DS1302 16F628 Woes

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portland Oregon

    Default DS1302 16F628 Woes

    Hi All, Hope I posted the code correctly in the box

    I have been working on this for about 8 hours now and have GOOGLED it to death, I am usualy very good at finding my solution on my own.

    When I set the time I get some strange outputs on the LCD, like I am thinking HEX and it is thinking DEC and visa versa.

    I have writen some test code to play with the modifiers (DEC, HEX, BIN) to see if I could figure it out but..................

    The trees seem to be so thick I can't see the problem on this one.

    Any pointers would be great.


    '----------------------- Chip Setup ----------------------------------------
    Define osc 4
    CMCON     = 7          ' PortA = digital I/O
    VRCON     = 0          ' A/D Voltage reference disabled
    TRISA     = %11110000  ' Set PortA I/O
    TRISB     = %11110001  ' Set PortB I/O 
    PORTA     = 0          ' Clear PortA
    PORTB     = 0          ' Clear PortB
    '-------------------------- I/O Variables ----------------------------------
    rst var portb.2 ' DS1302 Reset PIC Pin 8 Blue
    clk var portb.1 ' DS1302 Clock PIC Pin 7 Orange
    dq  var portb.0 ' DS1302 Data PIC Pin 6 White
    LCD var PortA.2 ' PIC pin 1
    '----------------------- Write Commands For DS1302 --------------------------
    writectrl con $8E ' Control byte
    writeram con $80 ' Write to RAM
    writeprotect con $00 ' Write-protect DS1302
    writesec con $80 ' Write seconds
    writemin con $82 ' Write minutes
    writehour con $84 ' Write hour
    writedate con $86 ' Write date
    writemonth con $88 ' Write month
    writeyear con $8C ' Write year
    '------------------------- Read Commands For DS1302 -------------------------
    readsec con $81 ' Read seconds from DS1302
    readmin con $83 ' Read minutes from DS1302
    readhour con $85 ' Read hours from DS1302
    readdate con $87 ' Read date from DS1302
    readyear con $8D ' Read year from DS1302
    readmonth con $89 ' Read month from DS1302
    '------------------------- Commands For LCD ---------------------------------
    Baud con 16780  'Baud rate 2400 8N1
    '------------------------------ Time Variables ------------------------------
    mem var byte ' Temporary data holder
    outbyte var byte ' Second byte to ds1302
    reg_adr var byte ' First byte to DS1302
    date var byte ' Date variable
    ss var byte ' Seconds variable
    ss2 var byte 'seconds comparison byte
    mm var byte ' Minutes varibale
    hh var byte ' Hours variable
    mo var byte ' Month variable
    yr var byte ' Year variable
    '------------------------ Initial Settings For Ports ------------------------
    low rst ' Set reset pin low
    low clk ' Set clock pin low
    '----------------------- Set Initial Time  ----------------------------------
    reg_adr = writectrl ' Set to control byte 
    outbyte = writeprotect ' Set turn off protection
    gosub w_out ' Send both bytes
    reg_adr = writesec ' Set to write seconds register
    outbyte = $00 ' Set to write 00 to seconds register
    gosub w_out
    reg_adr = writemin
    outbyte = $2D
    gosub w_out
    reg_adr = writehour
    outbyte = $04
    gosub w_out
    reg_adr = writedate
    outbyte = $A
    gosub w_out
    reg_adr = writemonth
    outbyte = $01
    gosub w_out
    reg_adr = writeyear
    outbyte = $09
    gosub w_out
    reg_adr = writectrl
    outbyte = writeprotect
    gosub w_out
    '----------------------- Main Program -----------------------------------
    gosub Get_time
    gosub Display
    goto Main_Program
    '----------------------- Get Time Subroutine ---------------------------
    reg_adr = readsec ' Read seconds
    gosub w_in
    ss = mem
    reg_adr = readmin ' Read minutes
    gosub w_in
    mm = mem
    reg_adr = readhour ' Read Hours
    gosub w_in
    hh = mem
    reg_adr = readyear ' Read Year
    gosub w_in
    yr = mem
    reg_adr = readdate ' Read Date
    gosub w_in
    date = mem
    reg_adr = readmonth ' Read Month
    gosub w_in
    mo = mem
    '----------------------- Display Subroutine ---------------------------                        
    pause 250
    serout2 LCD,Baud,[12,14, "TIME ", hex2 hh,":", hex2 mm,":", hex2 ss]
    '----------------------- Time Commands Subroutines --------------------------
    mem = reg_adr ' Set mem variable to reg_adr contents
    high rst ' Activate the DS1302
    shiftout dq,clk,0, [mem] ' Send control byte
    shiftin dq,clk,1, [mem] ' Retrieve data in from the DS1302
    low rst ' Deactivate DS1302
    mem = reg_adr ' Set mem variable to reg_adr contents
    high rst ' Activate the DS1302
    shiftout dq,clk,0, [mem] ' Send control byte
    mem = outbyte ' Set mem variable to outbyte contents
    shiftout dq,clk,0, [mem] ' Send data stored in mem variable to DS1302
    low rst ' Deactivate DS1302

