I'm having trouble trying to convert numbers into strings, joining them together and displaying on an LCD display.

Essentially what's going on is that I receive a data stream via RF and from that stream I'm trying to extract bits and pieces of information and then formatting them to display on an LCD.
Long story short, I'm extracting three numbers representing the tens, units, and decimals - for example numbers 2, 5 and 7 and assigning them to variables (such as TempTens, TempUnits and TempDecimals)
I'm trying to display this info on an LCD display to be shown as "25.7"

Sure, I could issue a command
LCDOUT $fe, $c0, #TempTens, #TempUnits,".",#TempDecimals
but I'm wondering if there is a way of merging the three variables into a string and then displaying the whole thing so that my LCDOUT command doesn't get cluttered.

Any help would be appreciated.