Interrupt Handler issue with PBPro

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    South Eastern Ma

    Default Interrupt Handler issue with PBPro


    I have been struggling with an interrupt issue for the past couple of days without success in solving
    it . I am using a PIC 16F616 that I am programming with PBPro V2.6A within MPLab V8.63 and am using an ICD2 as a debugged. The prg looks for a high on pin 2 (RA.5) to start Tmr0. It then goes through a For Next
    loop waiting for a Tmr0 interrupt of a Change on PortA interrupt. The problem is that the Intcon
    register shows the interrupt flags for both the change on PortA and Tmr0 overflow but the program does not jump to the Interrupt Handler. I am attaching my code for review. I have printed, read and re-read a number of Posts on this subject over the past three night but have not come up with the answer on my own. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Interrupt Handler issue with PBPro

    At first glance ENABLE should be placed just above the label MAIN: for pbp to actually respond to the interrupts.



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