Infrared Remote Receiver

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Infrared Remote Receiver

    Hi Guys
    After a search for infrared, the only successful code I found links to a broken 404 page,
    so I’ll upload code shortly.

    It’s the long way round, but doing better at the moment would customise it very strongly to Sony pulse coded remotes.
    Also reading into a buffer first will be great for trying a new remote.
    I didn’t use any existing information out there about Sony remotes, or a scope.. only the pic code!

    Since the video I’ve got continuous button presses working well (such as seeking an audio CD track),
    and also replaced the Sony IR receiver with a stock 40kHz receiver module which works the same if not better.

    On the downside, all of the code is blocking, so the program won’t do anything else simultaneously without some effort.
    Cheers, Art.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

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    Default Re: Infrared Remote Receiver

    Hi Guys,
    This code is for 16f628A @ 10 MHz to become an IR receiver for the Commodore CDTV remote.
    Commodore had a lot of these manufactured before a new model CDTV that never happened,
    and so plenty of new old stock is available from eBay.

    The overlayed buttons in this image are mapped to pic IO pins, and they will be held low
    for as long as the buttons are pressed.
    Additionally, the CD player buttons can be read as well.
    Some combinations entered on the keypad can also be used to configure the receiver.
    For example, a certain keypad code (revealed in the source) will make the keypad
    a DTMF keypad, and another will mute the beeps for CD track skip.

    No schematic is available, but the IO pin definitions are given at the end of the code/

    If anyone builds it, it’s probably a good idea to watch this series of videos starting with this one:

    In the second part, I changed from the Sony remote, to the CDTV remote pictured here.
    Cheers, Art.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

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    Default Re: Infrared Remote Receiver

