I hope one of you can help me, I am having lots of problems and not getting anywhere fast.

I am trying to connect a 20Mhz PIC16F877 to a PC using a MAX232 and PicBasic. I need to use the features of hserin and hserout for my project not serin and serin2.

I think from what I read so far its not possible to connect the the PIC to the MAX then to the port directly due to some inverting thing which I really dont understand.

I wonder if anyone could give me some working code to echo data sent from the pc back from the PIC so I can be sure to get started.

Also if you have a diagram of the circuit that works, I would be very greatful.

I am using Pic Basic pro 2.45 and an Epic programmer that both work ok and I have ran plenty tests to check.

Please help.
