Stable ADC readings - Page 2

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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Simple, there's no voltage in there as it is right now. You'll need to modify the circuit to add some voltage there. The pull-up thing should work.

    Do yourself a big favor, output the value of the ADC reading to a LCD or to your computer, push on a single button, note the value and modify the IF-THEN value in the code.

    What are your pull-up value?

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  2. #42
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    On F877 or F877A there are NO pull-ups on port A. Only on Port B.


  3. #43
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Check this thread, seems you want to do something really alike

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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    10k for pull up external.
    i have only two wires to tie at right and two wires to tie ar left of steering wheel.
    So 12 buttons in fact .
    If i tie like the thread you provided , so many wires and this is the first part of entire PIC system .
    i am not sure there are enough wires after this.
    I have 25 inputs/outpouts tie to PIC .(without components reserved operation )
    Perhaps the eight outpouts/input reserved to LCD (for test before FIS tachometer connected) .

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    The link I provided was about the OUTPUT not the input. It show how to connect your resistor and how to code it.

    your whole system to the car should be more than 6 wire... but 3 of them should already be GND or +5v/+12V.

    Plug the steering wires, push on each button, for each button you have a diffferent ADC reading.

    OR use a multimeter and measure the resistor value when you push on a single button.... also when you don't push on any button. From there we can also work out a solution.

    Also, we still have NO information about your radio, no brand, no model no nothing. At least do you know the resistor value needed for each function?
    Last edited by mister_e; - 26th August 2011 at 00:32.

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Yes i tried last month , i have the value.
    I have already put schematic.
    my radio is pioneer 6900IP , only a jack remote input.

    My intension is to keep the wires buttons .
    With more wires , i have to change all connections.

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    I know the input... how about the output?

    BTW, as per the service manual, this radio seems to use a stereo Jack... maybe you need a resistor on the tip, another on the ring? Whatever, the method on the previous link will work for the OUTPUT section.

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  8. #48
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    I try assembler but i have some errorsName:  assembleur bmf.jpg
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  9. #49
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Assembler, C, Fortran or Pascal will not solve the problem here. The problem is not the ADC reading, it is what you do with.

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  10. #50
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    the soft ? picbasic pro ?????
    i have the same error with mplab
    thanks to be explicit .
    it is an example from a guy - it works for him !
    it is not easy to spend all days to arrive ( only ADC) to nothing !


  11. #51
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Hervé, je veux bien t'aider du mieux que je peut, mais tu va devoir faire une partie des devoirs de ton coté.

    Ok, let's observe the schematic you posted

    OK, please answer the following question:

    Q1: The Resistor attached to the button are built-in the remote/Steering and you can't modify anything in right?


    Q2: You have a 10K pull-up On RA0, and another on RA1... true?


    Q3: If so, assuming you don't push on any button, Between GND and RA0 AND between GND and RA1 with your multimeter you should read something like 1.4Volt RIGHT?


    From there, we need to etablish at least 4 conditions
    1) ADC reading when no push button are pressed
    2) ADC Reading when you push on Button 1 alone
    3) ADC Reading when you push on Button 2 alone
    4) ADC Reading when you push on Button 3 alone

    We can use maths to do so OR output each ADC reading to a LCD OR send the data do your PC via serial communication OR store them in the PIC EEPROM. Choice is yours. Let's see if the maths could work here.

    Without any push button pressed, I said around 1.4. Using the voltage divider theory
    (3902/(3902+10000))*5 = 1.403

    so the ADC should return something like
    (1.4/5)*1023 = 287

    Do the same with the other resistor value and you should be able to evaluate
    1) when no push button are pressed
    V = 1.4
    ADC Reading = 287

