View Full Version : sms send sht11 pic16f876 nokia 6210

- 8th April 2008, 20:39
Hello friends.Please could you help me.
How can I send sms with sht11 and pic16f876.I want send sms alarm of
temperature and humidity with nokia 6210.If under or on regulated alarm of the
temperature or humidity ,nokia 6210 send sms me.
How can I make this circuit and pic software.
The sample with regulated alarm thermometer and humidity circuit is this on
which mobil phone must I use.Can I use nokia 6210.
Thank you for your helping.Best regards.
The alarm is open,ISI(temperature) ALT(under) and ISI(temperature) UST(on)
with NEM(humidity) ALT(under) and NEM(humidity) UST(on)
between outside.Two between alarm is closed.
Sample : If alarm 23 - 20 between,alarm is closed.If temperature 19 alarm open.

'************************************************* ***************
'* Author : [USER] *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2008 [USER] *
'* : All Rights Reserved *
'* Date : 09.04.2008 *
'* Version : 1.0 *
'* Notes : The alarm is open,ISI(temperature) ALT(under) and ISI(temperature)

UST(on) with NEM(humidity) ALT(under) and NEM(humidity) UST(on)
between outside.Two between alarm is closed*
'*Sample : If alarm 23 - 20 between,alarm is closed.If temperature 19 alarm open*
'************************************************* ***************

- 8th April 2008, 20:41

- 8th April 2008, 20:42

- 8th April 2008, 20:57
another sampe circuit :http://www.imageturk.com/goster.php?res=bf70e4190991be2ef9e1e.JPG
How can I use this software for my regulated alarm thermometer circuit.
asm software here:http://dosyayukle.info/index.php?p=download&hash=XXeuMX84TZtc

- 8th April 2008, 20:59
be continued 2 :

- 8th April 2008, 21:00

- 8th April 2008, 21:16
Hi and welcome on this forum!
Do us a big favor, zip your code file and upload it here.

Please, when you paste some code snips, you should use code tags to make them more readable

paste your code here

- 8th April 2008, 21:17
Hi,I maked this circuit.http://www.wrankl.de/SMST4PIC/SMST4PIC.html
But it is not run complete.
I used nokia 5110 phone.I thing so it is not run.
I must use nokia 6210.Thank you your helping.

- 8th April 2008, 21:37
The forum allow you to attach some files. Just click on manage attachement and you're done

So we're talking about this circuit?
<img SRC="http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2480&stc=1&d=1207687022">

- 14th April 2008, 23:38
How can I unite this sample software TERMONEMALRM-1.zip with my software.
Thank you.Best regards.

'**************** SMS SEND SAMPLE ********************
SmsMesajTx : SerOut2 modem_tx,modem_baud,["AT+CMGF=1",13] ' Mesaj Formatı TXT için
Pause Bek100

SerOut2 modem_tx,modem_baud,["AT+CMGS=",34,"90532XXXXXXX",34,",145",13]

SerIn2 modem_rx,modem_baud,5000,msghata2,[wait(">")]

Pause Bek500

SmsData = "A" ' Gidecek Mesaj

For addr= 0 TO 159
SerOut2 modem_tx,modem_baud,[SmsData]
Next addr

Pause Bek500

SerOut2 modem_tx,modem_baud,[26] ' CTRL+Z

SerIn2 modem_rx,modem_baud,35000,msghata2,[wait("+CMGS")]

msghata2: SerOut2 modem_tx,modem_baud,["ATH",13]
Pause Bek500

'************************************************* ***************

- 15th April 2008, 02:38
How can I unite this sample software TERMONEMALRM-1.zip with my software.
A lot of links...not a lot of what you've done...
How much PBP programming, hardware building have you done in the past?

- 9th June 2008, 08:57
Have any of you guys ever heard of www.FreebieSMS.co.uk ? It seems to send free SMS messages in the UK, but does anyone have any experience with them?