Am using PBP 2.6 to use INT2 as an external interrupt from a DS1337 real-time-clock. Code attached below works perferctly, but for some strange reason I have to insert a PAUSE 100 at the start of the Main loop or the INT2 doesn't work properly. As long as the PAUSE 100 is there, works fine. Can anyone tell me why??
' [ Device Declaration ]
ASM ; 18F2550/4550, 8mhz crystal
   __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
   __CONFIG    _CONFIG3H, _PBADEN_OFF_3H ; PortB resets as digital

Include "Modedefs.Bas"
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"    ' Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas" 
INCLUDE "ALLDIGITAL.pbp"    ' Sets all registers for digital ops.                     


' Initialize Hardware 
      TRISA = 0             ' all outputs for LCD use              
      TRISB =%00001100      ' RB2 & RB3 set as RTC Alarm1/2 inputs 
      TRISC = 0      
      TRISD = 0 
      TRISE = 0
'[ Declare Variables, Aliases & Constants ]  
    rng0      VAR Byte      ' Range  LSB when right justified
    rng1      VAR Byte      ' Range  MSB when right justified
    ext_pwr   VAR PORTC.6   ' Controls power to SRF02 
    SCL       VAR PORTB.1    
    SDA       VAR PORTB.0   

    ' Constants
     rtcdevice CON $D0  ' Address for DS1337
     srfdevice CON $E0  ' Address for SRF02
'SETUP FOR USING DS1337 Real Time Clock 
    ' Setup Hardware for uart
        DEFINE HSER_BAUD 115200

    ' Aliased Variables for CLock  
        Alarm1      VAR PORTB.2     ' Alarm1 input from DS1337 INTA (pin-3)
        Alarm2      VAR PORTB.3     ' Alarm2 input from DS1337
       contrl     CON %00000101   ' Starts oscillator, enables INTA interrupt
                                ' from A1F, INTA/SQW off.  
    ' RTC Address definitions
        SecReg      CON $00   ' seconds  (00 - 59) 
                              ' must set MSB of SecReg to 0 to enable RTC 
        MinReg      CON $01   ' minutes  (00 - 59) 
        HrReg       CON $02   ' hours  (01 - 12) or (00 - 23) 
        DayReg      CON $03   ' day  (1 - 7) 
        DateReg     CON $04   ' date  (01 - 28/29, 30, 31) 
        MonReg      CON $05   ' month  (01 - 12) 
        YearReg     CON $06   ' year  (00 - 99) 
    ' Alarm 1 Address definitions 
        Alm1sec     CON $07   ' Alarm 1 seconds  (00-59) 
        Alm1min     CON $08   ' Alarm 1 minutes  (00-59)
        Alm1hr      CON $09   ' Alarm 1 hours  (01-12) or (00-23) 
        Alm1Day     CON $0A   ' Alarm 1 day  (1-7)
    ' Alarm 2 Address definitions 
        Alm2min     CON $0B   ' Alarm 2 minutes  (00-59)
        Alm2hr      CON $0C   ' Alarm 2 hours  (01-12) or (00-23) 
        Alm2Day     CON $0D   ' Alarm 2 day  (1-7)
    ' Alias of Clock register addresses
       ContReg     CON $0E    ' CONTROL register  
       StatusReg   CON $0F    ' STATUS register 
    ' Clock Variables
        sec         VAR BYTE  ' seconds 
        MINs        VAR BYTE  ' minutes 
        hr          VAR BYTE  ' hours 
        day         VAR BYTE  ' day 
        date        VAR BYTE  ' date 
        mon         VAR BYTE  ' month 
        yr          VAR BYTE  ' year 
        A1sec       VAR BYTE  ' seconds 
        A1MINs      VAR BYTE  ' minutes 
        A1hr        VAR BYTE  ' hours 
        A1day       VAR BYTE  ' day 
        A2MINs      VAR BYTE  ' minutes
        A2hr        VAR BYTE  ' hours
        A2day       VAR BYTE  ' day
GoSub SetTimeAndDate        ' Setup current time & alarm settings 

INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,         Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
        ;INT_Handler   USB_Handler
        INT_Handler   INT2_INT,        _Alarm,   PBP,  yes

@    INT_ENABLE   INT2_INT     ; enable external (INT) interrupts

' Per DT, DT_INTS already takes care of setting INTCON and RCON registers
' but this doesn't work unles INTCON2 set per below:
    INTCON2.4 = 0         ' Set INT2 for falling edge (Bit4-low)interrupt
    INTCON2.7 = 1         ' Disable all PortB Pull-ups

    RTC_INT_FLG  VAR INTCON3.1 'Alias for RB2 INTA interrupt flag from RTC

'[ Begin Main Program Loop ]
    PAUSE 100    ' ?? For some reason this 100 millisec delay is required
                 ' to keep INT2 interrupts from happening every 11 secs ??  
    Low PORTC.0   ' Turn off Test LED while in Main loop     
    GoTo Main     ' Endless Loop waiting for interrupt

