View Full Version : Pulsin with usb?

- 21st May 2008, 08:25
Hi all,
I have a problem with using USB when I using pulsin command so how we can solve this problem ?

- 21st May 2008, 15:20
Hi all,
I have a problem with using USB when I using pulsin command so how we can solve this problem ?

Define problem...
Car won't start... Air conditioning quit... People next door playing their music too loud?

Pulsin probably spending too much time pulsing in...USB needs to be serviced more often than Pulsin will let it be serviced...


- 21st May 2008, 21:05
I would bet you loose USB connection?

How do you use USBService? Manally, Timer interrupt or POST148?

I prefer POST148 now... kinda stuff you no longer need to care about :D First USBDemo version was using Timer interrupt.

I can't remember if i already used PULSIN, i pefer the CCP or Timer route.. but it's me ;)