Thermo 7 segments - little problem - Page 2

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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    What if you comment the DS1820 logic, set temperature and sign to -20 and test only the display logic?


  2. #42
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    Near the top of the program you set up a config line but it's commented out. I think for that chip to need to set the HS osc since you're using a 20Meg unit.

    Do you also need to set the CONFIG register to set for oscillator speed and type?

    I'm looking over the data sheet but have to catch it in fits and starts. More questions later.

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    Thanks for advice ....
    Indeed I commented this : ";@ __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _LVP_OFF"
    But in Proteus I set the freq to 20 MHz.
    If I write "temperature=123", the display show "12.3" ; so, it's work ...but the reading of sensor not work / or the temperature is wrong calculated ...

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    So the LCD logic works, that's a start.

    Are you doing this only in proteus?


  5. #45
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    No, I have builded the hardware too ...
    Note : the code for temperature sensor is for DS1820 ; I use DS18B20 - maybe this is the problem ?!

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    Hello Fratello,
    your code
    PORTA=_7seg1        ' enable hundreds 7 segment
            displayport = digit_1 ' display
            GoSub DelayBetweenEachDigit
    Best I remember and for reasons I don't you cannot assign a port value just that way. Something about BLA = bla being a T/F comparason rather than assignment, don't remember just fuzzy . . . I believe PORTA=_7seg1 is a comparason operator and putting ! or ~ ahead of it converts it to a "Bitwise" operation
    Try this
    PORTA=~_7seg1        ' enable hundreds 7 segment
            displayport = digit_1 ' display
            GoSub DelayBetweenEachDigit
    and if that inverts your display then use 2 nots
    PORTA=~~_7seg1        ' enable hundreds 7 segment
            displayport = digit_1 ' display
            GoSub DelayBetweenEachDigit
    As I have not really studied your code I may have misread where your port display is, in any event use not or 2 nots before that port assignment.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 6th July 2013 at 00:28.
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  7. #47
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    A couple of other things I question:Please bear in mind I'm not a real programmer just a poor hacker!

    You say you set a rate in Protues but don't you have to have those configs to set the chip up to work at that speed even in Proteus?

    Once you go through the mainloop you never go back to it. I don't see a line in your code where you have goto mainloop anywhere.

    On the write1820 sub, and some others, you write either a 0 or a1 then shift if right 1 digit. Won't that constantly shift in a zero? And in same sub there are 8 bits to a byte but I think they shouldstart at 0 not 1. I don't really understand how that works so if I'm wrong I'll look up the 1820 and get schooled up.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    A couple of other things I question:Please bear in mind I'm not a real programmer just a poor hacker!

    You say you set a rate in Protues but don't you have to have those configs to set the chip up to work at that speed even in Proteus?

    Once you go through the mainloop you never go back to it. I don't see a line in your code where you have goto mainloop anywhere.

    On the write1820 sub, and some others, you write either a 0 or a1 then shift if right 1 digit. Won't that constantly shift in a zero? And in same sub there are 8 bits to a byte but I think they shouldstart at 0 not 1. I don't really understand how that works so if I'm wrong I'll look up the 1820 and get schooled up.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    Thank you all for support !
    1. The code (last version, from previous page) work fine - at least show a clear, flicker-free suite of "0" , if I comment all references to temperature ...
    The "copyright code" belong to Mr.Monfette (' File name : Count_Display.bas ' Company : Mister E ' Programmer : Steve Monfette) so it's a WORKING code for LED display. Me, I just attempted to adapt to my project - reading DS18B20 sensor !
    2.If I write in code this line "temperature=123" (instead "calculated" value of temperature), the display show "12.3" ; so, it's work ...but the reading of sensor not work / or the temperature is wrong calculated ...
    3.Indeed, the return in loop was to "DisplayRefresh:", not to "Mainloop:". I've changed that, but not results !

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Thermo 7 segments - little problem

    Me, again ...
    I have some good results ! I used example from "EXPERIMENTING WITH THE PICBASIC PRO COMPILER", by Les.Johnson.

