I cannot get the PLL to turn on. I can set the INTRC oscillator to 4 MHz or 8 MHz but I cannot get the 4x PLL to activate. I have scoured the forum but found nothing directly relevant.
MCS+ PBP 2.60L MPASM v5.37

I want to get an internal RC clock of 16 or 32MHz so then I can push the DEBUG speed up.

'************ Config Register setup for USB programmer *************
' OSC = INTIO2,  FSCM = En, IESO = En, PwrupTmr = En, BrownOut = Dis
' BOR Volts = 2, WDT = Off, WDTPS = 1:512, CCP2 mux = RB3, 
' PortB reset = Digital, LPT1Osc = Low, MCLR = Reset, LVP = Disabled
' Enhanced CPU = Dis, All memory = Not Protected
DEFINE OSC 4               'IntOsc <= 32MHz @ 3.7V OK. See page 325.
DEFINE DEBUG_REG PORTB     'Debug output pin port 
DEFINE DEBUG_BIT 6         'Debug output pin bit (= PGC)
DEFINE DEBUG_BAUD 28800    'Debug baud rate 
DEFINE DEBUG_MODE 0        'Debug mode: 0 = True, 1 = Inverted 
'DEFINE DEBUG_PACING 50    'Debug character pacing in us 

'   OSCCON = %01101111        ' Select 4 MHz
   OSCCON = $62               ' also selects 4 MHz 
'   OSCCON = %01111111        ' Select 8 MHz
'   OSCTUNE = %01000000       'PLL ON, at centre frequency
   OSCTUNE.6 = 1              ' PLL ON   
'   OSCTUNE = %00000000       'PLL OFF, at centre frequency
Any help gratefully received.