    Here is the source:
    ' -----------------------------------------------------
    ' Amiga CD32 Controller & CDTV IR Receiver Interface V3
    ' -----------------------------------------------------
    '              Copyright Brek Martin 2016.          
    ' -----------------------------------------------------
    DEFINE OSC 10				' 10 MHz high speed oscillator
    DEFINE NO_CLRWDT			' watchdog is cleared manually
    keycode var byte[7]			' combination keycode buffer
    decodedir var byte[3]		' 
    decodedira var decodedir[0]	' decoded command sentence
    decodedirb var decodedir[1]	'
    decodedirc var decodedir[2]	'
    irworda var word			' 12 bit ir command
    irwordb var word			' 12 bit inverted ir command
    rotcnt var word				' loop counter
    releasecnt var word			'
    repeatdel var word			'
    repeatlen var word			'
    rawdelay var byte			'
    headerlen var byte			'
    ircount var byte			' pulse length counter
    irbitcnt var byte			' ir bit counter
    irbuff var byte				' byte buffer
    leadcnt var byte			' header length counter
    sndval var byte				' sound frequency
    mousejoy var byte			' mouse or joy mode value
    qualifyir var bit			' useless but left for timing
    gotpulse var bit			' ir signal edge detect flag
    irbit var bit				' ir bit status buffer
    keyrot var bit				' rotate key code flag
    dualtone var bit			' dtmf keypad flag
    debugwrite var byte			' debug mode flag
    cdkey var byte				' cd player button beep value
    mute var byte				' mute setting
    dual var byte				' dtmf keypad setting
    sndbuff var byte			'
    sndspd var byte				' intro sound speed
    sndsine var byte			' pseudo sine
    goto startup				' do program startup
    @ clrwdt						'
    if qualifyir = 0 then			' look for initial ir burst * only here for timing now
    if porta.5 = 0 then				' look for ir header
    leadcnt = leadcnt + 1			' count time for header length
    else							'
    leadcnt = 0						' reset time for header length
    if releasecnt != 0 then			' release contunuous button presses
    releasecnt = releasecnt - 1		' decrement button cancel delay
    if releasecnt = 1 then			' trigger button cancel
    portb = %11111111				' set all cd32 controller pins high and led off
    porta = %1111					' set all cd32 controller pins high
    endif							'
    endif							'
    endif							'
    if leadcnt > headerlen  then	' qualify initial ir burst duration
    burst:							' allow initial ir burst to finish
    if porta.5 = 0 then				' wait here until ir header is finished
    goto burst						'
    endif							'
    pauseus repeatlen				'
    if porta.5 = 0 then				' repeat code detected
    goto checkcont					' skip decoding of ir data for repeat code
    endif							'
    gotpulse = 0					' decode pulse coded ir signal
    irbitcnt = 0					'
    ircount = 0						'
    for rotcnt = 0 to 407			' sample ir data into buffer
    for irbuff = 0 to 11			' waste 58 instructions
    next irbuff						' delay replacement for previous bitwise rotation routine
    irbit = porta.5					' sample ir port
    if irbit = 1 then				' look for edge of pulse
    irbitcnt = irbitcnt + 1			'
    gotpulse = 1					'
    endif							'
    if irbit = 0 then				' shift in decoded bit
    if gotpulse = 1 then			'
      @ rlf		_decodedir+2	,F	;
      @ rlf		_decodedir+1	,F	;
      @ rlf		_decodedir+0	,F	;
      @ bcf		_decodedir+2	,0	; clear msb
    irbuff = decodedir[2]			'
    if irbitcnt < 11 then			'
    irbuff.bit0 = 0					'
    else							'
    irbuff.bit0 = 1					'
    endif							'
    decodedir[2] = irbuff			'
    if irbitcnt > 0 then			'
    irbitcnt = 0					'
    ircount = ircount + 1			' increment the ir bit count
    endif							'
    endif							'
    gotpulse = 0					' reset flag to look for next ir pulse
    endif							'
    if ircount > 24 then			' limit number of decoded bits
    rotcnt = 407					' cause loop termination
    endif							'
    pauseus rawdelay				' raw pulse sample delay
    next rotcnt						'
    ' copy the 12 bit decoded data to a pair of word variables
    ' the second copy is the same command with inverted bits
    ' the four unused bits in both commands are leading zeros
    irworda = irworda << 4			'
    for rotcnt = 0 to 11			'
    irworda = irworda << 1			'
    irworda.bit0 = decodedira.bit7	'
      @ rlf		_decodedir+2	,F	;
      @ rlf		_decodedir+1	,F	;
      @ rlf		_decodedir+0	,F	;
      @ bcf		_decodedir+2	,0	; clear msb
    next rotcnt						'
    irwordb = irwordb << 4			'
    for rotcnt = 0 to 11			'
    irwordb = irwordb << 1			'
    irwordb.bit0 = decodedira.bit7	'
      @ rlf		_decodedir+2	,F	;
      @ rlf		_decodedir+1	,F	;
      @ rlf		_decodedir+0	,F	;
      @ bcf		_decodedir+2	,0	; clear msb
    next rotcnt						'
    irwordb = irwordb^%111111111111 ' invert copy to compare
    if irworda != irwordb then		' potentially do somethng for invalid command
    goto main						' disqualified command data packet
    endif							'
    portb.3 = 0						' turn blue led on
    ' lookup tables translate all joypad related commands
    ' from decoded ir commands to both port values
    if irworda.byte1 = mousejoy then			' qualify joypad or mouse mode related command
    if irworda.byte0 < 193 then					' check for in lookup table range
    lookup irworda.byte0,[_						' convert decoded command lsb to portb value
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$77,$F7,$F7,$F7,$B7,$F7,_ 	' 00-09 *** 192 - 0xC0 is the highest for fire a + b
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$D7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 10-19
    $57,$F7,$F7,$F7,$97,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 20-29
    $F7,$F7,$E7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$67,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 30-39
    $A7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 40-49
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 50-59
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$77,$F7,_	' 60-69
    $F7,$F7,$B7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 70-79
    $D7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$57,$F7,$F7,$F7,$97,$F7,_	' 80-89
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$E7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 90-99
    $67,$F7,$F7,$F7,$A7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 100-109
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 110-119
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F5,$F7,_	' 120-129