    Main code :
    ' Program Thermo-LED, mod. of DISP_TST.BAS
    ' *************************************************************
    ' *							      *
    ' *  This source code may be freely used within your own      *
    ' *  programs. However, if it is used for profitable reasons, *
    ' *        please give credit where credit is due.	      *
    ' *  And make a reference to myself or Rosetta Technologies   *
    ' *							      *
    ' *			Les. Johnson			      *
    ' *************************************************************
    ' Demonstrate the use of the 7-segment display multiplexing include files.
    ' Upon the programs start a TMR0 interrupt is automatically started
    ' using the compilers ON INTERRUPT command
    ' To display a value on the leds,
    ' Place the value to display into the variable D_NUMBER
    ' and the decimal point location into the variable DP.
    ' A value of 0 in DP will disable the decimal point
    ' ***********************************************************************
    @ DEVICE pic16F628A, intOSC_osc_noclkout, WDT_OFF, PWRT_ON, MCLR_OFF, LVP_OFF, CPD_OFF, PROTECT_OFF  
    	Include "Modedefs.Bas"
    	Include "d:\PBP\3CC_DAN.Inc"			' Load the 3-digit display multiplexor, modified for my hw
    ' ** Setup the Crystal Frequency, in mHz **
    	Define 	OSC		4	' Set Xtal Frequency
            CMCON=7                           ' Disable comparators
    	TRISB = %00000000		' Set segment pins to output
    	TRISA = $F0			' Set digit pins to output
    Temp   	    Var     Byte
    Temperature     Var     Word
    TempC           Var     Word
    I               Var     Byte
    Float           Var     Word
    V		    Var     Word		   
    Dummy           Var     Byte
    n		    Var     Byte
    value		    Var     Word
    DQ              VAR     PORTA.4
    ' ** Declare the Variables **
    	Counter		Var	Word		' General purpose counter
    	Del			Var	Word		' General purpose delay loop variable
    DS18B20_12bit 	CON %01111111           ' 750ms,   0.0625°C       
     OWOUT DQ, 1, [$CC, $4E, 0, 0, DS18B20_12bit]
     OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $48]       		    
     OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $B8] 
     OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $BE] 
     Pause 50
     OWIn DQ, 2, [temperature.byte0, temperature.byte1]
     OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $44] 
     OWOut DQ, 1, [$CC, $BE]
     OWIn DQ, 2, [temperature.byte0, temperature.byte1]  
    If Temperature.15 then       
      Temperature= ~Temperature +1
      Sign  = 1
    Dummy = 625 * Temperature
    TempC = DIV32 10 
    TempC = (Temperature & $7FF) >> 4
    Float = ((Temperature.Lowbyte & $0F ) * 25 )>>2
    Temperature = TempC*100 + Float
    If Sign=1 then
      V= 10000 - Temperature            
      V= 10000 + Temperature
    If V >= 10000 then                  
      sign = 0               
      sign = 1           	
    	D_Number=value			' Place the value to display into D_NUMBER
    	DP=2					' Enable the decimal point
    	Gosub Display			' Display the value
    	 For Del=0 to 8000		' Pause 10ms
    	 Pauseus 100			' using smaller delays
    Inf:	Goto Main				' Do it forever
    and the include file :
    ' Program 3CC.DISP.INC
    ' *************************************************************
    ' *							      *
    ' *  This source code may be freely used within your own      *
    ' *  programs. However, if it is used for profitable reasons, *
    ' *        please give credit where credit is due.	      *
    ' *  And make a reference to myself or Rosetta Technologies   *
    ' *							      *
    ' *			Les. Johnson			      *
    ' *************************************************************
    ' Common Anode (Cathode) seven segment display multiplexer Include file
    ' Displays the contents of the variable D_NUMBER on THREE common anode (cathode) displays
    ' using a TMR0 interrupt every 6.5ms (assuming a 20mHz oscillator)
    ' ***********************************************************************
    ' ** Declare the Variables **
    	LEDS		  Var	Byte		  ' The amount of LEDs in the display
    	O_C		    Var	Byte		  ' Used by the interrupt for time sharing
    	D_Number	Var	Word		  ' The number to display on the LEDS
    	DP		    Var	Byte		  ' Position of the decimal point
    	Disp_Patt	Var	Byte		  ' Pattern to output to PortC
    	Num		    Var	Byte[3]	  ' Array to hold each digits value
    	Digit0		Var	PortA.0		' Controls the first DIGIT on the LED
