ;14 
    rst       VAR PORTC.4  ;15
    cs = 0 		
    RD = 0
    'Constants used
    SYS_SET		    con	$40
    SYS_SLEEP	    con	$53
    SYS_CGRAM_ADDR	con	$5C
    SYS_SCROLL	    con	$44
    SYS_SCROLL_RATE	con	$5a
    SYS_CUR_FORM	con	$5d
    SYS_CUR_ADDR	con	$46
    SYS_CUR_READ	con	$47
    SYS_CUR_DIR_RT	con	$4c
    SYS_CUR_DIR_LT	con	$4d
    SYS_CUR_DIR_UP	con	$4e
    SYS_CUR_DIR_DN	con	$4f
    SYS_OVER_LAY	con	$5b
    SYS_MWRITE	    con	$42
    SYS_MREAD	    con	$43
    LCD_DISP_ON	    con	$59
    LCD_DISP_OFF	con	$58
    LCD_INVERSE	    con	$ff
    LCD_NORMAL	    con	$00
    LCD_GRH         con $960  ;GRAPHIC HOME ADDRESS
    LCDL1		con	0	'Line 1
    LCDL2		con	80	'Line 2
    LCDL3		con	160	'Line 3
    LCDL4		con	240	'Line 4
    LCDL5		con	320	'Line 5
    LCDL6		con	400	'Line 6
    LCDL7		con	480	'Line 7
    LCDL8		con	560	'Line 8
    LCDL9		con	640	'Line 9
    LCDL10 CON 720
    LCDL11 CON 800
    LCDL12 CON 880
    LCDL13 CON 960
    LCDL14 CON 1040
    LCDL15 CON 1120
    LCDL16 CON 1200
    LCDL17 CON 1280
    LCDL18 CON 1360
    LCDL19 CON 1440
    LCDL20 CON 1520
    LCDL21 CON 1600
    LCDL22 CON 1680
    LCDL23 CON 1760
    LCDL24 CON 1840
    LCDL25 CON 1920
    LCDL26 CON 2000
    LCDL27 CON 2080
    LCDL28 CON 2160
    LCDL29 CON 2240
    LCDL30 CON 2320
    'General Variables used
    gl_cmd		var	BYTE
    gl_cur      var BYTE
    gl_byte		var	BYTE
    gl_i		var	BYTE
    gl_j		var BYTE
    gl_addr		var	WORD
    gl_set      var byte
    PAUSE 1
    RD = 1
    pause 100
    goto main		'Jump over subroutines
    '===== SUBROUTINES ============
    	a0	= 0        
    	dat	= gl_byte
     goto gl_strobe
    	a0	= 1
    	dat 	= gl_cmd
    	wr	= 0
    	@ nop
    	wr	= 1
    	a0   = 0	
    'Clear Graphic Screen
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_ADDR	'CSRW command
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $60
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = $09
    	gosub send_dat	
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT	 'Cur movement right
    	gosub send_cmd	
    	gl_cmd = SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd	
            gl_byte = $00
    	for gl_i = 1 to 240      ;pixel  V
    	   for gl_j = 1 to 80    ;bytes H
    		gosub send_dat
    	   next gl_j
    	next gl_i
    'Clear Text screen
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_ADDR	'CSRW command
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $00
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = $00
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT	'Cur movement right
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_cmd = SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = " "	'ASCII Space
    	for gl_i = 1 to 30
    	   for gl_j = 1 to 80
    		gosub send_dat
    	   next gl_j
    	next gl_i
    'Setup LCD
    	gl_cmd = SYS_SET
    	gosub send_cmd   
    	for gl_i = 0 to 7                       
    		            'P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  P7  P8
            lookup gl_i,[$30,$07,$07,$4F,$54,$EF,$50,$00],gl_byte                      
            gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    	gl_cmd = SYS_SCROLL
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 5 ' sad1   sl1  sad2   sl2   sad3     
    		  lookup gl_i,[$00,$00,$EF,$60,$09,$EF],gl_byte 
    		gosub send_dat     
    	next gl_i
    	gl_cmd = SYS_SCROLL_RATE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte =$00
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_cmd = SYS_OVER_LAY
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $01 
    	gosub send_dat
    	'DISP OFF
    	gl_cmd =LCD_DISP_OFF
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = %00010110
    	gosub send_dat
    	'Clear Text screen
    	gosub gl_txtclr
    	'Clear Graphic screen
    	gosub gl_grfclr	
    	'CSRW set cursor home
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_ADDR
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $00
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = $00
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = $00
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = $00
    	gosub send_dat
    	'CSR FORM
    	gl_cmd =SYS_CUR_FORM
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $04
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = $86
    	gosub send_dat
    	'DISP ON
    	gl_cmd = LCD_DISP_ON
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $16	'cursor off $35 
    	gosub send_dat
    	'CSR DIR
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub send_cmd
    'Routine to set the address
    	'CSRW set cursor home
    	gl_cmd = SYS_CUR_ADDR       'Address command
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = gl_addr.BYTE0     'Vram text memory starts at $0000 and graphics at $960
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_byte = gl_addr.BYTE1
    	gosub send_dat
    	gl_cmd = gl_cur	            'Set cursor movement to left,right,up or down
    	gosub send_cmd
    'End of subroutines
    	gosub gl_init		'Initialize display
    	PAUSE 10
    'draw a border around LCD
    'Left vert Line
    	gl_addr = LCD_GRH + 0 	      'Graphic home position $960 2400
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_DN      'Cur movement to right
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte =$ff
    	for gl_i = 0 to 239		     ;vertical 240
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    'Right vert Line
    	gl_addr = LCD_GRH + 79      'Graphic home position $960 2400
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_DN      'Cur movement to right
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $ff
    	for gl_i = 0 to 239		      ;vertical address
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    'Top Line
    	gl_addr = LCD_GRH + 0 	      
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT      'Cur movement to right