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portland Oregon

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    Forgot to say thanks to Cokecolakid for the origional code

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Campbell, CA

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    This is what I use. I cut-and-pasted from some other code, so everything might not be here, but this should give you a good idea.

           RTC                  =  %11010000 ' RTC device address (byte addressing); should not be a constant
            ScReg               CON  $00   ' seconds address (00 - 59)  MSBit of SecReg must be set to a 0 to enable RTC
            MnReg               CON  $01   ' minutes address (00 - 59)
            HrReg               CON  $02   ' hours address (01 - 12) or (00 - 23)
            DaReg               CON  $03   ' day address (1 - 7)
            DtReg               CON  $04   ' date address (01 - 28/29, 30, 31)
            MoReg               CON  $05   ' month address (01 - 12)
            YrReg               CON  $06   ' year address (00 - 99)
            ContReg             CON  $07   ' control register
            RAMstart            CON  $08
            RTCflag             CON  0     ' RTC flag (location 0 of internal EEPROM)
            ClockControlByte    CON  %00010000 ' sets the SQW/OUT to 1Hz pulse, logic level low
            ' Clock Variables        
            Sc              VAR BYTE
            Mn              VAR BYTE
            Hr              VAR BYTE
            Da              VAR BYTE
            Dt              VAR BYTE
            Mo              vAR BYTE
            YR              var BYTE
              HSEROUT [13,10,"To SET clock, enter 'S', to READ clock, enter 'R'",13,10]
               HSERIN [Dummy]
               IF Dummy = "S" OR Dummy = "s" THEN
                  HSEROUT ["Enter Time - all inputs require two digits, no editing is possible",13,10]
                  HSEROUT [13,10,"Hours   "]
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[1] = Dummy
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[2] = Dummy
                  HSEROUT [13,10,"Minutes "]
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[3] = Dummy
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[4] = Dummy 
                  HSEROUT [13,10,"Date    "]
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[9] = Dummy
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[10] = Dummy 
                  HSEROUT [13,10,"Month   "]
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[7] = Dummy
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[8] = Dummy
                  HSEROUT [13,10,"Year    "]
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[11] = Dummy
                  HSERIN  [Dummy]
                  HSEROUT [Dummy]
                  TimBuff[12] = Dummy
                  GOSUB SETTime
               IF Dummy = "R" or Dummy = "r" THEN 
                  GOSUB ShowTime
                  HSEROUT [TimBuff[1],TimBuff[2],":",TimBuff[3],TimBuff[4],":00,",TimBuff[7],TimBuff[8],"/",TimBuff[9],TimBuff[10],"/",TimBuff[11],TimBuff[12],13,10]
                  PAUSE 10000
               BCD = (Number1 - 48)<<4 + (Number2 - 48)
               Number1 = (BCD >> 4) + 48
               Number2 = (BCD & %00001111) + 48
          Number1 = TimBuff[5]
