Hi all.
I want to finish this very simple PIC 16F628A code but I have a mistake I don't understand :
What I need is to read the PortB value (0 - 255) but PortB.3 and PortB.4 return zero everytime.

8 Dipswitches are connected on PortB to VCC and the total value is reported on an serial LCD screen.
I don't use X-tal and nothing else my LCD is connected on the PIC for the moment except 2 resistors between VCC and PortA.2 / PortA.3 for a future I2C use.
My serial transmission is okay @9600 without X-tal and my issue is not there.

I try since 3 days and now all my hairs are on the floor ;O)
I think I need something to add in the head of the code but what ?
Any help is welcome.

Thanx a lot and cheers from France.

Here is my code :
@ device PIC16F628A, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT, wdt_off, pwrt_on, mclr_off, protect_off 'Utilisable avec PM

Include "modedefs.bas"         ' Mode definitions for Serout

        CMCON    = 7           ' Turn OFF all analog features, all is now digital
;        VRCON    = 0          ' Disable A/D Voltage reference, I don't need that in this code
;        INTCON.7 = 0          ' Disable interrupts, I don't need that in this code

        Define OSC        4    ' Set Xtal Frequency
	DEFINE I2C_SCLOUT 1    ' I'll use I2C communication


        TRISA = 0              ' All Port A output
        TRISB = 255            ' All PortB input
    	LOW PORTA		           '
        SYMBOL SDA           = PORTA.2     ' I2C SDA (R 10k to VCC)
        SYMBOL SCL           = PORTA.3     ' I2C SCL (R 10K to VCC)
        SYMBOL DIP1          = PORTB.0
        SYMBOL DIP2          = PORTB.1
        SYMBOL DIP3          = PORTB.2
        SYMBOL DIP4          = PORTB.3
        SYMBOL DIP5          = PORTB.4
        SYMBOL DIP6          = PORTB.5
        SYMBOL DIP7          = PORTB.6
        SYMBOL DIP8          = PORTB.7
        LCDPIN             Var PORTA.1     ' Serial LCD
        ADDR1              VAR BYTE
        ADDR1                = $C2         ' Fixed I2C address for PLL 5055
        PLLBASE            VAR WORD
        TMP                VAR WORD
        PLL                VAR WORD
        PLLLO              VAR PLL.LOWBYTE
        PLLHI              VAR PLL.HIGHBYTE
        FMHZ	           var WORD
        FKHZ	           var WORD

        PLLBASE              = 19200       ' Lowest freq

        BAUDRATE            CON N9600      ' For use with LCD

        pause 1000                         ' wait for the LCD to startup


     TMP = PORTB * 2                                                                    
     PLL = PLLBASE + TMP                           

     I2CWrite SDA,SCL,ADDR1,[PLLHI,PLLLO,$8E]          ' send command to PLL

     Serout LCDPIN, BAUDRATE,[12]                      ' Clear screen
     Serout LCDPIN, BAUDRATE,["PortB= ", #PORTB]       ' Print PortB value (0-255)
     Pause 1000