I have an EasyPIC5 development board and one of the Microelectonica RTC2 add on modules which has been breadboarded and needed to be tested as part of an ongoing project. The following example simply shows todays date (14/2/10) and starts running from 19:00 hrs.

Although this example was simply used to test the comms between PIC and Module, it should be a simple matter to add a few tweaks to allow the date and time to be set.

'*  Name    : RTCtest877A.BAS                                   *
'*  Author  : Malcolm Crabbe                                    *
'*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2010 M.Crabbe                       *
'*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
'*  Date    : 14/02/2010                                        *
'*  Version : 1.0                                               *
'*  Notes   : Test of breadboarded RTC2 Module to prove         *
'*          : hardware                                          *
'*  Target  : 16F877A

@   __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CP_OFF


;----[LCD definitions]------------------------------------------------------
DEFINE LCD_DREG  PORTB              ' LCD Data port
DEFINE LCD_DBIT  0                  ' starting Data bit (0 or 4)
DEFINE LCD_EREG  PORTB              ' LCD Enable port
DEFINE LCD_EBIT  5                  ' Enable bit  (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB              ' LCD Register Select port
DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4                  ' Register Select bit   (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
DEFINE LCD_BITS  4                  ' LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)
DEFINE LCD_LINES 2                  ' number of lines on LCD
DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000           ' Command delay time in us 
DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50                ' Data delay time in us 

SDA var PORTC.1                     ' RTC data 
SCL var PORTC.0                     ' RTC clock

TRISC= %11111111
DB0 var byte[8]
CMCON = %00000111                   ' Comparators = off
gosub write_1307
read_1307:                          ' Read time Secs,Mins,Hours,Day,Date,Month,Year,Control
I2CREAD SDA,SCL,$D1,$00,[STR DB0\8] ' Read 8 bytes from DS1307

lcdout $fe,1,"Time=",hex2 DB0[2],":",hex2 DB0[1],":",hex2 DB0[0]    'bit 0=sec, bit 1=min, bit 2=hrs
lcdout $fe,$c0,"Date=",hex2 DB0[4],":",hex2 DB0[5],":",hex2 db0[6]  'bit 4=day, bit 5=month, bit 6=year
goto read_1307

Write_1307:                          ' Set time & date to 19:00:00  14th Feb 201
I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,$D0,$00,[$00,$00,$19,$7,$14,$2,$10,$90] ' Write to DS1307
pause 10