          Number2 = TimBuff[6]
          Gosub HexAscii2BCD
          Sc = BCD
          Number1 = TimBuff[3]
          Number2 = TimBuff[4]   
          Gosub HexAscii2BCD
          Mn = BCD
          Number1 = TimBuff[1]
          Number2 = TimBuff[2]
          Gosub HexAscii2BCD
          Hr = BCD
          Number1 = TimBuff[7]
          Number2 = TimBuff[8]
          Gosub HexAscii2BCD
          Mo = BCD
          Number1 = TimBuff[9]
          Number2 = TimBuff[10]
          Gosub HexAscii2BCD
          Da = 0                            ' We don't care what day of the week it is
          Dt = BCD
          Number1 = TimBuff[11]
          Number2 = TimBuff[12]
          Gosub HexAscii2BCD
          YR = BCD
          Cntrl = 0                         ' Must be zero to make clk run - NOT same as control reg!
          Gosub ClockWrite
          GOSUB ClockControl
          Spare1 = 55                       ' Doesn't have to be BCD
          GOSUB ClockRamWrite
          Gosub ClockRead
          BCD = sc
          GOSUB BCD2HexAscii
          TimBuff[5] = Number1
          TimBuff[6] = Number2
          BCD = mn
          GOSUB BCD2HexAscii
          TimBuff[3] = Number1
          TimBuff[4] = Number2
          BCD = hr
          GOSUB BCD2HexAscii
          TimBuff[1] = Number1
          TimBuff[2] = Number2
          BCD = mo
          GOSUB BCD2HexAscii
          TimBuff[7] = Number1
          TimBuff[8] = Number2
          BCD = dt
          GOSUB BCD2HexAscii
          TimBuff[9] = Number1
          TimBuff[10] = Number2
          BCD = yr
          GOSUB BCD2HexAscii
          TimBuff[11] = Number1
          TimBuff[12] = Number2
          I2CWrite SDA1,SCL1,RTC,ScReg,[sc,mn,hr,da,dt,mo,yr,Cntrl]
          I2CWRITE SDA1,SCL1,RTC,ContReg,[ClockControlByte]
          I2CRead SDA1,SCL1,RTC,RAMstart,[Spare1,Spare2,Spare3,Spare4,Spare5,Spare6]                                    
          I2CWRITE SDA1,SCL1,RTC,RAMstart,[Spare1,Spare2,Spare3,Spare4,Spare5,Spare6]
          I2CRead SDA1,SCL1,RTC,ScReg,[sc,mn,hr,da,dt,mo,yr]
    Charles Linquist

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

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    I'm attempting to use the DS1302 myself with luck as well. Now, I haven't read through your code to any great extend, but one thing jumped out at me:

    mem = reg_adr ' Set mem variable to reg_adr contents
    high rst ' Activate the DS1302
    shiftout dq,clk,0, [mem] ' Send control byte
    shiftin dq,clk,1, [mem] ' Retrieve data in from the DS1302
    low rst ' Deactivate DS1302
    I'm assuming you're using burst mode? Regardless, in either burst mode or the non-burst mode, you have to use LSB. I see you did that for your shiftouts, but not for your shiftin above. In other words, try changing this:

    shiftin dq,clk,1, [mem] ' Retrieve data in from the DS1302
    to this:

    shiftin dq,clk,0, [mem] ' Retrieve data in from the DS1302
    Let me know if you have luck. I'm trying to read seconds and I'm getting junk.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

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    Okay, I'm an idiot. I didn't realize a '1' in shiftin is for LSB, whereas a '1' in shiftout is MSB. I came across some other code (haven't tried it yet) on the forum that may help:


    Good luck.

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