    $F7,$F7,$75,$F7,$F7,$F7,$B5,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 130-139
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$D5,$F7,$F7,$F7,$55,$F7,_	' 140-149
    $F7,$F7,$95,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 150-159
    $E5,$F7,$F7,$F7,$65,$F7,$F7,$F7,$A5,$F7,_	' 160-169
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 170-179
    $F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,$F7,_	' 180-189
    $F7,$F7,$F5_								' 190-192
    ],portb										' destination is portb
    lookup irworda.byte0,[_						' convert decoded command lsb to porta value
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 00-09
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 10-19
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 20-29
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 30-39
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 40-49
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 50-59
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,_	' 60-69
    $0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 70-79
    $0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,_	' 80-89
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 90-99
    $0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0E,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 100-109
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 110-119
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 120-129
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 130-139
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 140-149
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 150-159
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 160-169
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 170-179
    $0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,_	' 180-189
    $0F,$0F,$0E_								' 190-192
    ],porta										' destination is porta
    releasecnt = repeatdel						' set the repeat cancel delay
    goto donecheckcont							' skip further checking
    else										'
    goto donecheck								' out of range of lookup tables
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte1 = $00 then					' qualify keypad related command
    if irworda.byte0 = %00110101 then			' enter
    portb = %11110011							'
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcont							'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00110001 then			' escape
    portb = %11110110							'
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcont							'
    endif										'
    cdkey = 0									' clear cd player button beep value
    if irworda.byte0 = %00001010 then			' play
    porta = %1011								'
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    cdkey = 120									'
    endif										'
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcontcd						'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00101010 then 			' stop
    porta = %1110								'
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    cdkey = 90									'
    endif										'
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcontcd						'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00011010 then 			' skip forward
    porta = %1101								'
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    cdkey = 115									'
    endif										'
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcontcd						'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00110010 then			' skip reverse
    porta = %0111								'
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    cdkey = 115									'
    endif										'
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcontcd						'
    endif										'
    keyrot = 0									' clear key rotation flag
    if irworda.byte0 = %00111001 then 			' 0
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $30							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00000001 then 			' 1
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $31							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00100001 then 			' 2
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $32							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00010001 then 			' 3
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $33							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00001001 then 			' 4
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $34							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00101001 then 			' 5
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $35							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00011001 then 			' 6
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $36							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00000101 then 			' 7
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $37							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00100101 then 			' 8
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $38							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00010101 then 			' 9
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $39							'
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if irworda.byte0 = %00100010 then 			' genlock
    if releasecnt = 0 then						'
    keycode[0] = $3B							' hash key for dtmf mode
    keyrot = 1									'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    ' cd/tv   - %00000010  power   - %00010010
    ' >>vol>> - %00000110  <<vol<< - %00111010
    if keyrot = 1 then							' rotate key code buffer
    if dualtone = 1 then						'
    DTMFOUT porta.4,400,10,[keycode[0]-$30]		'
    else										'
    SOUND porta.4,[110,1]						'
    endif										'
    if keycode[0] = $3B then					' check for genlock button
    if keycode[6] = $31	then					' 1
    if keycode[5] = $33	then					' 3
    if keycode[4] = $33	then					' 3
    if keycode[3] = $37	then					' 7
    if keycode[2] = $31	then					' 1
    if keycode[1] = $36	then					' 6
    if debugwrite = 0 then						'
    debugwrite = $AA							'
    else										'
    debugwrite = 0								'
    endif										'
    write 10,debugwrite							'
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    if keycode[2] = $30	then					' 0
    if keycode[1] = $30	then					' 0
    sndval = sndval + 2							' increment intro frequency value 
    write 0,sndval								'
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $31	then					' 1
    if dual = 0 then							' toggle dtmf setting
    write 8,1									'
    else										'
    write 8,0									'
    endif										'
