Serin Problem with 12F629/PBP

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Serin Problem with 12F629/PBP

    Hello all,

    I am having a devil of a time getting my SERIN to work with a 12F629. I connected the RS232 pin2 with a 1k resistor connected to pin7 of the 629, RS232 pin 3 with a 22.1k resistor to pin 6 of the 629, and RS232 pin 5 to pin8 of the 629. I am using a modified serqual PBP example program that writes Tom and Jerry to hyperterm. The output portion works fine... The input I keep banging my head on. I cannot get past the input.. I modified the original to turn off analog stuff gleaned from the archives. Also used a constant to load the pin number and directly set the port number. Any help would be appreciated..


    ' SERIN Command w/ Qualifiers
    ' "Crude" serial filter for C Style Comments

    INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
    TRISIO.0 = 0
    TRISIO.1 = 1
    CMCON = 7
    OPTION_REG.7 = 0
    VRCON = 0

    SO CON 0
    SI CON 1

    SerOut 0,N2400,["TOM and JERRY",$D,$A]

    wait1: SerIn SI,N2400,["//"],B0
    SerOut 0,N2400,["Serial In RCVD",$D,$A]

    loop: SerOut SO,N2400,[B0]
    IF B0 = 13 Then wait1
    SerIn SI,N2400,B0
    GoTo loop

  2. #2
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    Aug 2006
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    I think I have never used serin successfully, therefore let me ask <b>you</b> an <u><font color = red><b>unqualified question:</u></b></font color> How many letters can you store in a single byte variable, like B0 ? And as I am leaving the house right now and do not have my manual handy, I may be all wet as to this line of questioning.
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  3. #3
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    Thanks for replying to my post. Of course, the single byte variable can only store one ascii charactor (char in C). One charactor is just enough to reply to a Yes/No ( Y )/( N ) query presented with SEROUT. Please understand that I am just trying to get this to work and will build on that... As of now, I cannot get past inputting a single char SERIN. I dont know if it is my hw implementation ( using MEL suggested resistors ), am missing something unique to 12F629 programming, or my serial port setup on the PC.

    Further information about my configuration:
    - Using a 4Mhz external resonator
    - Selected XT on meProg..
    - SEROUT working beautifully...
    - Hyperterm set to 8N1 and receives ASCII from 629

  4. #4
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    Mar 2009

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    Hello All,

    I got SERIN to work.. I summized that my code was no different than half a dozen other 629/675 SERIN code snippets in the archives.. So I thought that maybe I was barking up the wrong tree ( code problem ). Maybe my problem was the input interface. I was using the MEL suggested 22k resistor ( 22.1k ) on the PIC input with no luck. I Googled "PIC RS232 Interface" and found multiple links that use only a 10k input resistor. I changed my input resistor to 10k and bang it worked...

    Thanks everyone for the support. As I learn more, I hope to be an active member on this board.


  5. #5
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    I know little english.
    I also have problems 12f675 serout2.
    problem was solved by adding "define OSCCAL_1k 1".
    Will benefit from this example that would send.
    My my script below

    @ device pic12f675, intrc_osc, wdt_on, bod_on, cpd_off, pwrt_on, mclr_off, protect_off

    DEFINE ADC_BITS 8 ' Set number of bits in result
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set clock source (rc = 3)
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 10 ' Set sampling time in

    CMCON = 7 ' Comparators OFF
    ANSEL = %00100001 ' AN0 enabled (last 4 bits are enable bits {AN3:AN0}
    ADCON0 = %11000001 ' VCC Vref / Turn On ADC Module
    trisio = %001011 ' 1 giriş 0 Çıkış


    pause 10
    VOLT.highbyte = ADRESH
    VOLT.lowbyte = ADRESL
    SEROUT2 tx,16780 ,["volt : ", dec5 volt, ?10,?13 ]
    pause 1000
    GoTo basla
    Last edited by timurak; - 7th March 2009 at 21:33.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

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    Thanks Timurak,

    I didnt initially post it, but my platform uses the external 4 MHz. oscillator, but thank you for answering my post. I did fix the input problem with a change in the resistor from 22k to 10k. Now Serin is working flawlessly.


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