'[ Begin Interrupt Handler ] 
    High PORTC.0     ' Turn on Test LED to indicate Alarm interrupt entered
    HIGH ext_pwr     ' Turn on power to the SRF02 during interrupt service
                     ' in order to use the I2C bus without distortion.
    PAUSE 3000       ' Delay to let I2C bus stabilize after SRF02 turn on
    'DEFINE WRITE_USED 1 'Required if only writing WORD variables in v2.6
   ' Process the RTC alarm 
       ' Read the current time
        I2CREAD SDA,SCL,RTCdevice,SecReg,[sec,MINs,hr,day,date,mon,yr]
        PAUSE 10
        'Write time to EEPROM
            WRITE 21,hr      
            PAUSE 20
            WRITE 22,MINs
            PAUSE 20
            WRITE 23,sec    
            Pause 20
        ' Read the ALARM settings from the DS1337
            I2CREAD SDA,SCL,RTCdevice,Alm1sec,[A1sec,A1MINs,A1hr,A1day]
            Pause 10
            I2CRead SDA,SCL,RTCdevice,Alm2min,[A2MINs,A2hr,A2day]
            PAUSE 10
    ' Make SRF02 Range Measurement           
        I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,$E0,0,[80]' Request start of ranging in inches
        pause 100                  ' Wait for ranging to finish
        I2CREAD SDA,SCL,$E0,2,[rng1,rng0] ' Get ranging results                         
        WRITE 253,rng1             ' Write range to EEPROM for testing
        Write 254,rng0
        ' Clear the Alarm flags to be ready for next day intterupt             
            ' Clear STATUS register
                I2CWrite SDA,SCL,RTCdevice, StatusReg,[$00] 
                Pause 1000
                WRITE 255, MINs
                PAUSE 20
       LOW ext_pwr  ' Turn off power to the SRF02 at end of interrupt
              ' This statement will distort the I2C bus and ext_pwr
              ' must be HIGH before any attempts are made to use the
              ' I2C bus.
       PAUSE 1000    ' Delay to permit I2C bus to stabilize after SRF02 off     
    ' Resume Main Program 
End     ' Safety measure to insure program stops if reaches here
'{ End of Interrupt Handler ]

SetTimeAndDate:  ' Subroutine to set current time, date and alarms
    HIGH ext_pwr     ' Turn on power to the SRF02 during this routine
    PAUSE 3000       ' Delay to let I2C bus stabilize after SRF02 turn on
' Initialize clock variables to 0 
    yr=0:date =0:mon =0:day=0:hr=0:MINs=0:sec=0 
' The BCD constants below set the RTC to: 11:00:00 on 12-20-2009 
' Per MAXIM TechSupport, proper sequencing requires setting INTCN = 1, 
' & A2IE=A1IE=0 before setting alarms.
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, ContReg,[%00000100]
    Pause 20  
'Define ALARM1 FOR 11:01:00 & to alarm when secs match (1/min).
    ' This requires A1M1=0 and A1M2=A1M3=A1M4=1
    ' (A1xxx + $80 or A1xxx + 128d sets bit 7 as A1Mx = 1)
    A1hr   = %10010001  '$11 + $80 = %10010001, for A1M3 = 1
                        'Bit6 must be 0 for 24 hour clock
    A1MINs = %10000001  '$501 + $80 = %10000001, for A1M2 = 1
    A1sec  = $00        '$00 = %00000000, for A1M1 = 0
    A1day  = %10000111  '$07 + $80 = $10000111, for A1M4 = 1
                        'DY/_DT Bit6 = 0 for using Day of month alarm
' Per MAXIM TechSupport, reset control register for desired Alarm
' after setting alarms.
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, ContReg,[%00000101]
    PAUSE 20 
'Set the main Time
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, SecReg,[sec,MINs,hr,day,date,mon,yr]
    Pause 20     
'Set the Alarm1 Time
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, Alm1sec,[A1sec,A1MINs,A1hr,A1day]
    PAUSE 20
'DISABLED...Set the Alarm2 Time   ' Alarm2 disabled for this application
    'I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, Alm2min,[A2MINs,A2hr,A2day] 
    'Pause 20
' Clear STATUS and set CONTROL registers 
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, StatusReg,[$00] ' Clear STATUS register
    PAUSE 20 
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, ContReg,[%00000101]
                                ' Starts the oscillator, 
                                ' enables INTA interrupt from A1F.
    Pause 20 
'Post setup test to see if Time set correctly by reading EEPROM stored time
    I2CREAD SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, SecReg,[sec,MINs,hr,day,date,mon,yr]
    PAUSE 20
    WRITE 13,sec     'Write time to EEPROM for check after post run test
    I2CREAD SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, MinReg,[MINs]
    PAUSE 20
    WRITE 12,MINs
    I2CREAD SDA, SCL, RTCdevice, HrReg,[hr]
    PAUSE 20
    WRITE 11,hr
'Post setup test to see if Alarm set correctly by readig EEPROM stored time
    I2CREAD SDA,SCL,RTCdevice,Alm1sec,[A1sec,A1MINs,A1hr,A1day]
    PAUSE 20
    WRITE 14,A1hr
    PAUSE 20  
    WRITE 15,A1MINs
    Pause 20      