    	Digit1		Var	PortA.1		' Controls the second DIGIT on the LED
    	Digit2		Var	PortA.2		' Controls the third DIGIT on the LED
      sign        var word
    ' ** Declare the bits and flags of the various registers **
    	T0IE		Var	INTCON.5	  ' Timer0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
    	T0IF		Var	INTCON.2	  ' Timer0 Overflow Interrupt Flag
    	GIE		  Var	INTCON.7	  ' Global Interrupt Enable
    	PS0		Var	OPTION_REG.0	' Prescaler division bit-0
    	PS1		Var	OPTION_REG.1	' Prescaler division bit-0
    	PS2		Var	OPTION_REG.2	' Prescaler division bit-0
    	PSA		Var	OPTION_REG.3	' Prescaler Assignment (1= assigned to WDT)
                              '		       (0= assigned to oscillator)
    	T0CS	Var	OPTION_REG.5	' Timer0 Clock Source Select (0=Internal clock) 
                              '			     (1=External PORTA.4)
    ' Set TMR0 to interrupt
    	GIE=0					  ' Turn off global interrupts
    	While GIE=1:GIE=0:Wend			' Make sure they are off
    	PSA=0					' Assign the prescaler to external oscillator
    	PS0=0		'0			' Set the prescaler
    	PS1=1 	'1			' to increment TMR0
    	PS2=0		'0			' every 128th instruction cycle       ' settings for 4 MHz oscillator
    	T0CS=0					' Assign TMR0 clock to internal source
    	TMR0=0					' Clear TMR0 initially
    	T0IE=1					' Enable TMR0 overflow interrupt
    	GIE=1					  ' Enable global interrupts
            On Interrupt Goto Mult_Int		' Point to the interrupt handler
    	TrisB=0					                ' Make PortB outputs
    	TrisA.0=0:TrisA.1=0:TrisA.2=0		' Make only the specific bits of PortA outputs					
    	PortA=0:PortB=0				          ' Clear PortA and PortB
    	O_C=0					                  ' Clear the time share variable 
    	Goto Over_MULTIPLEXER			      ' Jump over the subroutines
    ' Build up the seperate digits of variable D_NUMBER
    ' into the array NUM. Each LED is assigned to each array variable.
    ' LED-0 (right) displays the value of NUM[0]
    ' LED-1 (middle) displays the value of NUM[1]
    ' LED-2 (lef) displays the value of NUM[2]
    ' The decimal point is placed by loading the variable DP
    ' with the LED of choice to place the point (0..3). where 1 is the farthest right LED,
    ' and 0 disables the decimal point.
    	For LEDS=2 to 0 step -1 			' Loop for 3 digits (0-999)
    	Disable						' Disable the interrupt while we calculate
    	Num[LEDS]=D_Number dig LEDS 			' Extract the seperate digits into the array
    	;If D_Number<10 and LEDS=1 then Num[LEDS]=10	' Zero Suppression for the second digit ; not used in my program
    	If D_Number<100 and LEDS=2 then Num[LEDS]=10	' Zero Suppression for the Third digit
    	Enable						' Re-enable the interrupt
    ' Multiplexes the 4-digits
            Disable         			' Disable all interupts during the interrupt handler
    '	Lookup Num[O_C],[63,6,91,79,102,109,124,7,127,103,0],Disp_Patt ' Decode the segments for the LED
    	Lookup Num[O_C],[192,249,164,176,153,146,130,248,128,144,255],Disp_Patt
    ' Process the first display (farthest right)
    	If O_C=0 then				' If it is our turn then
    	Digit2=0				      ' Turn OFF the third LED
    	PortB=Disp_Patt				' Place the digit pattern on portC
    	If DP=1 then PortB.7=0			' Check the value of DP and Turn ON the decimal point
     	Digit0=1				      ' Turn ON the first LED
    ' Process the second display
    	If O_C=1 then				' If it is our turn then
    	Digit0=0				      ' Turn OFF the first LED
    	PortB=Disp_Patt				' Place the digit pattern on portC
    	If DP=2 then PortB.7=0			' Check the value of DP and Turn ON the decimal point
    	Digit1=1				      ' Turn ON the second LED
    ' Process the third display
    	If O_C=2 then				' If it is our turn then
    	Digit1=0				      ' Turn OFF the second LED
    	PortB=Disp_Patt				' Place the digit pattern on portC
    	If DP=3 then PortB.7=0			' Check the value of DP and Turn ON the decimal point
    			if sign = 1 then portb.6 = 0
    	Digit2=1				      ' Turn ON the third LED
    	O_C=O_C+1				    ' Increment the time share counter
    	If O_C>=3 then O_C=0			' If it reaches 4 or over then clear it
    	T0IF=0    				  ' Reset TMR0 interrupt flag
            Resume				' Exit the interrupt
    	Enable					    ' Allow more interrupts
    I have now a sharp display (sharper by decreasing this value : For Del=0 to 8000 ) with a verry, verry little flicker, almost imperceptible ! It is by far the best option until now !

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