Can anyone tell me how to send a SMS using GSM Module via PIC microcontroller (16F877A).

I build up a circuit to get the weight of the animal in to microcontroller. But due to my poor knowledge on Microcontroller + GSM modem interfacing I unable to send message via GSM Modem. But I know how to send SMS via Computer. I have some knowledge on PIC Microcontroller and PicBasic language. Can you please send me a working routing to send a SMS using Microcontroller and a schematic. It will be more helpful if you could send it related to PICBasic.

My SMS Code,


Pause 1000
SerOut PORTB.3,T9600, ["AT+CMGS=",34,"MyNumber",34,13]
Pause 1000
SerOut PORTB.3,T9600, ["TEST",13]
Pause 1000
SerOut PORTB.3,T9600, [26]

Goto Start