    2) When you push on Button 1 alone
    V = 0.37
    ADC Reading = 76

    3) When you push on Button 2 alone
    V = 0.58
    ADC Reading = 119

    4) When you push on Button 3 alone
    V = 0.82
    ADC Reading = 168

    Now, try this.
    '       Hardware setup
    '       ==============
            '       I/O
            '       ---
            TRISA = %00000011       ' RA0 et RA1 en entrée
            TRISB = 255             ' Disconnect all resistor from the circuit
            PORTB = 0               '
            '       ADC
            '       ---
            DEFINE ADC_BITS 10      ' Set number of bits in result
            DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3      ' Set clock source (rc = 3)
            DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50  ' Set sampling time in 
            ADCON1 = %10000010      ' RA0 à RA3
    '       Software Variable
    '       =================
            ADRes       VAR WORD    ' ADC Reading
            BTN         var byte    ' Data to be sent to PORTB
            i           VAR BYTE    '
            ADCChannel  VAR BIT     '
            ADCButton   VAR BYTE [3]'
    '       Software constant
    '       =================
            ADCSafety   CON 10              ' min/max range for ADC Reading
            ADCNone     CON 287 - ADCSafety ' 
            ADCButton[0]  = 76              ' button 1 or 4 
            ADCButton[1]  = 119             ' button 2 or 5 
            ADCButton[2]  = 168             ' button 3 or 6 
            TRISB = 255                     ' Disconnect all resistor from the circuit  
            ADCIN ADCChannel,ADRes          ' Read ADC
            if (ADRes < ADCNone) Then       ' Any button down?!?
                                            ' - Yes!
                    FOR i = 2 TO 0 STEP -1  '   Loop through all 3 calculated posibilities
                                            '   Test against calculated ADCresult
                                            '   and allow a range of +/- ADCSafety
                            IF (ADRes > (ADCButton[i]-ADCSafety)) AND  (ADRes < (ADCButton[i]+ADCSafety)) THEN
                                            '   Valid ADC result, clear the coresponding I/O
                                    TRISB = ((DCD i) << (ADCChannel*3)) ^255
                                    PAUSE 200
                                    i=0     '   and getOut of here
                                    ENDIF   '
                            NEXT            '
                    else                    ' - NO!
                                            '   Switch to the other ADC channel
                    ADCChannel = ADCChannel ^ 1 
            GOTO Start                      '
    Button 1, enable PORTB.0, Button 2 PORTB.1 etc etc.

    For testing purpose use LEDs to VDD. It works here.

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  12. #52
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    I Bet there are no pull ups on port A inputs.


  13. #53
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    mazoul72, I'm really new to picbasic, but I note in your schematic that you don't have pull-up resistor, so please try something like this:

    Also, try to code something like the below example, if you rotate the bits of your ADC reading, you can leave only the 2 most significating bits, this way, you can know the exact button pressed (of course you must calculate correctly the resistors values):


    ADVal var byte
    Switch var byte

    adcin 3,adval
    switch = (adval >> 6) 'Shift for 2 MSB for values 0 to 3 representing each button

    SELECT CASE switch
    CASE 0
    'Put your code here
    CASE 1
    'Put your code here
    high gpio.0
    CASE 2
    'Put your code here
    high gpio.1
    CASE 3
    'Put your code here
    high gpio.2

    goto principal

  14. #54
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Post #44
    Quote Originally Posted by mazoul72 View Post
    10k for pull up external.
    I guess it's an omission on it's schematic. At least I hope

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  15. #55
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    That's right Master mister_e, he mention the 10k pull-up before, but I want to be sure he is assembling his circuit properly (just to have peace of mind)

    By the way Master, I'm new to this forum as well to picbasic and since I first read your posts you became my "Personal Jesus"

  16. #56
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Don't do that, Depeche Mode have some Copyright on that quote

    Welcome aboard!

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  17. #57
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    First many thanks to your answers .

    OK, please answer the following question:

    Q1: The Resistor attached to the button are built-in the remote/Steering and you can't modify anything in right?

    A1:_Yes , it is too little inside because it is cms components .

    Q2: You have a 10K pull-up On RA0, and another on RA1... true?

    A2: Yes , it is an omission but it is 10Komhs for test ( 3.96 Volts with no action)

    Q3: If so, assuming you don't push on any button, Between GND and RA0 AND between GND and RA1 with your multimeter you should read something like 1.4Volt RIGHT?

    A3: No , i read 3.96 Volts on 10K resistors and RA0,RA1.

    So , (3902/(3902+10000))*5 = 1.403 .
    i will verify if there is another resistors but i see 3902 ohms (i am sure) , perhaps an error . I will tell you about.

    I don't understand : TRISB = ((DCD i) << (ADCChannel*3)) ^255

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    Best regards
    Last edited by mazoul72; - 28th August 2011 at 21:20.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

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    i don't know why 3.96 V and not 1.4 V ....

  19. #59
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    3902 is actually 39K, so the other resistor are also bad... ok then. So be it.

    modify what's in red
    '       Software Variable
    '       =================
            ADRes       VAR WORD    ' ADC Reading
            BTN         var byte    ' Data to be sent to PORTB
            i           VAR BYTE    '
            ADCChannel  VAR BIT     '
            ADCButton   VAR WORD [3]'
    '       Software constant
    '       =================
            ADCSafety   CON 10              ' min/max range for ADC Reading
            ADCNone     CON 814 - ADCSafety ' 
            ADCButton[0]  = 90              ' button 1 or 4 
            ADCButton[1]  = 164             ' button 2 or 5 
            ADCButton[2]  = 270             ' button 3 or 6
    should work

    This is Why I asked to measure with your ohmmeter a couple of post back... and nope I'm not going to decipher a PCB

    You have everything on hand....
    Last edited by mister_e; - 28th August 2011 at 22:17.

