code conversion

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Thread: code conversion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default code conversion

    Hi All

    i have a checksum calculation routine that works in Visual Basic i am trying to convert to PicBasic.

    the source for the checksum are the first 32 locations in a AT93C46 EEprom (16 bit mode).

    i am sure i am doing something stupid but all i get with the Picversion is FFFF,FFFF(sometimes FFFF,7FFF) independent of the eeprom contents.
    after spending 5 days on this i hope some fresh eyes will spot my error.

    thanks in advance


    VB code:

    Private Sub Checksumme(dat$)
    ' Checksumme berechnen
    Dim x, d, cs$
    adrx1 = 1: adrx2 = 31: GoSub summe1x
    cs$ = Right$("00" + Hex$(summe), 2)
    adrx1 = 9: adrx2 = 18: GoSub summe1x
    cs$ = Right$("00" + Hex$(summe), 2) + cs$
    cs = cs$

    Label5.Caption = "Checksum : " & cs
    If writecsum = True Then
    WriteCheckSum cs$
    End If
    writecsum = False
    Exit Sub


    summe = &HA5
    For x = adrx1 To adrx2 Step 1
    d = Mid$(dat$, x * 5 + 1, 4)
    d = Val("&H" + Mid$(dat$, x * 5 + 1, 4))
    summe = (summe + (d And &HFF)) And &HFF
    If (summe And 1) = 1 Then
    summe = summe \ 2 + &H80
    summe = summe \ 2
    End If
    summe = (summe + (d And &HFF00) \ &H100) And &HFF
    If (summe And 1) = 1 Then
    summe = summe \ 2 + &H80
    summe = summe \ 2
    End If

    summe = summe And &HFF


    End Sub


    PicBasic code:

    adrx1 = 1
    adrx2 = 31
    gosub summe1x

    adrx1 = 9
    adrx2 = 18
    gosub summe1x


    summe = $A5
    for addr = adrx1 to adrx2 step 1
    d= b3a(addr)
    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, hex d, 10,13]
    summe = (summe + (templo)) and $FF
    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, 10, 13]
    if (summe and 1) = 1 then
    summe = summe / 2 + $80
    summe = summe / 2
    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, 10, 13]
    summe = (summe + (temphi) / $100) and $FF
    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, 10, 13]
    if (summe and 1) = 1 then
    summe = summe / 2 + $80
    summe = summe / 2
    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, 10, 13]

    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, 10, 13]
    summe = summe and $FF
    serout2 PortB.1, 84, [hex summe, 10, 13]


    variable declarations for PB:

    B3A var word(32)
    temp var word
    tempLo var temp.byte0
    tempHi var temp.byte1
    adrx1 var byte
    adrx2 var byte
    CheckSumme var word
    Summe var word
    d var word

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bombay, India

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    Some observations

    1 - the VB code is reading 4 hex characters from locations (x*5 + 1) at a time. This is assuming VB is set to "option base 1"
    so, for index 1 it reads from 6, for index 2 it reads from 11 etc
    Your PB code is not doing that

    2 - the VB code is expecting HEX characters and converts them to a value using the val("&H" ......) operation.
    Your PB code is treating the values in the EEPROM as proper word values which they are not

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

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    Hi Jerson

    thanks for the reply

    the 1st point i have removed the lines for that and forgot to put them back in (i removed them to make it a bit simpler to follow).

    the second point is i think where the problem with the conversion is occurring.
    i get compile errors if i try to force the variables to hex.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Bombay, India

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    Hi Dj

    You do not need to force the values to Hex, instead you need to convert the HEX values to word. Since PBP does not support a function like VB does, you need to build this code. A simple routine to convert a hex character to byte would be

    ' expects a HEX character with capitalized A-F values
        Hexchar = Hexchar - "0"          ' remove the value of ascii 0 (30H)
        if Hexchar > 9 then  Hexchar = Hexchar - 7   ' convert A-F to 0a-0Fh
    Now, you would do this 4 times once for each nibble in the word you are converting and get your Hex word like this

       WordVal = 0                              ' start with a val of 0
       read a hex character to HexChar
      gosub Hex2Bin
      WordVal = WordVal * 16 + HexChar
       read a hex character to HexChar
      gosub Hex2Bin
      WordVal = WordVal * 16 + HexChar
       read a hex character to HexChar
      gosub Hex2Bin
      WordVal = WordVal * 16 + HexChar
       read a hex character to HexChar
      gosub Hex2Bin
      WordVal = WordVal * 16 + HexChar
    Now, WordVal would contain the 16 bit representation of the 4 character Hex String

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