SEROUT WORD variable problem

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  1. #1

    Default SEROUT WORD variable problem

    I am using a 16F877A with a NewHaven serial display

    The code is quite lengthy so I will only post relevant parts. My problem is SEROUT'ing a variable that is a WORD so first I set up the variables as this

    Stage1OnS data word 100
    Stage1OffS data word 110
    Stage2OnS data word 200
    Stage2OffS data word 220
    Stage3OnS data word 300
    Stage3OffS data word 330
    Stage4OnS data word 400
    Stage4OffS data word 440
    Stage5OnS data word 500
    Stage5OffS data word 550
    Stage6OnS data word 600
    Stage6OffS data word 660
    Stage7OnS data word 700
    Stage7OffS data word 770
    Stage8OnS data word 800
    Stage8OffS data word 880
    Stage9OnS data word 900
    Stage9OffS data word 990
    Stage10OnS data word 1000
    Stage10OffS data word 1010

    then in a section of the code I SEROUT some of the above mentioned variables

    Serout LCD,T9600,[Prefix,$45,LcdLine2, "10 ", #PreOn," ", #PreOff, Prefix,$45,LcdLine3,"1 ", #CurOn, " " , #CurOff, " ON", Prefix,$45,LcdLine4, "2 ", #NxtOn, " ", #NxtOff]

    The CurOn, CurOff, NxtOn, and NxtOff variables show up on the LCD correctly.

    The PreOn and PreOff do not. I am sure this is because the variables exceed 255. I have tried taking Low and High byte of PreOn and Preoff into another variable like variable=PreOn.LowByte+PreOn.HighByte yet the code does not complile.

    What am I missing to get a full DATA WORD to display on my LCD?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