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  20. #60
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    I don't understand : TRISB = ((DCD i) << (ADCChannel*3)) ^255
    Check your manual about DCD, logical and bitwise operators. It's all there

    Anyone wants to explain it?

    Yes I've put some black magic in

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  21. #61
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Hello Steve ,

    i have some erratic values on BTN result ( BTN = TRISB ) under pic smulator ide 6.91 .
    like 1 . 2 . 4 .255 and cycle infinite .

    But i will try this evening on led test or resistors.

    I note in 16f877x datasheet that with "1" TRISB , we have High Impedance so we can choose whose resistor to be put off .
    But with other state bit of TRISB , i don't understand how tie to common +5V of car radio (TIP) to the RB0,RB1,RBx..... ???
    We have agree that it is a result of a resistor between common ground (sleeve) and +5V (tip) on jack "grip" .


  22. #62
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Never trust a sim... as simple as that. They're on the market for laziness and to make good money out of it. Good enough to replace any xBox, Nintendo... or some porn.

    You tie the resistor like the guy in that previous thread. One side on the PIC the other side are tied together and sent to the Radio.

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  23. #63
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Hi Steeve,

    i test intensity value with some résistors tie together to one led.

    But with your program , trisb stay at 255 , i put some select case for test but no trisbx.0 work (255 always)
    I will try to my test platine .
    I understand your "voodoo formule" , it is for have only one button put on , no action with 2,3 .. together .


  24. #64
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    i repeat my question :
    how tie the resistors on the side of PIC together to have a resultant resistor in parallele ?
    i agree that the other side is tie together to the radio , but on the ground ,yes
    but the +5V for PIC RBx ?



  25. #65
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    in fact , the simulator isn't reactif with adc , i must go slowly with an0/an1 choice .
    But step by step around button(i) , it works.

    I must add six other buttons in programm and .

  26. #66
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Can i use btn as word variable for a select case like 1110111111111111 ?
    (with your formule dcd(i).... )
    i can't for the moment ...
    i use adcchannel 0 to 3 .


  27. #67
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    pbp 3 manual section 2.12

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  28. #68
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    it works all !
    great and many thanks.

    I made another "formule" in addition to yours (to work with 12 buttons and 4 channels__3 buttons on a wire)
    It is perhaps not proper .
    I add to this : PIC Simulator IDE 6.91 works great , all test with it and great.

    . btn = ((DCD i) << (ADCChannel*3))^255
    . if ADcchannel = 3 and btn = %11111111 then btn = (btn - (3*adcchannel)) << i
    . gosub choose
    ADCChannel = ADCChannel + 1 'Switch to the other ADC channel
    if ADCchannel = 4 then adcchannel = 0
    select case btn
    ' first bloc of 6 buttons
    case %11111011 ' AN0-270 --- 47k and 5k = 4.6k
    TRISB.0 = 0 ' 5k and 5k = 2.5k
    TRISB.1 = 0
    case %11111101 ' AN0-164 --- 47k and 10k = 8.2k
    TRISB.1 = 0 ' 5k and 5k = 2.5k
    TRISB.2 = 0 ' 47k and 47k = 22k
    case %11111110 ' AN0-90 --- 47k and 22k = 15k


  29. #69
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    i am so disapointed because it doesn't work on test real card and works on simu.
    i have microcode studio with 15 days trial .(compiler

    TRISA = %00001111 ' RA0 et RA1 en entrée

    TRISB = 255 ' Disconnect all resistor from the circuit (Haute impédance)

    PORTB = 0 '


    ' ADC

    ' ---

    DEFINE ADC_BITS 10 ' Set number of bits in result

    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (rc = 3)

    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in

    ADCON1 = %10000010 ' RA0 à RA3 and RIGHT JUSTIFIED


    ' Software Variable

    ' =================

    ADCRes VAR WORD ' ADC Reading

    btn var byte ' Data to be scan

    i VAR BYTE '

    j var bit

    ADCChannel VAR byte '

    ADCButton VAR word [3]'


    ' Software constant

    ' =================

    j = 0

    ADCSafety CON 10 ' min/max range for ADC Reading


    ADCNone CON 814 - ADCSafety '

    ADCButton[0] = 90 ' button 1,7 or 4,10

    ADCButton[1] = 164 ' button 2,8 or 5,11

    ADCButton[2] = 270 ' button 3,9 or 6,12


    TRISB = 255

    ADCIN ADCChannel,ADCRes ' Read ADC


    if (ADCRes < ADCNone) Then ' Any button down?!?

    ' - Yes!