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $32	then					' 2
    if mute = 0 then							' toggle mute setting
    write 7,1									'
    else										'
    write 7,0									'
    endif										'
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $33	then					' 3
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $34	then					' 4
    SOUND porta.4,[120,16]						' sound for correct keypad code
    mousejoy = $00								' cdtv mouse mode
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $36	then					' 6
    write 0,$F9									' reset default intro value
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $39	then					' 9
    repeatdel = repeatdel + 10					' increment repeat delay
    goto setrepeat								'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $38	then					' 8
    repeatdel = repeatdel - 10					' decrement repeat delay
    goto setrepeat								'
    endif										'
    if keycode[1] = $37	then					' 7
    repeatdel = 1820							' set default repeat delay
    setrepeat:									'
    write 3,repeatdel.byte1						'
    write 4,repeatdel.byte0						'
    goto codefunction							'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    endif										'
    else										' else not genlock button
    keycode[6] = keycode [5]					'
    keycode[5] = keycode [4]					'
    keycode[4] = keycode [3]					'
    keycode[3] = keycode [2]					'
    keycode[2] = keycode [1]					'
    keycode[1] = keycode [0]					'
    endif										'
    endif										' not genlock button
    releasecnt = repeatdel						'
    goto donecheckcont							'
    endif										'
    donecheck:									' invalid or unknown ir code
    porta = %1111								' set all cd32 controller pins high
    portb = $FF									' and turn off blue led
    if mute = 0 then							'
    SOUND porta.4,[90,1]						' buzz for invalid or unknown command
    endif										'
    ' sound the 12 bit command out of speaker
    if debugwrite != 0 then						'
    irwordb = irworda							'
    for rotcnt = 0 to 11						'
    @ clrwdt									;
    if irwordb.bit11 = 0 then					'
    cdkey = 90									'
    else										'
    cdkey = 120									'
    endif										'
    SOUND porta.4,[cdkey,2]						'
    pause 900									'
    irwordb = irwordb << 1						'
    next rotcnt									'
    endif										'
    donecheckcontcd:							' cd player buttons sound
    if cdkey != 0 then							'
    if mute != 0 then							'
    cdkey = 0									'
    endif										'
    SOUND porta.4,[cdkey,1]						'
    endif										'
    donecheckcont:								'
    leadcnt = 0									' reset the header counter
    endif										'
    endif										'
    goto main									' cycle program
    SOUND porta.4,[120,16]						' sound for correct keypad code
    wdtresetl:									'
    goto wdtresetl								' cause watchdog timer reset
    CMCON = $07									' set ports as digital
    trisa = %100000								'
    porta = %1111								'
    trisb = %00000000							'
    portb = %11110111							' set all cd32 controller pins high
    pause 100									' delay
    portb = %11111111							' turn blue led off this time
    leadcnt = 0									' reset variables
    qualifyir = 0								'
    decodedira = 0								'
    decodedirb = 0								'
    decodedirc = 0								'
    releasecnt = 0								' *** try 2?
    irworda = 0									'
    irwordb = 0									'
    irbit = 0									'
    dualtone = 0								' set dtmf initially off
    sndsine = 0									' set intitial sine
    mousejoy = $08								' set joypad mode default
    'repeatlen = 2400							' repeat ir pulse delay (program setting)      *** 2400
    'repeatdel = 1820							' repeat cancel delay (program setting)        *** 1820
    'headerlen = 150							' header pulse length (program setting)        *** 150
    'rawdelay = 36								' raw ir signal sample delay (program setting) *** 36
    'sndval = 120								' sound frequency for intro (program setting)  *** 120
    'mute = 0									' mute sound from speaker (program setting)    *** 0
    'dual = 0									' dtmf keypad (program setting)                *** 0
    'sndspd = 1									' intro sound speed (program setting)          *** 1
    'debugwrite = 0								' sound out invalid ir codes (program setting) *** 0
    ' defaults      1820 msb  1820 lsb  2400 msb  2400 lsb
    DATA $F9,36,150,%00000111,%00011100,%00001001,%01100000,0,0,1,0
    read 0,sndval								' read program settings from on-chip eeprom
    read 1,rawdelay								'
    read 2,headerlen							'
    read 3,repeatdel.byte1						'
    read 4,repeatdel.byte0						'
    read 5,repeatlen.byte1						'
    read 6,repeatlen.byte0						'
    read 7,mute									'
    read 8,dual									'
    read 9,sndspd								'
    read 10,debugwrite							'
    if dual != 0 then							'
    dualtone = 1								'
    endif										'
    if mute = 0 then							' if sound not muted
    sndbuff = $FF								'
    sloop:										'
    sndbuff = sndbuff + sndval					'
    SOUND porta.4,[sndbuff,sndspd+sndsine]		' output sound
    @ clrwdt									;
    sndsine = sndbuff.bit3						'
    IF sndbuff != 0 THEN sloop					'
    endif										'
    porta = %1111								'
    goto main									'
    'RA0 = 0 - cd32 control port
    'RA1 = 0
    'RA2 = 0
    'RA3 = 0
    'RA4 = 0 - piezo speaker port
    'RA5 = 1 - infrared receiver input
    'RB0 = 0 - cd32 controller yellow button
    'RB1 = 0 - cd32 controller red button
    'RB2 = 0 - cd32 controller green button
    'RB3 = 0 - led indicator
    'RB4 = 0 - joypad up
    'RB5 = 0 - joypad down
    'RB6 = 0 - joypad left
    'RB7 = 0 - joypad right
    Cheers, Art.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

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    Default Re: Infrared Remote Receiver

    I am not particularly interesting in IR, but had a look at your code and found it very interesting the mix of asm and basic at rotating variables.

    Thanks for posting. Nice work!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

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    Default Re: Infrared Remote Receiver

    Hi Ioannis Thanks, I should have also mentioned it’s no good for writing another program into it. It’s blocking and event driven.
    Meant as a stand alone receiver where it’s output ports reflect the state of the buttons on the joypad (even when held down).
    So really intended for use with a program on another chip altogether, and saves touching this code again.

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