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    Here is all the code

    DEFINE OSC 20  
    Start          var    PortB.0   'Input to start timers
    Up1            var    PortB.1   'Up button to change seconds
    Down1          var    PortB.2   'Down button to change seconds. 
    Up01           var    PortB.3   'Up button to change tenths of second. 
    Down01         var    PortB.4   'Down button to change tenths of second. 
    Up001          var    PortB.5   'Up button to change hundredths of a second
    Down001        var    PortB.6   'Down button to change hundredths of a second
    Tool           var    PortB.7   'Button to change to diffent menu
    UpStage        var    PortA.0   'Button to change stages
    DownStage      var    PortA.1   'Button to change stages
    LCD            VAR    PortC.0   'LCD output
    StageCounter    var     byte
    Stage1OnS       data    word      100
    Stage1OffS      data    word      110
    Stage2OnS       data    word      200
    Stage2OffS      data    word      220
    Stage3OnS       data    word      300
    Stage3OffS      data    word      330
    Stage4OnS       data    word      400
    Stage4OffS      data    word      440
    Stage5OnS       data    word      500
    Stage5OffS      data    word      550
    Stage6OnS       data    word      600
    Stage6OffS      data    word      660
    Stage7OnS       data    word      700
    Stage7OffS      data    word      770
    Stage8OnS       data    word      800
    Stage8OffS      data    word      880
    Stage9OnS       data    word      900
    Stage9OffS      data    word      990
    Stage10OnS      data    word      1000
    Stage10OffS     data    word      1010
    test            var     word
    Stage1On       VAR    word      
    Stage1Off      VAR    word      
    Stage2On       VAR    word      
    Stage2Off      VAR    word      
    Stage3On       VAR    word      
    Stage3Off      VAR    word      
    Stage4On       VAR    word      
    Stage4Off      VAR    word      
    Stage5On       VAR    word      
    Stage5Off      VAR    word      
    Stage6On       VAR    word      
    Stage6Off      VAR    word      
    Stage7On       VAR    word      
    Stage7Off      VAR    word      
    Stage8On       VAR    word      
    Stage8Off      VAR    word      
    Stage9On       VAR    word      
    Stage9Off      VAR    word      
    Stage10On      VAR    word      
    Stage10Off     VAR    word      
    Checker        var    byte
    CurStage       var    Byte
    PreOn          var    Byte
    PreOff         var    byte
    CurOn          Var    byte
    CurOff         var    byte
    NxtOff         var    Byte
    NxtOn          var    byte
    SubStage       var    byte
    BL             var    byte
    Prefix          con     $FE             ' needed before each command
    LcdCls          CON     $51             ' clear LCD (use PAUSE 5 after)
    LcdLine1        CON     $00             ' move cursor to line 1
    LcdLine2        con     $40             ' move curson to line 2
    LcdLine3        con     $14             ' move curson to line 3
    lcdLine4        con     $54             ' move curson to line 4
    LcdCol1         con     $00             ' move cursor to column 1
    LcdCR           CON     $0D             ' move pos 0 of next line 
    LcdOn           CON     $41             ' LCD on; cursor off, blink off 
    LcdHome         con     $46
    Backlight       con     $53             ' Backlighting 1-8
    Contrast        con     $52             ' Contrast 1-50
    CursorPS        con     $45             'Cursor Position
    CursorOn        con     $47             'Cursof On
    CursonOff       con     $48             'Cursor Off
    OPTION_REG.7 = 0 'Pull Ups enabled
    ADCON0.0 =0
    StageCounter = 1
    Include "Elapsed.bas"
    Include "modedefs.bas"	' Mode definitions for Serout
    gosub ClearScreen
    '---------Display Start-Up Info-------
    Serout LCD, T9600, [Prefix,LcdHome,"xBase Computing",Prefix,CursorPS,LcdLine2,"Timer"]
    pause 2000
    gosub ClearScreen
    Pause 2000	
    gosub  Read_Data
    '------------Sets up backlighting--------------
        iF Tool = 0 and UpStage = 0 tHEN 
          BL = 8
        iF Tool = 0 and DownStage = 0 tHEN 
          BL = 8
        Gosub Change_Stage 
        Gosub Change_Time
     until Start = 0
    'Repeat    'Transbrake button pushed                         
    '  HDSRPM = 0
    '  LDSRPM = 0
    '  DSRPMCounter = 0
    'Until Start = 1
    Gosub StartTimer
    Gosub ClearScreen
    Serout LCD,T9600,["On"]
    gosub StopTimer
    If UpStage = 0 then
       if StageCounter < 10 then
          StageCounter = StageCounter +1
    If DownStage = 0 then
       if StageCounter >1 then
          StageCounter = StageCounter -1
    Gosub Set_Display 
    If Up1 = 0 then
       Stage1on= Stage1On + 1
    Select Case StageCounter
    Case 1
         CurStage = 1
         PreOn = Stage10On
         PreOff =Stage10Off