    FOR i = 2 TO 0 STEP -1 ' Loop through all 3 calculated posibilities

    ' Test against calculated ADCresult

    ' and allow a range of +/- ADCSafety

    IF (ADCRes > (ADCButton[i]-ADCSafety)) AND (ADCRes < (ADCButton[i]+ADCSafety)) THEN

    ' Valid ADC result, clear the coresponding I/O

    btn = ((DCD i) << (ADCChannel*3)) ^255

    if (ADcchannel = 3 and btn = 255) then btn = ((btn - (3*adcchannel)) << i)

    gosub choix

    pause 200

    i=0 ' and getOut of here

    ENDIF '

    NEXT '

    else ' - NO!

    ADCChannel = ADCChannel + 1 'Switch to the other ADC channel

    if ADCchannel = 4 then adcchannel = 0


    GOTO Start


    select case btn

    ' premier bloc de 6 boutons
    case %11111011 ' AN0-270 --- 47k and 5k = 4.6k

    TRISB.0 = 0 ' 5k and 5k = 2.5k

    TRISB.1 = 0

    case %11111101 ' AN0-164 --- 47k and 10k = 8.2k

    TRISB.1 = 0 ' 5k and 5k = 2.5k

    TRISB.2 = 0 ' 47k and 47k = 22k

    case %11111110 ' AN0-90 --- 47k and 22k = 15k

    TRISB.2 = 0

    TRISB.3 = 0 ' 10k and 10k = 5k

    case %11011111 ' AN1-270 --- 47k and 2.2k = 2.1k

    TRISB.3 = 0 ' 47k and 15k = 11.3k

    case %11101111 ' AN1-164 --- 100k and 22k = 18k

    TRISB.4 = 0 '

    TRISB.0 = 0 '

    case %11110111 ' AN1-90

    TRISB.5 = 0

    TRISB.1 = 0

    TRISB.3 = 0

    ' deuxième bloc de boutons

    case %11111111 ' AN2-270 --- 47k and 5k = 4.6k

    TRISB.7 = 0 ' 5k and 5k = 2.5k

    TRISB.6 = 0

    case %01111111 ' AN2-164 --- 47k and 10k = 8.2k

    TRISB.5 = 0 ' 5k and 5k = 2.5k

    TRISB.4 = 0 ' 47k and 47k = 22k

    case %10111111 ' AN2-90 --- 47k and 22k = 15k

    TRISB.2 = 0

    TRISB.3 = 0 ' 10k and 10k = 5k

    case %11011000 ' AN3-270 --- 47k and 2.2k = 2.1k

    TRISB.7 = 0 ' 47k and 15k = 11.3k

    case %11101100 ' AN3-164 --- 100k and 22k = 18k

    TRISB.5 = 0 '

    TRISB.0 = 0 '

    case %11110110 ' AN3-90

    TRISB.5 = 0

    TRISB.7 = 0

    TRISB.3 = 0

    end select


  30. #70
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Dunno buddy, replace your resistor with LED to Vdd and see what happen, Code seems to be OK.

    On your PIC16F877, make sure you have all VDD and VSS pin connected, MCLR to VDD and the right capacitor around the crystal. If you're using an >4MHz one, set the HS_OSC fuse. Always make sure you also disable LVP in the configuration fuse too.

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  31. #71
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Dunno buddy , your program Code works very well with some resistors and one led on my PIC Hardware platform test .
    With it , the intensity varies according to different buttons .
    Perhaps microcode studio with 15 days trial .(compiler ?
    my programmer is willem with winpic800 .

  32. #72
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    i 've just try compiler 2.60 plus patch 2.60c under microcode studio
    and verify fuse under willem (hs) , always the same .
    arg , no understand why if the code is good .........................../

  33. #73
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    STUPID I AM , no pull-up resistors for RA2 and RA3....

  34. #74
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Post #52


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  36. #76
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    i tried with my car radio , it works well but a little slow for buttons reaction .
    Perhaps the pause ...
    I will try to integrate interrupts with it.
    many thanks Steeve.


  37. #77
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Good news! The code itself should be fast enough, I guess the radio need some time to process it, and sure enough, it's not on his high priority task.

    Post your code here, I'll check if I see something weird.

    PS: when you post a code here use the code tags, this way it appear in a code box, and we don't miss the outdent format. It is really simple to do.
    paste your code here

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  38. #78
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Steeve ,

    do you know where is the values for other functions like up/down/valid (press 2 or 3 seconds on function button) / EQ/Display ?
    I have all general functions under 100kohms .
    it is for DEH-6900IP Pioneer .


  39. #79
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Nope, sorry. Their service manual makes no mention of it, and the only thing I found was something like,

    Even the original wired remote from Pioneer make no mention of this specific feature

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  40. #80
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    Default Re: Stable ADC readings

    Do the diode zener serve to fix no Function if i have no +12V on input regulator ?
    Because when i put off +12V , i have a loop function (again and again.....)

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