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $ff		'All bits set
    	for gl_i = 0 to 79		       
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    'Bottom Line
    	gl_addr  = LCD_GRH + $4AB0; 
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT    
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	gl_byte = $ff		
    	for gl_i = 0 to 79		
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i	
    ; Layer 1 text 
    	gl_addr = LCDL2+1      'Line 1 and 1 bytes to right
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr	
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    for gl_i = 0 to 8                                        
    		lookup gl_i,["LINIA 2 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    	gl_addr = LCDL4 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr	
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    for gl_i = 0 to 8 
    		      lookup gl_i,["LINIA 4 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i	
    	gl_addr = LCDL6 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 8
    	      lookup gl_i,["LINIA 6 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
      	gl_addr = LCDL8 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd   
    for gl_i = 0 to 47   
            lookup gl_i,["LINE 8 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    	gl_addr = LCDL10+ 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr	
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd 
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9                                                           
    		 lookup gl_i,["LINIA 10 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    	gl_addr = LCDL12+ 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd                    
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9 
    		 lookup gl_i,["LINIA 12 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i	
    	gl_addr = LCDL14+ 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd      
    	for gl_i = 0 to 57
    		    lookup gl_i,["LINE 14 @ HITACHI SP21H001 LCD PANEL 640X240 & SED13305F "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
      	next gl_i
    	gl_addr = LCDL16+ 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9
    		lookup gl_i,[" LINE 16 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    	gl_addr = LCDL18+ 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9                
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 18 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    		gl_addr = LCDL20+ 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9                 
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 20 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    			gl_addr = LCDL22 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 8                 
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 22 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    			gl_addr = LCDL24 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 8                 
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 24 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    				gl_addr = LCDL26 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    ;	'MWRITE
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9                
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 26 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    			gl_addr = LCDL28 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    ;	'MWRITE
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9                
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 28 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i
    		gl_addr = LCDL30 + 1     
    	gl_cur  = SYS_CUR_DIR_RT
    	gosub gl_setaddr
    	gl_cmd =SYS_MWRITE
    	gosub send_cmd
    	for gl_i = 0 to 9                    
             lookup gl_i,["LINIA 30 "],gl_byte
    		gosub send_dat
    	next gl_i	
     goto mesages
    '   END OF PROGARM   

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

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    Default Re: Sed13305f help!

    You will need to extract the picture information from your BMP file and then send bit per bit to your display. You will also need to resize your BMP file to 640X240 before attempting to transfer the picture.

    Read the Tutorial "Bitmap_File_Format_Information" @ the given link, to understand how to extract the data needed.


    All progress began with an idea

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

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    Default Re: Sed13305f help!

    Thanks for the answer, I am looking for an example for how to include the file generated from bitmap converter(asm,bas,h....)
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Sed13305f help! Hitachi SP21H001 LCD

    Hello I´m new hear and i have a request.
    Can anybody post or link any kind of document whit the hitachi sp21h001 pinout and tell me if it´s possible to use this controller whith it( ?
    Thanks in advance.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Sed13305f help!

    here it is!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sed13305f help!

    Many many thanks for your attention for this subject.
    Because i´m new in grafical lcd´s can i connect the controller direct to the pc and use software like smart lcd or other? If you have any schematic for this hitachi sp21h001 i will apreciate mutch.Thanks to all.
    Sérgio Coelho

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Sed13305f help!

    There is everything you need already posted ....
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sed13305f help!

    thank you very much by your patience.

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