         CurOn = Stage1On
         CurOff = Stage1Off
         NxtOn = Stage2On
         NxtOff = Stage2Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 2
         CurStage = 2
         PreOn = Stage1On
         PreOff =Stage1Off
         CurOn = Stage2On
         CurOff = Stage2Off
         NxtOn = Stage3On
         NxtOff = Stage3Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 3
         CurStage = 3
         PreOn = Stage2On
         PreOff =Stage2Off
         CurOn = Stage3On
         CurOff = Stage3Off
         NxtOn = Stage4On
         NxtOff = Stage4Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 4
         CurStage = 4
         PreOn = Stage4On
         PreOff =Stage4Off
         CurOn = Stage5On
         CurOff = Stage5Off
         NxtOn = Stage6On
         NxtOff = Stage6Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 5    
         CurStage = 5
         PreOn = Stage4On
         PreOff =Stage4Off
         CurOn = Stage5On
         CurOff = Stage5Off
         NxtOn = Stage6On
         NxtOff = Stage6Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 6
         CurStage = 6
         PreOn = Stage5On
         PreOff =Stage5Off
         CurOn = Stage6On
         CurOff = Stage6Off
         NxtOn = Stage7On
         NxtOff = Stage7Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 7
         CurStage = 7
         PreOn = Stage6On
         PreOff =Stage6Off
         CurOn = Stage7On
         CurOff = Stage7Off
         NxtOn = Stage8On
         NxtOff = Stage8Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 8
         CurStage = 8
         PreOn = Stage7On
         PreOff =Stage7Off
         CurOn = Stage8On
         CurOff = Stage8Off
         NxtOn = Stage9On
         NxtOff = Stage9Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 9
         CurStage = 9
         PreOn = Stage8On
         PreOff =Stage8Off
         CurOn = Stage9On
         CurOff = Stage9Off
         NxtOn = Stage10On
         NxtOff = Stage10Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    Case 10
         CurStage = 10
         PreOn = Stage9On
         PreOff =Stage9Off
         CurOn = Stage10On
         CurOff = Stage10Off
         NxtOn = Stage1On
         NxtOff = Stage1Off
         Gosub Display_Stage
    end select
    Select Case StageCounter
    Case 1
       gosub FirstLine
       Serout LCD,T9600,[Prefix,$45,LcdLine2, "10    ", #test,"   ", #PreOff, Prefix,$45,LcdLine3,"1     ", #CurOn, "  " , #CurOff, "   ON", Prefix,$45,LcdLine4, "2     ", #NxtOn, "  ", #NxtOff]
       pause 5000
    Case 2
       gosub FirstLine
       Serout LCD,T9600,[Prefix,LcdLine2, "10", #PreOn," ", #PreOff, Prefix,LcdLine3, "1 ", #CurOn, " " , #CurOff, "OFF",Prefix,LcdLine4, "2 ", #NxtOn, " ", #NxtOff]
    end select
      Serout LCD, T9600, [Prefix,LcdCLS]
      pause 5
      Serout LCD, T9600, [Prefix,Backlight,BL]
      pause 5
      Serout LCD, T9600, [Prefix,LcdHome,"Stage On   Off"]
    Read 0, Stage1On.LowByte
    REad 1, Stage1On.HighByte
    Read 2, Stage1Off.LowByte
    REad 3, Stage1Off.HighByte
    Read 4, Stage2On.LowByte
    REad 5, Stage2On.HighByte
    Read 6, Stage2Off.LowByte
    REad 7, Stage2Off.HighByte
    Read 8, Stage3On.LowByte
    REad 9, Stage3On.HighByte
    Read 10, Stage3Off.LowByte
    REad 11, Stage3Off.HighByte
    Read 12, Stage4On.LowByte
    REad 13, Stage4On.HighByte
    Read 14, Stage4Off.LowByte
    REad 15, Stage4Off.HighByte
    Read 16, Stage5On.LowByte
    REad 17, Stage5On.HighByte
    Read 18, Stage5Off.LowByte
    REad 19, Stage5Off.HighByte
    Read 20, Stage6On.LowByte
    REad 21, Stage6On.HighByte
    Read 22, Stage6Off.LowByte
    REad 23, Stage6Off.HighByte
    Read 24, Stage7On.LowByte
    REad 25, Stage7On.HighByte
    Read 26, Stage7Off.LowByte
    REad 27, Stage7Off.HighByte
    Read 28, Stage8On.LowByte
    REad 29, Stage8On.HighByte
    Read 30, Stage8Off.LowByte
    REad 31, Stage8Off.HighByte
    Read 32, Stage9On.LowByte
    REad 33, Stage9On.HighByte
    Read 34, Stage9Off.LowByte
    REad 35, Stage9Off.HighByte
    Read 36, Stage10On.LowByte
    REad 37, Stage10On.HighByte
    Read 38, Stage10Off.LowByte
    REad 39, Stage10Off.HighByte

  3. #3

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    after drinking heavily I think I am getting this sorted out. I tried this part of code

    read 38, Test.LowByte
    read 39, Test.highbyte

    and then used 'test' as a variable to SEROUT. If there is a better way to do this let me know
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Miami, Florida USA

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    Try reading one variable at a time and see what's the value. Anyways I can see that you have in your program
    PreOn = Stage10On
    PreOff =Stage10Off
    but you defined Stagexxxxx as word but defined PreOn and PreOff as bytes. This might be a problem if the Stagexxxxx variables go above 255. I would define PreOn and PreOff as words and see what happens.


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